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The continuation of my training. Video quality better than the previous plot.
→ Size: 10 MB
→ Date: 17 years ago (10.01.2007 11:20)
→ Author:
→ Uploaded by: linekiller (uploaded 6 files )
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 306 time(s)
Directly parse poletov.Mozhet branch to create a forum? And to hear it, not just flights to tushkane. polarfox, 17 years ago, #
I am in shock ... looked to this rolie Ershov, he would have wept Alex_bru88a, 17 years ago, #
What do you want from the "test pilot" of the Lock ON, piloted before the SU-27? Look as fly guy:​l?action=viewonline&;id=6833 Especially here landing he was also testing it seems, was made explicit with a fully loaded airplane (I hope sandbags, but no passengers:), ie with a maximum takeoff weight, and the flaps were issued only to 15 degrees. Yes, the speed was great, but note that even prior to BPRM MG and he became lost speed from 370 to 300 (on the ends). It was touching to even lower speeds, somewhere in the region of 280 that when flaps 15 and the maximum weight - everything is fine ... No, I do not argue that it was grossly violated by RLE for the "right" and that the landing can not be so, but "Test Pilot", and is planting it in the end it is soft! video entertainment, for it put 5! During piloting, other estimates have put:) Transmetter, 17 years ago, #
The site is slowly turning into a video archive of failed flight VirCaptain, 17 years ago, #
Alex_bru88a: have to read my message. FireFly, 17 years ago, #
FireFly, which for small stuff you said .... Go at a speed of 280 km / h with flaps at 45 is not much trouble ... All the more visually Alex_bru88a, 17 years ago, #
If Cyril starts at the normal removal of pre-reduced speed, to produce flaps, it is easy to lose sight of the runway that flee from the pitch for a panel and that he would continue to do? What do you need this. You need to set aside these Kirill training and gradually master the instrumental setting. Step by step. Visit the forum​/ FireFly, 17 years ago, #
You do not need this autothrottle, select the desired mode for the speed table in the RLE. Eclipse, 17 years ago, #
And how many degrees flaps released? SU7, 17 years ago, #
You do not take into consideration the comments from past mistakes great speed! Although a lot of what you specify. Landing speed is usually 270, as previously noticed under the table RLE depending on the masses! Action 350 Instrument speed is already at the second range, and then all the very SЃR°R±RѕR№ violated. A three as landing failed, he planted both planted at this time. You sit in the booth to sixty meters, followed the landing speed, depending on weight, too autothrottle, and then shut down the pitch, roll , automatic traction control, and also continued to sit but their hands. And the fact that I do not understand that, whether visually planted as Piper kid. plant should be firmly on vse100%, and then on luck, so do not go! I hope to learn the example of flight Denis Okan fear, if not read the help. ALEXDEPUTAT, 17 years ago, #