Continuing my series of panels for FSX, in which the emphasis is on navigation. Now for all your favorite An-12, you can fly, using the U.S., RSBN, KS. Flying at high latitudes, where the magnetic compass shows anywhere, just not where you expect orthodrome, work with navigation bar - this is all you have to learn! Also in the package is an excellent speaker, which was created AAV912, so you can feel the subtleties of piloting this legendary machine. Fly in the Ointment: electrical, fuel system, start - at the level of default. But let those engaged in flight engineer, and we'll navigate! Before installing the need to read the README and, of course, that still fly to the destination, the literature from the list below. Model and Virtual Cockpit you still have the original, I have not changed. And yet a huge favor to ask: all questions that may arise in connection with the use of model AN-12 in FSX, please ask me only! By model did it only for FS2004 and participate in adapting it for FSX will not! I, in turn, will try to answer everybody. Write in comments to a file or lichku.
→ Size: 12 MB
→ Date: 15 years ago (15.03.2010 04:06)
→ Author: Sins
→ Uploaded by: Sins (uploaded 16 files )
→ Approved by moderator: Lenya69
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 2922 time(s)
At panel, there are disadvantages, but the pluses far more =) Kirill Konovalov, 15 years ago, #
And where it can take them? nakin, 15 years ago, #
The package detailed instructions where to download that, as to establish that read. Sins, 15 years ago, #
thanks nakin, 15 years ago, #
In the readme list of literature on navigation, for some time now ceased to open a link, that's new:​l?search =% D1% 81% D0% B0% D0% BC% D0% BE % D0% BB% D0% B5% D1% 82% D0% BE% D0% B2% D0% BE% D0% B6% D0% B4% D0% B5% D0% BD% D0% B8% D0% B5 & sopt_mode = or & folder = 0 & sopt_title = 1 & sopt_desc = 1 & sopt_author = 1 & sopt_fname = 1 & minrating = Sins, 14 years ago, #
Thank you for your diligence and enthusiasm, but from an artistic point of view of all this is very far from what I would like to see. No wholeness of perception. Devices (borrowed from different sources) are made in different styles. Bitmap based photo booths, made clear "soap box" (even with flash), also "leaves much to be" ... Oh, reach ever hands to the An-12 at the team level of SCS ... Karadag, 15 years ago, #
Well, as I could, so did ... I want to and in FSX can be studied navigation. Mainly just because it started work. Gritsevskii all devices, but the old, yet 2003rd year. Sins, 15 years ago, #
VC equipment is, but cabin is dark, so it should be? Oleg22, 15 years ago, #
No, the VC must be properly displayed. Check again that you have copied the texture from the folder! COPY textures in each folder with the textures. Another check that the files from the folder! Effects distribution airplane you thrown in a folder Effects simulator. Well, perhaps you can help it:​ffekti-i-dobavleniya-46/isprav​lenniy-effekt-osvesheniya-kabi​ni-dlya-an-12bk-18790.html?act​ion = download & hl =% E0% ED-12 VC should look something like this:​c/45610-an-12/page__view__find​post__p__1011893 Sins, 15 years ago, #
Thank you, it seems the first. It remains only to find a more realistic sounds AI-20M AN-12. Oleg22, 15 years ago, #
Gives on FSX good bar from the VC? I can help in principle, if assistance is needed. serg09, 15 years ago, #
I'm more interested in the Tu-154M serg09, 15 years ago, #
For the Tu-154 will need their instruments. OMV such complexity to XML will hardly be able to do, have to write at Sea. I have already talked with the guys from the PT, they offered me support in this matter. But, after weighing their strength, I did not dare to assume such responsibility. If you are strong in programming, you can contact them. Sins, 15 years ago, #
Emae! This is something that must be! LainerRRW, 15 years ago, #
Thank you forgot to say:) LainerRRW, 15 years ago, #