Tu-444 model v3 | Rating: 4.2!
The new Tu 444 model, vertion 3, for X-plane 9, will soon be avaluable for download.
→ Size: 3 MB
→ Date: 15 years ago (05.09.2009 17:48)
→ Author:
→ Approved by moderator: Lenya69
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 3193 time(s)
balls razuyte! is 444 and not 144! with this vision, the pilots do not take ... will not evaluate, because there is no possibility RѕR±RєR°S‚R°S‚SЊ. author: a 244 plan? Ту154М 85123, 15 years ago, #
took off his shoes)) ZOLTAR, 15 years ago, #
Sorry! That also took off his shoes. :) Gennn, 15 years ago, #
Yes plan, but a little technique I want to begin to tighten. A RѕR±RєR°S‚R°S‚SЊ soon will be, it is quite possible that tomorrow. R. ramzzess, 15 years ago, #
I do not mean that ... 2-2,5 next year I do outside of the virtual aviation: (hopefully my return to the technique of generating sets specifically for the simulator (X-Plane) will be at or even better technology for pokatushek (shirt). I wish you success! Ту154М 85123, 15 years ago, #
there is such a * mozila, 15 years ago, #
For transportation Pax 6 (10) people, like this plane) Simpsn, 15 years ago, #
And what kind of terrible)) The horror ... DownSet, 13 years ago, #
Back to crow like a large beak) Artoor, 15 years ago, #
Course the form of a very funky kind. It seems like my son was drawing in 7 years Artoor, 15 years ago, #
All questions on the form of a Tupolev ramzzess, 15 years ago, #
Ah, you literate! Read more learn. And then learn to swear, and read, probably not ... This http://www.tupolev.ru/Russian/​Show.asp?SectionID=199 Tu-444! Experts found here ... smart32, 15 years ago, #
каждый раз убеждаюсь что x-plane вообще не о чем по сравнению с MSFS maksim_imt, 13 years ago, #
And that he sdvigatelyami?? Ekonomvariant?? http://www.testpilot.ru/russia​/tupolev/144/s/tu144s_1.htm Gennn, 15 years ago, #
and not only with there problems with the engines - it is probably Cargo))) .. no comparison with the 144 .... a tu-155 .. and name! and Tu-144 does not touch ZOLTAR, 15 years ago, #
pancake sorry destvitelno 444 ... similarity is with http://www.tupolev.ru/Russian/​Show.asp?SectionID=199 5))) ZOLTAR, 15 years ago, #
There is a To-155. Here: http://www.airwar.ru/enc/xplan​e/tu155.html птаха_07, 14 years ago, #