Tu-154 Landing view from the cockpit. I do not know who shot ... But what kamentarii komendira!
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→ Date: 17 years ago (08.12.2006 14:21)
→ Author: Erimei
→ Uploaded by: erimei (uploaded 1 files )
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
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For those who asked not vysokovato whether a small gas for the height of 8 meters, as follows: while the CF at a height of 8 meters, gave the command of MG until the flight engineer switched ore in MG, while engines responded and turnovers down, the height has already been less than 3 meters. I think, and then ask:) But now, all the comments re: and though who drew attention to the fact that the CF approach to the dissolved central shutter, which is on the line CF lane did not see, removing the shutter only after the evaluation ( " seat "), which means that he trusts 2P, maintains its validity approach, denying himself the temptation to throw correct action trainee and parallel checks themselves, their piloting skills in the context of, say, zero visibility. Competent FAC and 2P too literate. And he did not tupil. RAID, 16 years ago, #
I thought that KBC 2 on the pilot's window throw: D SBI71, 13 years ago, #
С этим КВС'ом, мне кажется, мы летали из Тюмени в Турцию, хотя если честно, то не знаю))) Просто тогда был слишком молодой и неинтересовался самолетами)))) mihailo, 16 years ago, #
I agree with the RAID is 100%. The normal work environment, fully controlled komandirom.Skolko times already and always want to watch again peresmotret.Luchshy film of its kind! lamont, 16 years ago, #
Here are comments from the instructor realnogo ... Yes there is nothing special there. FAC bit unhappy stalled 2-m, but calm and easy control over the situation. It pull steering wheel: higher and not prodemonstriruesh inactivity machine and its control system. And so I did. But I talked a lot in advance. Pilot I know the technology works! Normal FAC, the normal approach, nothing fit to breed in the forums. Yours sincerely, daspr06, 17 years ago, #
I've read and read all the endless debates ... in one place vsplyvet, then in another. I have a complete video recording of this, the commander. And, you know, I can not understand ... Why do this kind of talk arose? I recently reviewed the umpteenth time that this record, vslushivalsya in every word and did not find anything of what you say here. No mats, no screams, there is no. It is a normal working process in the cockpit. Captain captain skillfully explains the basic techniques and skills, ie those who are not prescribed RLE and achieved experience. Captain effectively and clearly explains the proper allocation of attention during the flight, about how to comprehensively monitor the flight. With whom it would not like it? No one is "Oral" just noise in the cabin, the captain tried to co-pilot heard him loud and clear. The only drawback, it is seemingly too team notes in his voice, but that the specificity of his voice, and, in general, and should. If the captain is dodder, pravak not just hear and all. And quite complete chaos, so when I learned that a fragment of this film was used in the transfer of non-pro "drunken drivers." This blatant act of abuse of the reputation of people shown in this video. Of any drinking there can be no speech. PSa now do something ... on the Internet, people are different, but many fear the replicas here, unwittingly come to the conclusion that nobody ever learned anywhere else, no one had any instructor or teachers, all trained at a hothouse environment, where everything is served on a plate with golouboy kaemochkoy in full razzhevannom form. And so these people then just trap in horror sharp command KVSa or attempt to teach the young. Well, who else will teach pravaka and where, if not in real flight authentic FAC? You what?! Normally everything, guys!:) PPS and this movie can someone pereozvuchil to obscene manner, huh? Well, actually there was not any yelling or mats. MR_WIZARD, 17 years ago, #
Math in the cockpit - an illness. As hazing in the army. His (FAC-A) is so bias in their youth, so it does not represent other methods, as an instructor. By the way, an interesting observation. After 20 years in his profession (the same industry) pointed out that had never heard of the math instructor, and myself never to mate and blunt humiliation trainee does not pass. Perhaps, the pilot of the other tests, and until he stupidly did not reach a normal human language. So sorry, that interfered with the flight of teacher education. One retired-pilots during the feast of corporate open up and tell an interesting story, as the FAC has already imposed an experienced pilot for a new type of the method. Well, that, in the cabin were two more crew members. They rastaskivali pilots and a few minutes. A plane sailed majestically over the Kola Peninsula and carefree passengers sat in their seats and did not suspect that their lives are in fists, legs, dome and fought teeth (not clear what) crew. Good luck to you and easy if all you have chosen aircraft to reach the destination! Ветеран, 17 years ago, #
