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The third and final part of the film.
→ Size: 93 MB
→ Date: 14 years ago (14.07.2009 17:33)
→ Author: Телевизионная передача "Следствие вели..."
→ Uploaded by: Mishka80 (uploaded 68 files )
→ Approved by moderator: smart32
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 521 time(s)

The second part of a series of air prison. "
→ Size: 120 MB
→ Date: 14 years ago (14.07.2009 16:16)
→ Author: Телевизионная передача "Следствие вели..."
→ Uploaded by: Mishka80 (uploaded 68 files )
→ Approved by moderator: smart32
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 514 time(s)

Spread from my second collection of documentary film about the seizure of the aircraft in the USSR. At this time the action takes place Aug. 19, 1990 in Yakutia in the Tu-154, adored by many on this site. The film from the series "The investigation is conducted ...", all described in some detail, but without the unnecessary "noodles" - there is an interview with the very "FAC, BI, stewardess, the real record of negotiations with the crew dispatchers. The film combines the unique expertise and modern documentary reconstruction of events. Notably, the film is called "Air Prison" - by analogy with the famous American fighters, who, incidentally, made much later held events in the USSR. Similarity there - planes hijacked carried them prisoners, they often flit from place to place, taking a long time can not be exempt. PS If you enjoy this film - even RІS‹R»RѕR¶Sѓ documentary films from my collection about the seizure of aircraft (at least 3 films) so leave comments!
→ Size: 120 MB
→ Date: 14 years ago (14.07.2009 13:24)
→ Author: Телевизионная передача "Следствие вели..."
→ Uploaded by: Mishka80 (uploaded 68 files )
→ Approved by moderator: Carcharias
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 683 time(s)