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Hello guys,


before starting with the presentation of our project I better introduce myself. My name is Andre and I am one of the owners of the future browsergame called AviationSIM.


As the name already indicates it is an aviation related browsergame. So in general it is up to you to lead your own airline. But we also offer you the opportunity to create and manage other service providers such as groundhandling, catering or maintenancefirms.

Any of these different companies are interdependent. No airline can exist without a maintenancefirm as every airplane needs to be checked regularly. Same goes for the airport which cannot exist without the groundhandlingfirm.


The game is free to play. You will not have to pay for anything. Everything is permanently available without costs.


Referring to the passenger system we have thought of multiple aspects that should be included into the calculation. So it depends on following things: price, season, weather, service, duration of flight, cabin, image etc.

Every passenger has different preferences and can choose his/her individual flight fitting to her/him. Furthermore every passenger can change at airports in order to continue to his final destination.

Consequently it will be possible to organise codeshare-agreements or even feeders (bringing passengers from small airports to bigger ones). Delays and annulations will also be features of our game.


When playing a maintenance firm you are responsible for every airline that lets check/repair their aircrafts in your hangars. There will be different sizes of hangars so that you cannot automatically repair a 747. You better specialise in checking aircrafts of one or two certain types because you need to have spare parts for every different type in your depot. We have more than 250 different airplanes including all "Туполев", "Антонов" and even Sukhoi etc.


As an owner of a groundhandlingfirm you need to keep track of the ongoing traffic on ground. It is your task to emplane aircrafts with either cargo containers or the passenger's luggage. Moreover you have to get the food on board, to push back the plane etc. Everything needs to be planned dead on time.


By the way: We plan the feature which allows the player to create or manage an own airport. This will come later on as an update.


However, everything needs a contract - be it an airplane, a codeshare-agreement or the entrance of an alliance.

That way you can easily interact with other players worldwide.


The game's release is in winter 2011. It will be available in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Romanian and Polish. More languages like Russian are not excluded. It just depends on more volunteers speaking either German or English fluently so that they can get the game translated into Russian. Every translator gets a free premium account for half a year and a reference in our credits. It would be too bad not having the game in Russian language... :)

Dont get us wrong - premium is absolutely not necessary. Every features is available without paying anything. Premium is simply necessary to get more decorations. Furthermore you can create more than one company when having a premium account. We will also create a professional airline logo for you when you have a premium account.


Ok, enough talk: Lets come to first screenshots.


First Screens

Official Trailer


If you got questions feel free to ask them. We will answer them as soon as anyhow possible. In the meanwhile you can follow us on Facebook

With best regards,



PS. We wish all of you a happy new year!

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We managed to find a Russian translator. Sorry for doubleposting but I think you feel more comfortable with a Russian text introducing our project a bit.


AviationSim это экономический симулятор на тему авиации, в котором игрок не только может создать свою собственную авиакомпанию и руководить ею, но и покрыть с точки зрения предпринимателя как можно больше отраслей авиации.

К примеру, можно будет создать свою фирму по техобслуживанию, питанию

и наземному обслуживанию и руководить ею во всех мелочах. Кроме того планируется дополнительная возможность основать свой собственный аэропорт или обустраивать уже существующий.

Таким образом игроки смогут взаимодействовать и развивать совмесную стратегию, составлять общие планы полётов пользуясь код-шерингом, или объединяться в союзы, чтобы вместе завоевать пространство в виртуальном мире.

Возможности при этом будут почти безграничны благодаря 5000 аэропортов и более 300 типам самолётов и реалистичным нагрузкам на авиалинии.

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Hi avisimmers


We proudly present new screenshots of AviationSim. They can either be found on our facebook site or directly in our forums. There you will aslo find a brief summary of what we have done in the meanwhile.

Upcoming news will be made public on the mentioned facebook site. So stay tuned! :)

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Definitely, I will give it a try!

Good luck with project!

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Thanks to our Russian translators we have completely translated our first site into Russian. In total we are are now more than 20 translators and around 15 developpers. :)


At this moment the following languages will be offered:

German, English, Spanish, French, Russian, Norwegian, Swedish, Dutch,

Italien, Portuguese, Romanian, Polish, Turkish and Vietnamese


Now we should be able to proceed programming the game. If you have questions just reply to this message or send an e-mail to [email protected]


PS: If you´d like to help our independent company you could do so by either liking us on facebook or by helping with the translations.


We are still searching for: Polish, Romanian, Ukrainian, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Czech,

Slovene, Slovak, Hungarian, Bulgarien, Finnish and Danish (apart from other Asian languages and arabic)

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Hello Avisimmers!


Today is the 10.10.2011 which means that we are celebrating the first anniversary of our young project.

Since then we have rented a server, we launched our forums and, of course, the first ideas popped up.


I feel as if it's been yesterday and it's unbelievable so much time has passed by.


