Paha_S7 7 Posted November 17, 2010 (edited) Инструкция по мержеванию(соединению) панелей от Wilco и визуальных моделей SMS Overland Ув.пользователи на данный момент готовы: А319-100, спасибо VRP А320-214, спасибо ROCK_AVIA А330-200 и А330-300 А340-300 и A340-600 все остальные только визуальная часть рабочая На форуме есть множество тем по мержеванию, не буду отрицать, что некоторые данные для своей темы я взял с других тем. Мне захотелось собрать в одну тему всю информацию по мержеванию семейства Эйрбас. Пожалуй начнем с начала: 1. Выбираем какой тип ВС будем скрещивать. Мне интересно семейство А330-х, 200 или 300 по барабану если честно... Заходим в папку, в данном случае - Aircraft\feelThere PIC A332GE и следуем моему примеру 2. Выбираем папку Model, заходим разумеется и удаляем 2 файла: визуальную модель текстовый файл Далее вместо старых WILCO-моделей сливаем в нее(в папку) необходимые нам те же самые 2 файла, только от новой модели SMS Overland. У меня они располагаются в архиве по адресу SMS_A330-200\model.GE1. Получается с визуальной частью мы процентов на 80 разобрались. Остальные 20% это наши текстуры. А как устанавливать текстуры?! 1. Перемещаем/Распаковываем папку с текстурами для модели в нужную директорию(как правило это папка с самим самолетом ) 2. Открываем aircraft.cfg и на нашем же примере смотрим начиная с верха... исходное значение: [fltsim.0] title=feelThere A330-200 House Colore sim=FeelThere_A330-200 sound=GE model= texture= panel= checklists= atc_id=F-GZCJ atc_airline=Airbus Industries atc_flight_number=009 atc_heavy=1 ui_manufacturer=Airbus ui_type=A330-200 ui_variation=Airbus Industries visual_damage=1 description=Airbus Series Vol.2\nDeveloped by \nPublished by Wilco Publishing\n\nSupport at а получить нам нужно вот это: [fltsim.0] title=Airbus A330-200 Air France sim=FeelThere_A330-200 sound=GE model= texture=AFRC panel= checklists= atc_id=F-GZCJ atc_airline=Air France atc_flight_number=009 atc_heavy=1 ui_manufacturer=Airbus ui_type=A330-200 ui_variation=Air France visual_damage=1 description=Airbus Series Vol.2\nDeveloped by \nPublished by Wilco Publishing\n\nSupport at скажу сразу, ниже написанное изменяем при смене самих названий файлов, или смене директорий: sim=FeelThere_A330-200 - отвечает за указание расположения .air файла, при некорректном вводе самолет отображться НИ ГДЕ не будет . sound=GE - звуки для нашего ВС. При некорректном вводе всего лишь будем иметь глухую картинку. model= - как раз таки указание директории с моделью ВС. При некорректном визуальную модель Вы в симе не увидите. panel= - указание директории содержащую приборы. При некорректном вводе панели не будет совсем, ни 2Д, ни ВК. с этим я считаю разобрались... а эти как раз таки меняем: title=Airbus A330-200 Air France - наименование нашего ВС для сима, допустим если ставим мы ливрею Air France то и разумно будет написать, что это Airbus A330-200 Air France. texture=AFRC - указание директории с текстурой. Обратите внимание, сама папка будет называться Texture.AFRC - т.е. берем то, что написано после точки. atc_airline=Air France - Наименование авиакомпании которой принадлежит ВС, также разумно будет указать реальную atc_id=F-GZCJ - б\н нашего ВС. atc_flight_number=009 - Номер рейса. Я не меняю... ui_manufacturer=Airbus - Фирма-производитель ВС. Моему глазу приятнее когда написано реальное название, а не feelThere Wilco vol.2. ui_type=A330-200 - Модель ВС, при желании можно указать и более конкретно: A330-243 GE. ui_variation=Air France - Указание цветов АК при выборе ВС в симе. Отвлеклись? Продолжаем... Как Вы помните, мы остановились на установке ливреи. Это если честно было самое сложное, далее все много-много проще. Я насчитал 4-5 операций: 1. Выбрать ниже в посте нужный нам ВС, напоминаю наш пример это Airbus A330-200 с двигателями GE. 2. Открыть спойлер с в разделе "Данные для двигателей CFM/GE" с названием "Airbus A330-200". 