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Su-27 | Rating: 5!
Su-27 shooting from the Tu-134. Implementation of "Cobra" and the landing approach.
→ Size: 28 MB
→ Date: 16 years ago (12.12.2008 02:48)
→ Author: DED
→ Approved by moderator: AirArt
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
→ Downloaded: 2099 time(s)
Зрелищно! vadimlvg, 6 years ago, #
гениальное видео!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! safary11, 10 years ago, #
Может все же пилотирование? ) 100Pudov, 10 years ago, #
Никогда такого не видел! Классно! Vladimir_76, 12 years ago, #
Кобра понравилась. Никогда не видел раньше. Grixa_95, 12 years ago, #
very good! just aces. thanks, good video pash-gun, 13 years ago, #
Wow! Blast94, 13 years ago, #
It's just affigenno! And in honor of which he was flying next?))) VladAviaDen, 13 years ago, #
Это Су-27, принадлежащий ЛИИ им. Громова. Видимо, испытания какие-то. Flier, 12 years ago, #
Super thanks, probably is'll never see stalker505, 13 years ago, #
apupeet ... Ту154М 85123, 15 years ago, #
Wow ....! Exeletor, 15 years ago, #
interestingly, no brake shield such options do not withstand the flight? DAR, 16 years ago, #
Great. Thank you! NoFL, 16 years ago, #
Rarest video! DED, does not stop me to enjoy your videos. Thank you! PunCom, 16 years ago, #
Ofiget ... already 96 years ... Thank you! shrubb, 16 years ago, #
Beautifully isc, 16 years ago, #
Beauty! This has never seen! =) Philipp, 16 years ago, #
Great! Серега, 16 years ago, #
Informative, thanks! DED, where you are "old" already 96 years to dig out? :) Funny:) RAID74, 16 years ago, #
Excellent movie. Overfly runway at high angles of attack perfectly. Denis_B pomoemu he catches TU 134 are not in the camera looks Musheh, 16 years ago, #
No words! tell the history of shooting! CEBEP, 16 years ago, #
The story is simple for those years. Two distinguished test pilot, ill for the aircraft, made the impromptu show of high-technology air passengers flying to the bird. Su-27, at the request of the commander of TU-134, attached in the area of airport and accompanied to the landing DED, 16 years ago, #
I vostorgn easy! Class. Thank you! freaky, 16 years ago, #
And what of the situation? WMS who knows where to read. Partizan-cs, 16 years ago, #
judging by the fact that the video of Su-27, a year of shooting 1996y, airplane logo Leah them. Gromov, one can conclude that this was a test flight, after the regular upgrading of aircraft, with visual inspection to conduct further analysis. Read? :) RAID74, 16 years ago, #
These "checks" in the immediate vicinity of the test object is simply not done. isc, 13 years ago, #
Strafe just class! I Used To be honest, probably without the chassis was not able, even in Sime) Teufel, 16 years ago, #
Oh, for joy forgot to put the assessment) 5 + Teufel, 16 years ago, #
No words! Wow! scare1984, 16 years ago, #
Class Ivan_SS, 16 years ago, #
Masterfully! anton81, 16 years ago, #
If HaN, 16 years ago, #
class! qip88, 16 years ago, #
Excellent! But scared to watch. Tu134, 16 years ago, #
How scary is it?) Philipp, 16 years ago, #
Cool, is a rare video! @ntuan, 16 years ago, #
Yes! Rare video!)) DIZZ, 16 years ago, #
Gladdened. UR-OLK, 16 years ago, #
excellent video! 5 ZOLTAR, 16 years ago, #
Good video! Sasovopilot, 16 years ago, #
Wonderful movie! aldin, 16 years ago, #
Very cool video! AirArt, 16 years ago, #
EXCELLENT! The pilot for some reason, constantly looks at the camera. ))) Denis_B, 16 years ago, #
Maybe he is looking at aircraft that are too close not to come) aldin, 16 years ago, #
Not in a cell, but on the plane if he will not he just a matter of face with the plane! Or flight in the very long distance, but it is not zrelischno! @ntuan, 16 years ago, #
em ... Mr. voobscheto was not shot pilots))) PunCom, 16 years ago, #