Write board | Rating: 5!
The roller board about 85,131 who canceled three years after issuance, and which withdrew from the film crew.
→ Size: 57 MB
→ Date: 16 years ago (15.03.2008 13:35)
→ Author: DIAL-LOG
→ Uploaded by: dial-log (uploaded 12 files )
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 704 time(s)
Guys! I admit that mistakes in spelling may be annoying, but think about the people that can not put a file from home computer, because of this rush and hurry oshibatsya.Hotite help? E-mail tips to Licko. You will appreciate not only the council but also for your tact. The movie - like. Was recently on a business trip and posnimal this board is so hooked ... TITAR, 16 years ago, #
Когда-нибудь всё заканчивается, нет ничего вечного.. Илья_Омск, 12 years ago, #
The aircraft was not to blame in that it designed so ... leksus, 13 years ago, #
A beautiful movie, but the real stuff the last landing of the side. 85,131 sat in the empty field, next to the airport there is no school. Http://video.mail.ru/mail/make​ev-vnykovo/1/17.html Dimichs, 16 years ago, #
Thank you! Excellent! Airalex, 16 years ago, #
10 to five system Дункак Мак Лаод, 16 years ago, #
. boeingliker, 4 years ago, #
Даже слов нет... Drake10, 6 years ago, #
Спасибо за память Pah, 8 years ago, #
печалька denis77, 9 years ago, #
Просто пятак. Без слов. Dmi2035, 11 years ago, #
... грустно... А душа самолета живет, пока мы помним! SergKalashnikov, 11 years ago, #
Красиво, ошибки прощаются. @ntuan, 12 years ago, #
Пять условно! Ставлю 10 Очень грамотно сделан ролик ! Кстати господа со своими оценками 3-4 отдыхайте где нибудь на танках ! Ваши оценки не интересны с точки зрения адекватности! Ни чего личного! Mercury55, 12 years ago, #
Душа самолёта в людях летающих на нём! Ушли люди -ушла душа ! Теперь это только тело. А тело обычно закапывают в землю! Мы просто так привязаны к этому самолёту ,что хотим сделать из него то, что сделали с Лениным. А вообще душевно! Balu, 12 years ago, #
Археологи, блин =). А вообще многие летчики говорят, что каждый борт обладает своей индивидуальностью. При этом прекрасно понимая, что самолет - это всего лишь набор разнообразных деталек, проводов и микросхем. Smuggler, 12 years ago, #
The idea is good, the implementation - not very. The author hastened to publish video, and, apparently, because it made a number of inaccuracies and errors. For example, plugs on the engines - if they were - it would add credibility and stronger, "touched" to the soul. About landed off-center - you can see the rejected RN, we can assume a side wind and drift, as the error did not think so. Russian language - then, yes, a lot of mistakes. And the spelling, and punctuation. "In garlic" - between the triple and quadruple. Put higher. oldzren, 13 years ago, #
Plugs, to be fair, put on her when I was about nedavno.V cadet engines were only on canvas chehly.A how Makar planted on his ATB KRATA GA I put in the "video from the earth":)) Олейников, 13 years ago, #
Так-то ролику уже 4 года... Yanchukoff, 12 years ago, #
Так - то комменту уже 8 месяцев...Кэп... RaserX, 12 years ago, #
Здарова, археологи :) Roma1364, 12 years ago, #
Professionally, emotionally and with feeling. Even landing heavily to the left axis is not lubricated impression. Music, image, effects, everything is harmonious and in moderation. Everyone would feel the frame. oldy, 13 years ago, #
Mentally and touching! And the idea is good! Antares, 13 years ago, #
++++++++++ Very sincerely ... What else to say it makes no sense ... Grinua, 13 years ago, #
The terrible death ... rar_77, 13 years ago, #
Death?? Board is alive and well! 26.08.2011 visited him at NAU ATB KRAUSS.Na it still hold classes! Painted and refurbished! And tested under stress, and the mechanization of gonyali.Bort fully complete. Олейников, 13 years ago, #
