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Mig-31 Model

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Hi all!


Is there a good flyable MiG-31 model for FS204? (I mean NOT the one by Kazunori Ito, it's not good enough.)

Is someone working maybe with this aircraft or is there any chance to get one? I think it's a very good and gorgeous plane, so it can be a really great idea to build one, but I'have not enough experience (yet :sarcastic:) with gmax to create it myself.

Have someone any idea about it?

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Please look through this very model

But, actually, it has not very good marks & references

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thank you mido, but I would like to see a MiG-31 Foxhound, not a (fictious) MiG-31 Firefox. :)

As I saw, HERE is a free MiG-31 3D modell - and it looks like the one of Kaz Ito. (Which is looks like a MiG-31M.) Here is a pic about it:


Maybe it's good enough to create a model which is looks like a real life one. Creating missiles and external fuel tanks is not so hard for this model, but to modify the aircraft is not so easy. Maybe I can create the missiles and the EFT's, but I'm too rookie for the aircraft's modificantion. :)



So, I will be happy with a newly created freeware too. Maybe someone can modify this model (to import the .3ds to the gmax is simple):


- nose;

- canopies;

- wings and LERX's;

- pods at the end of the wings;

- refueling probe;

- those small somethings at the vertical stabilizers

- other things as needed (for example: pylons).

And - of course - we need one or more model with weapons and EFT's. And maybe animations and texturing. It won't be fast but will be faster than building one from scratch.


(New edit:)


Now with R-33 missiles. :)

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Maybe you don't think it's good enough. But it's all we have available.

Possibly you might learn to create models, release them for free, then sit back while others critique your hard work.


Patience is a virtue, especially in flight simming.

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One thing that Mr. Ito created a MiG-31M (and a lot more). It's a good job, respect and many thanks for him. But anyway... this aircraft's rating here is 3.7... (The aircraft on the gmax-pics is not his model. Maybe.)

The other thing that I would like to see a MiG-31B/BS/BM - these are the variants which are in active duty in the Russian Air Force. Mr. Ito's modell is not good enough for a B/BS/BM - but his aircraft is an M-variant, that's all.

I'm learning to create models as you can see the missiles under the aircraft on the last pic. I won't be able to learn everything about modeling in a day - so I started this topic: maybe someone else (with much more experience with modeling) is interested too in a new Foxhound and can do something for the new aircraft - I'll help him/her as I can. (Patience has nothing to do with it: I can wait and others can too, but in this case we won't have new aircrafts for our hobby...) Of course one day maybe I'll create it, but than it will take more time. Much more. (Yes, in this case people will criticise my freeware and hard work. If I will have any problem with this, I won't release it and than they can't criticise it. It's simple, I think.)

What I wrote is not against Mr. Ito's work: it's for a new Foxhound.

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