3. Скопировать ВСЕ из под спойлера. 4. Вставить(выделить все ниже и заменить на скопированное) это в наш aircraft.cfg ниже информации о ливрее, начинаем со слова [exits] и до конца... // FeelThere A330-200 GE [fltsim.0] title=Airbus A330-200 Air France sim=FeelThere_A330-200 sound=GE model= texture=AFRC panel= checklists= atc_id=F-GZCJ atc_airline=Air France atc_flight_number=009 atc_heavy=1 ui_manufacturer=Airbus ui_type=A330-200 ui_variation=Air France visual_damage=1 description=Airbus Series Vol.2\nDeveloped by \nPublished by Wilco Publishing\n\nSupport at [exits] number_of_exits=2 exit.0 = 0.25, 78.0, -7.5, 8.5, 0 exit.1 = 0.05, -37.0, 7.0, -4.0, 1 5. Сохраняем. 6. Запускаем СИМ и тестим Данные для двигателей CFM/GE Airbus A319 [exits] number_of_exits=2 exit.0 = 0.25, 35.5, -5.5, 2.8, 0 exit.1 = 0.4, -18.5, 5.0, -2.2, 1 [Views] eyepoint=43.13, -1.85, 5.19 [LIGHTS] //Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing light.0=3, -5.81, -54.7, 3.49, fx_navred , light.1=3, -5.81, 54.7, 3.49, fx_navgre , light.2=2, -6.42, -55.3, 3.59, fx_strobe , light.3=2, -6.42, 55.3, 3.59, fx_strobe , light.4=1, 14.15, 0.0, -4.90, fx_beaconh , light.5=1, 11.52, 0.0, 9.55, fx_beaconh , light.6=2,-54.23, 0.17, 5.19, fx_strobe , light.7=3,-54.23, -0.17, 5.19, fx_navwhi , light.8 = 4, 39, 0, 5.7, fx_vclighth [General] atc_type=AIRBUS atc_model=A319 performance=Dimensions: Wing span: 111 ft 10 in (33.91 m) \n Length: 111 ft 0 in (33.84 m) \n Height: 38 ft 7 in (11.76 m) \n Weights: \n Empty: 89,000 lb \n Max take-off: 166,000 lb \n Performance: Cruise speed: 608 mph (978.48 km/h) \n Max Operating altitude: 40,000 ft (12,192 m) \n Maximum range: 3,700 miles (6,800 km) \n Powerplants: Two IAE V2525-A5 rated at 23.500 lbs (111.2 kN) or Two CFM International CFM56-5B4 rated at 22.000 lbs. Hi-bypass Turbofans [WEIGHT_AND_BALANCE] reference_datum_position=0, 0, -4.4 max_number_of_stations=50 station_load.0 = "450, 42.0, 0.0, 0.0, Crew" station_load.1 = "1000, 37.0, 0.0, 0.0, Galleys" station_load.2 = "4000, 16.0, 0.0, 0.0, Baggage" station_load.3 = "7000, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Cargo" station_load.4 = "6200, 26.0, 0.0, 0.0, First" station_load.5 = "17000, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Coach" empty_weight= 89500 max_gross_weight=167300 empty_weight_roll_MOI=1300000 empty_weight_pitch_MOI=2000000 empty_weight_yaw_MOI=2000000 empty_weight_coupled_MOI=0.0 empty_weight_CG_position=0.000, 0.000, 0.000 [pitot_static] vertical_speed_time_constant=999 [GROUND_REACTION] MAX_STEERING_ANGLE=75 [flight_tuning] cruise_lift_scalar =1.000 parasite_drag_scalar =1.000 induced_drag_scalar =1.1 elevator_effectiveness =1.0 aileron_effectiveness =1.0 rudder_effectiveness =1.0 pitch_stability =1.000 roll_stability =1.000 yaw_stability =1.000 elevator_trim_effectiveness =0.6 aileron_trim_effectiveness =1.000 rudder_trim_effectiveness =1.000 [electrical] max_battery_voltage = 24 generator_alternator_voltage = 28 max_generator_alternator_amps = 200 electric_always_available = 1 flap_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 autopilot = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics_bus = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics = 0, 0 , 17.0 pitot_heat = 0, 0 , 17.0 additional_system = 0, 0 , 17.0 marker_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_warning = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter1 = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter2 = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_nav = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_landing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_taxi = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_strobe = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_panel = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_cabin = 0, 0 , 17.0 auto_brakes = 0, 0 , 17.0 standby_vacuum = 0, 0 , 17.0 hydraulic_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_transfer_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_recognition = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_wing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_logo = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro_slaving = 0, 0 , 17.0 [TurbineEngineData] fuel_flow_gain=0.001 inlet_area=30 rated_N2_rpm=29920.000000 static_thrust=23200.000000 afterburner_available=0 reverser_available=1 [GeneralEngineData] engine_type=1 Engine.0= 3.0, -17.5, -2.500000 Engine.1= 3.0, 17.5, -2.500000 fuel_flow_scalar=1.0000 min_throttle_limit=-0.499939 max_contrail_temperature = -30 //Temperature (deg C) below which contrails may appear [jet_engine] thrust_scalar =1.1 [EFFECTS] wake=fx_wake water=fx_spray dirt=fx_tchdrt concrete=fx_sparks touchdown=fx_tchdwn, 1 [direction_indicators] direction_indicator.0=3,0 [Radios] // Radio Type=availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope Audio.1=1 Com.1=1, 1 Com.2=1, 1 Nav.1=1, 1, 1 Nav.2=1, 1, 0 Adf.1=1 Transponder.1=1 Marker.1=1 [Flaps.0] type=1 span-outboard=0.500000 extending-time=20.000000 system_type=1 flaps-position.0=0.000000,0.000000 flaps-position.1=0.0 flaps-position.2=13.0 //nominal value should be10 but we need big effect RY flaps-position.3=20.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.4=29.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.5=40.0 //More lift for patched solution to low lift RY [Flaps.1] type=2 span-outboard=0.800 extending-time=20.000 system_type=1 damaging-speed=232.000 blowout-speed=250.000 lift_scalar=0.3 drag_scalar=0.2 pitch_scalar=0.0 flaps-position.0=0 flaps-position.1=18.0 flaps-position.2=18.0 flaps-position.3=22.0 flaps-position.4=22.0 flaps-position.5=27.0 [forcefeedback] gear_bump_nose_magnitude=3000 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_nose_direction=18000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_nose_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_left_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_left_direction=35500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_left_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_right_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_right_direction=00500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_right_duration=250000 ; in microseconds ground_bumps_magnitude1=1300 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle1=08900 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept1=3.0 ground_bumps_slope1=0.20 ground_bumps_magnitude2=200 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle2=09100 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept2=1.075 ground_bumps_slope2=0.035 crash_magnitude1=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction1=01000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_magnitude2=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction2=9000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_period2=75000 ; in microseconds crash_duration2=2500000 ; in microseconds [fuel] Center1= 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2130.000000, 0.000000 LeftMain= 0.0, -8.0, 0.0, 1788.000000, 0.000000 RightMain= 0.0, 8.0, 0.0, 1788.000000, 0.000000 LeftAux= 0.0, -13.0, 0.0, 227.000000, 0.000000 RightAux= 0.0, 13.0, 0.0, 227.000000, 0.000000 fuel_type=2.000000 number_of_tank_selectors=2 electric_pump=1 [airplane_geometry] wing_area=1320.000000 wing_span=111.9 wing_root_chord=12.000000 wing_dihedral=5 wing_incidence=1.5 wing_twist=1 oswald_efficiency_factor=0.8723 wing_winglets_flag=1 wing_sweep=22 wing_pos_apex_lon=15.00000 wing_pos_apex_vert=0.000000 htail_area=328.000000 htail_span=40.000000 htail_pos_lon=-50.000000 htail_pos_vert=0.000000 