UUYH-Ukhta | Rating: 4.5!
Light scenario UUYH-Ukhta for FS9
→ Size: 263 KB
→ Date: 20 years ago (09.03.2004 04:16)
→ Author:
→ Uploaded by: Rulexy (uploaded 53 files )
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 1012 time(s)
Take a more recent version of the scenarios in the lungs by the same author! there refined the airport, though not without flaws. sinus, 16 years ago, #
And where to get a newer version? kirillx, 15 years ago, #
Well at least the easy scenario of my city It comforts. :-) kbbb, 16 years ago, #