So what has changed in the meanwhile?


Quite a lot. First of all we are still there in contast to 90% of brower games in development during their first year.

A lot of time has been spent on work in general. Be it week- or months-long researches, developed concepts, designed graphics or long translations.

Now we have mounted a fundamental system for the entire game which has been set up again and again over time. But now it has reached its final stage.

Thanks to our great fans, thank you, for brining up great ideas and being so patient. Also because the team itself has changed its structure more than once. ;)


Above all we learned a lot and gained experience that revealed how difficult it really is to organize and structure a hobby project with such a quality.

In this regard we underestimated everything related with the project.

However, it's also an experience you should make and we learned our lesson.


The extreme time exposure that most former team members could or would not bring up has foiled out entire plans for a release date.

Consant coming and going has deranged our time schedule.


But then again we are still there and we will not stop until it's done and we reached our aim. It's done when it's done.

There is not exact date we could mention right now. Once we know more we can publish a more detailed and definitive relase date.

Each day the game is making progress. Though, we are not ready for an ultimate release date.


We apologise for not sticking to our time schedule and release date this December. As I already wrote we absolutely underestimed the project in its entirety when we set up the first plans back in January.

We really hope you stay tuned and remain faithful with us and our project. Please be so patient to wait a bit more. It's at us to deliver you a good and accurate simulation.

Urgency and lack of time will definitely not lead to a succesful release. We are taking the time we need in order to be able to launch a qualitatively valuable game that you deserve.

That's still better than releasing a half-done game with lot of bugs.


Let's come back to celebrate our anniversary! :)

We launched our final portal page so you can get used to it already. It is even possible to register on this site.

so come on and reserve your username for the first game world that's going to be covered with 2999 other aviation enthusiasts!

Last but not least you get updated information directly in the information area or via the newsletter.


Be sure to recommend us to your friends via the "tell a friend" button.


All you need to do is to have a look at: www.aviationsim-game.com


Kind regards,


Coordinator of Translations and Support

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Dear Avisimmers,



The day has come! Today, we proudly present the beginning of the alpha test!

You may ask what we mean by that. Well, it's the first time you are able to actually play the game and you're all invited!


The application form for the Alpha test will be released at Sunday 15th at 18:00 CET until Wednesday 15th at 23:59 CET.

We will chose 100 testers after having reached the deadline. So, be sure to be registered on our portal site. In order to apply for the Alpha test, you need to have a valid account there.

There is no more time to waste if you haven't registered an account yet.


Testing will take place in German and English and there is no guaranteed participation!

Once we pick you as a tester, you will get a personal e-mail with further information and instructions.


Just go for it and take your chance: To the application form


See you soon,

Your Avisim-Team

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Hello Avisimmers


From now own, you still have 3 days to apply for the closed Alpha test (15.02.2012 23:59 CET).


The what? Get more information here: Alpha test is about to begin!


Right now, we already have 2200 registered users and more than 300 people who applied for the Alpha test - meaning you theoretically have 33% of getting picked in the draw!


Make sure to not miss this huge event in the project's development and help us improving the game! ;)


So long,


Transation Coordination & Supportleader

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Hello Avisimmers


On an emotional level, the whole team has invested lots of blood, sweat and tears into the project and we know that you, fans and future users altogether, cannot await the game to be released.


The time has come today to proudly present you the eagerly anticipated start of our Alpha test on 27 July 2012. As you may imagine this date is of incredible importance to all of us.

Why? Because it embodies a game that is far advanced in development with the core features being completed.

Once the Alpha test begins, the chosen testers and the team will work hand in hand to find and solve game related problems. Only that way we can provide you a perfect game, or in other words, a sophisticated, realistic and entertaining simulation of all time.


Oh well, from a philosophical perspective we could say: It will not last any longer than it already lasted! But nothing lasts longer than it already lasted, isn't it?


Anyway, back to reality. We now have 3.500 registered users and more users are highly welcome! That's the link to our portal page on which you'd need to register for playing the game from the very beginning: http://www.aviationsim-game.com


Due to the unexpectedly high demand we will most likely start with 2 separate game worlds, Bravo and Charlie, each offering at least 3.000 accounts. Be one of them!


So long,

Your AviSim-Team

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Hello Avisimmers!


As usually we want to provide you with information concerning AviationSim's developing progress.The closed Alpha test is in full swing and our diligent participants report bugs like mad!

We just advanced to the second phase (of 4 in total) of the Alpha test. As you see, we are eagerly working on the project every single day.

Be assured that we, just like you, cannot await the release to happen! However, first class simulations need their time and developing them is not a piece of cake.

Therefore, we would like to thank you all for your patience and encouragements which help us to keep going!


The amount of total users on our website is slowly but surely reaching the magic 5.000 mark.


You will be rewarded at the end of the day, that's for sure!


Keep up the patience just like we do!


So long,

Your AviSim Team

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