I watched this clip infinite number of times! Many thanks to the author of this video. I know who he is ... It is like the moment when the FAC Pasha shouted "DO NOT snizhaaaysya!" Moment where the Pasha thought that he had already entered into glidepath ... I do not understand one ... as he could no edge at this point, I was not very experienced simmer Ito know when and where Tu-154 is a glidepath ... My suggestion might have thought that Pasha glidepath aircraft at the edge of the shell on the device? Or is it just excitement? I have a trainer driving gas was RІR°S‰Rµ villain, So I thought it always sent .... And once any psihanul, Ruchnik put in the truck and left, but eventually passed the exam ... Pasha harder ... at ruchnik not put :)))) A FAC normal .... Just Pasha, even from my point of view tupil ... Although I do not judge ... We are all smart ... While for the steering wheel does not have (R $) ... And over NTV, yes! Creature! But it s all ... Author Vidika I'm sorry! I pray, that the CF has not seen this story on NTV, otherwise vidikov by this author will no longer .... RЎR’RћR›RћR§R?! NTV TO ME NO MORE! Remote control burn FIGURES THREE! Exeletor, 17 years ago, #
It is a normal dialogue with the young commander of slowing pravakom. There are shots zaaachitelno pokruche in terms of "learning", in case they certainly did not deliver, but I like the young BT gave money to the chassis deign to release after 3 clear and precise commands issued chassis, then spit, get out of his pocket and 10r protyanuv he asked to release the landing gear. He looked at me with horror, the wheel has issued a money-taking). To each his approach. Pilot_V, 17 years ago, #
here for this and there is such a thing as the MCC, if it does not proydesh, no one airline is not taken. It should be in Russia to enter the same, only more likely to all raspishut, but really will not teach http://www.oxfordaviation.net/​air_mcc.htm But even champions of MCC is the English: "flaps zero, please ..." ))). Just look a cockpit-movie with an English crew. So a crew works together and has a respect for each other arriflighting, 17 years ago, #
so they do not frazil WMS and WMS KVSa.do Insa he did not come but I think this video shows a close relationship crew. But after the flight, all calm and not hurrying razbor.voobschem I do not know. :-) 5 and all! zulu86, 17 years ago, #
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v​=w6Fbea9ZwS8&index=4&list=PLDW​y336tNLYz67UFe8Cis0bLB3HnSu806 старое (необработанное)видео снятое Дмитрием Лебедевым....ну и не только его видео athlon2500, 8 years ago, #
У правака нервы каменные, стрессоустойчивость 80 уровень! rustrucker75, 8 years ago, #
КВС мощный))) Varilor, 9 years ago, #
видели бы вы как мой инструктор на меня орал! а этот просто душка!!! shtorm2508, 11 years ago, #
Working conditions Pekopd, 13 years ago, #
Cool! In general, it is cut from the movie "Flight of the New Urengoy cool movie, I advise to look! denirk, 13 years ago, #
And yet it is a clipping from the program "-drinking Squadron, also advise to look, there zhurnolohi burning napalm:). Эльф, 13 years ago, #
credit! nothing criminal ... normalcy. training co-pilot first ... rumin25ru, 13 years ago, #
I believe excellent video for beginner pilots' cognitive and and even better for the virtual pilots (in a good way). And these journalists are the desire to discourage the supply of such videos. Исаев Александр, 16 years ago, #
5 for the video and the behavior of the commander did not understand too nervous. jamayka, 17 years ago, #
Cmotrel film Navstar-a flight to the North. "So there captain only produced flaps and landing gear. And what it taught the flight? To me the flight for the second pilot, more instructive, despite the seemingly harsh remarks FAC-A. Ross, 17 years ago, #
Again, the comments turn into a poem and ody)))) forum, the Lord! Вовацкий, 17 years ago, #
MR_WIZARD +5! FireFly, 17 years ago, #
Class instructor of etokgo KVSa! Che not so? Really what it teaches. ALFER, 17 years ago, #
Everything was as it should be! KVSu cool! 2P struck me! "In the glidepath entered" not looking for a Director. pilot sub-approach glidepath ... Maybe 2P just nervous, lose .. NIL_NIK, 17 years ago, #
And he shouted something there? :) Listen, with the report and other writings today do not learn. FAC course would be to lenient, but we are all different. All the comments on his part - in the case. With such a FAC flying obviously much safer than with the 2P. Would you fly if the aircraft would be fully trusted that Pasha? And in general, see the entire movie. Eclipse, 17 years ago, #
Creek and Math from the Chief - a sign of incompetence, lack of leadership and teaching qualities. Just like in school. Teacher oret for children - children are not bad, and the teacher. Oresh to subordinate - the first occasion to consider the possibility of withdrawal from the command chair. And straight to the exam in Russian language. In its normal 800 thousand words. Creek and Math, I think allowed (who is to condemn?), When the situation is extreme, ugrrozhayuschaya life. It is not so. FAC believes the second pilot is unable to cope with the challenge - take the control and then write a report on neobuchaemosti. Bawl no right not to have. None. If there is such a right - - Document please excerpt from the instructions. tserg, 17 years ago, #