And as it happened with mercury?? it brought in a glass jar or a thermometer broke, that the board canceled?? KazAirDan, 13 years ago, #
I'm not sure, legally or not transported, but, like, crashed konteyner.Rtut removed, but the car did not dare to continue to operate because of the danger (albeit meager) circuit microparticles of mercury. Олейников, 13 years ago, #
А реальное его запустить?? daewooo, 11 years ago, #
Excellent! Yegor-101, 13 years ago, #
Bad idea .. yes and execution JeKKa3XX, 13 years ago, #
Roller just super! Very sorry for the plane, just three years, as if just born, and soon to retire, and all because of some mercury! Sorry, very sorry. denirk, 13 years ago, #
SUPER FILM! SUPER BOARD! daewooo, 16 years ago, #
Just ofigenno, I have as much creep in the skin =) And what do you all, so pay attention to the error, if only to obosrat of who creates??? NeoHack, 16 years ago, #
Wonderful Frozen Simmer, 16 years ago, #
5 + for content, spelling, in this case does not play a role rds64, 16 years ago, #
There is no need to pro ofografiyu ... Video class lench, 16 years ago, #
This is a masterpiece ... Александр Коннов, 16 years ago, #
Very sad and very beautiful ... Thank you! der_Teufel1, 16 years ago, #
Of course dreams! I'm also sure! Эрник, 16 years ago, #
Much creep in the skin. Great! artsur, 16 years ago, #
Mentally Alexei, 16 years ago, #
Eternal Memory ... maintenance, 16 years ago, #
Он что умер ?() 9999, 12 years ago, #
Not bad ... And in general what is the difference with gramoticheskimi errors, most excellent video ... That's it! Ulan_from_ata, 16 years ago, #
hooked ...... Хантымансиец, 16 years ago, #
definitely 5! But as mercury has been in the salon? Air Malta, 16 years ago, #
Hear you Epsilon63: There were kakieto oskarbleniya to the author? him someone named offensive word? people just leave their own comments and additions to its video, which incidentally all liked! but in this case, it was shit thou neumeyuschy correctly and intelligently articulate their views! good luck! Letun, 16 years ago, #
How do you zadolbali! Guys, Che Botany at the school that there were, or are too smart these? Author does not pay attention to the crap that is always happy to share with you part of yourself! 5 clearly, and those kotoryk of envy do not know what if ... tsya let try to do something similar! Epsilon63, 16 years ago, #
only five would be delivered 10 to 10! Толстой Стас, 16 years ago, #
5 and the only way. Dusherazdirayusche ... The idea and execution simply super. Author - Give zachetku! PunCom, 16 years ago, #
Definitely 5! Max 24, 16 years ago, #
Touched. Letun 2 The fact that the pre-scene examination and recovery of the crew on the stairwell was the other side, does not mean that 85,131 is not filmed in the film crew ... Just in this scene was the other side. And the rest is 131 th. 85131 history readily available. Even where it was reading a description of how he was shot in the crew. den4451, 16 years ago, #
Grade said to me ... Mitch, 16 years ago, #
Only 5 +! Henler, 16 years ago, #
Yes ... excellent movie! 10 NAVYNK, 16 years ago, #
Beautiful, pleasant. 2Embosser: Oscar Avsima ??!!! Wow. And what it would be? R¤R»RµS?RєR° with JPEGovskim statuettes depicting an American?? Truth unlike the crutches are not proslezilsya. Not to the extent sentimentalen. SDN, 16 years ago, #
5 Димсон, 16 years ago, #
Only 5 + ANDRIAN, 16 years ago, #
Generally super .... Not seen anything better ... 10 points. What mistakes can we speak .... This is all nonsense, as compared with the creative application. Like ordinary people, but for duschu takes. RљSЂR°SЃR°RІS†S‹ ... Sweet, 16 years ago, #