Well done, FAC! I would be pleased that the commander would have shook his hand. Not in all cases, training can be built on the basis of syusyukaniya often necessary for the student and prikriknut, if not more. But then, so the teachers, as commander in the video, the students are grateful for life. About this commander could be said of teachers with a capital letter Айболит, 17 years ago, #
Unfortunately, this is not enough, that will, they still have a similar thread on this just to make ... Pontiy Pilat, 17 years ago, #
The people, I think you need to gather a bunch of signatures and write a letter to the editor "Max" on NTV. It is desirable that a number of signatures and the crew was. Alex_bru88a, 17 years ago, #
I have completely the flight. Who shot Navstar, ie Dmitry Lebedev.Ya from here is not shook, and I can not understand is that on NTV showed chtoli, like a drunk FAC chtoli??? But maybe distinguished himself Navstar prokomentiruet? Digital, 17 years ago, #
And what of this story (about NTV)? It is not vylozhli? I do not watch telly week ... Transmetter, 17 years ago, #
On the other hand ... .. journalists working .. it is their job .. each has its own work .. sometimes ... pogryaznee assigned to them calmly ..))) Mercus, 17 years ago, #
transfer unfortunately not watched excerpts tolko.Prisoedenyayus all protesting telereporterov.Hochu full transfer posmotret.Gde can download? Alex-andr, 17 years ago, #
Who is invited hackers ... Che dlat then you need to)))) Mercus, 17 years ago, #
Do not agree with NTV in the bud! Hackers have them set on. Operator mi26t, 17 years ago, #
agrees with the Sa! nT journalist should thoroughly study the issue which is going to cover here as a typical FSUs ** R·Rј and complete non-simply obosrali KVSa nizachto Kot_uudd, 17 years ago, #
Who is this divideth the pi * sh - ALL ON NTV Writing in the "maximum" and explained to them who they are popular after this story !!!!!!!!!!!! Sa!nT, 17 years ago, #
journalists - the most irresponsible, the creature on the earth. Today, the "Maximum" on NTV, another proof. The whole story about the drunken ledchikov full deposit. I am not trying to sechas reckless to deny that that there are all sorts of cases, and protect all flying brethren. But pologayu that any charge, the more the public should be based on evidence. And this program - crap! Ivse in a public lie, and no evidence. And the pilot, which is drunk out of the car, not the fact that he was now on the flight? And on this topic have no words. I do not think that zhurnalyugi have any information on this flight, and hence there is reason to argue about that FAC drunk, but because of the plot to make such a conclusion I can not! R’RѕR±S‰RµRј SѓSЂRѕRґS‹ they are all there on TV, they lizhby beautiful picture of soy boltavnyu podlozhit. If R±R°R±R»Rѕ good pay, and they drink their own mother put on display! Димсон, 17 years ago, #
I watched the program maximum, showed it has seen - from there KVSa done any drunken scum - the horror! Alex_bru88a, 17 years ago, #
Guys, here the flow of comments posuti case not because of what! Really FAC RјR°S‚RѕRј not wings, just opened my eyes 2 Piot-Pasha and all! If you have it worse ... it is Berry! Когалымстер, 17 years ago, #
The plot is cool, the tone of the CF more than normal. oka, 17 years ago, #
awesome author thanks pasha hinders probably just afraid of the CF? By the way, this movie will show today, Saturday in a maximum of today's announcement, I saw something about drunken pilots do not miss it! PILOT85, 17 years ago, #
RЎRєRyoRЅSЊS‚Rµ ssyklu for the entire movie .. but then I downloaded the 640 meters here .. yes ... there is not a pro ... Lehu a hunt to see it .. thanks for the info)))) Mercus, 17 years ago, #
FAC fellow but Pasha brakes a bit, I downloaded the entire movie where everything becomes clear when the author posmotrish BIG THANK YOU Kot_uudd, 17 years ago, #
A majority left a comment at the FAC, but swears??? Normal FAC. It is normally said. It does not covers pravaka RјR°S‚RѕRј not oret it. Andrey.K, 17 years ago, #
8 meters, the normal height for a small gas??? tembolee sat in the winter ... inversion Alex_bru88a, 17 years ago, #
Well, of course, felt that the "instructor" little gnobit intern. While such pressure can be overcome. And so it is not :-) In the final analysis there is no problem, but as they say "cake left ... ExtraPilot, 17 years ago, #
VPilot: the late issuance of the chassis - a common occurrence. so there is no crime and m-paper and on a paper (completed). Although FAC rezkovat small, but very clearly shows politiynik quite inert so it showed all of the CF as it is, the threat to passengers that something I did not notice the actions of eth . And who knows, maybe the second is a slow-witted (not the fact of course, but who knows?) That are already on another FAC with them can not communicate? so that you do not need in this case, no blame. PS although my life with the instructor was lucky - he is a psychologist, but not all, so can ... Прокуратор, 17 years ago, #
Well ... where ... you ... see where glidepath ... sooner ... no wind ... all the same right to fly .... this will not always uvidesh)))) Wow! I Download movie completely .. 642 meters! Do not regret ... Mercus, 17 years ago, #