htail_incidence=2.993774 htail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_area=249.000000 vtail_span=17.991665 vtail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_pos_lon=-50.000000 vtail_pos_vert=20.500000 elevator_area=70.500000 aileron_area=26.800000 rudder_area=56.200000 elevator_up_limit=28 elevator_down_limit=22 aileron_up_limit=22 aileron_down_limit=20 rudder_limit=32 elevator_trim_limit=18 spoiler_limit=50 spoilerons_available=1 aileron_to_spoileron_gain=3.000000 min_ailerons_for_spoilerons=9.0 min_flaps_for_spoilerons=0.000000 [contact_points] point.0=1, 35.80, 0.00, -10.56, 1500, 0, 1.25, 60.12, 0.38, 2.4, 0.5135, 7.0, 8.2, 0, 0.0, 0.0 point.1=1, -4.25, -11.58, -11.06, 2200, 1, 2.15, 0.00, 1.11, 2.0, 0.5470, 9.7, 14.1, 2, 0.0, 0.0 point.2=1, -4.25, 11.58, -11.06, 2200, 2, 2.15, 0.00, 1.11, 2.0, 0.5470, 9.7, 14.1, 3, 0.0, 0.0 point.3=2, -14.17, -47.33, 0.00, 787.4, 0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5, 0.0, 0.0 point.4=2, -14.17, 47.33, 0.00, 787.4, 0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6, 0.0, 0.0 point.5=2, -54.00, 0.00, 2.83, 787.4, 0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 9, 0.0, 0.0 point.6=2, 42.67, 0.00, -3.75, 787.4, 0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4, 0.0, 0.0 max_number_of_points=21 static_pitch= -0.02 //degrees, pitch when at rest on the ground (+=Up, -=Dn) static_cg_height=14.26 //feet, altitude of CG when at rest on the ground gear_system_type=0 [brakes] toe_brakes_scale=0.86 parking_brake=1 [gear_warning_system] gear_warning_available=0 pct_throttle_limit=0.099976 flap_limit_power=25.496622 flap_limit_idle=10.04 [Reference Speeds] flaps_up_stall_speed=180.000000 // at MTW full_flaps_stall_speed=132.000000// at MTW cruise_speed=320 max_indicated_speed=352.000000 max_mach=0.84 [keyboard_response] elevator=150.000000,250.000000 aileron=150.000000,250.000000 rudder=150.000000,250.000000 [autopilot] autopilot_available=1 flight_director_available=1 default_vertical_speed=1800.000000 autothrottle_available=1 autothrottle_arming_required=1 autothrottle_takeoff_ga=1 autothrottle_max_rpm=90.000000 pitch_takeoff_ga=8.000000 max_pitch=10.000000 max_pitch_acceleration=0.8 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt_breakpoint=20000.000000 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt_breakpoint=28000.000000 max_bank=25.000000 max_bank_acceleration=3.0 max_bank_velocity=3.000000 max_throttle_rate=0.100000 nav_proportional_control=9.000000 nav_integrator_control=0.250000 nav_derivative_control=0.000000 nav_integrator_boundary=2.500000 nav_derivative_boundary=0.000000 gs_proportional_control=9.520000 gs_integrator_control=0.260000 gs_derivative_control=0.000000 gs_integrator_boundary=0.700000 gs_derivative_boundary=0.000000 yaw_damper_gain=0.000000 [hydraulic_system] electric_pumps=0 engine_map=1,1,0,0 normal_pressure=3000.000000 [stall_warning] type=1 [attitude_indicators] attitude_indicator.0=2 [turn_indicators] turn_indicator.0=1,0 Airbus A320 [exits] number_of_exits=2 exit_rate.0=0.25 exit_rate.1=0.25 [Views] eyepoint=53.95, -1.85, 5.13 //(feet) longitudinal, lateral, vertical distance from reference datum [LIGHTS] //Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing light.0=3, -5.81, -54.7, 3.09, fx_navredm , light.1=3, -5.81, 54.7, 3.09, fx_navgrem , light.2=2, -6.42, -55.3, 3.09, fx_strobeh , light.3=2, -6.42, 55.3, 3.09, fx_strobeh , light.4=1, 14.15, 0.0, -4.70, fx_beaconb , light.5=1, 11.52, 0.0, 9.15, fx_beaconh , light.6=2,-61.83, -0.17, 4.79, fx_strobe , light.7=3,-61.83, 0.17, 4.79, fx_navwhi , light.8 = 4, 53.5, 0, 5.4, fx_vclighth [General] atc_type=AIRBUS atc_model=A320 performance=Dimensions: Wing span: 111 ft 10 in (33.91 m) \n Length: 123 ft 3 in (37.57 m) \n Height: 38 ft 9.50 in (11.80 m) \n Weights: \n Empty: 91,675 lb (41,583 kg) \n Max take-off: 169,765 lb (77,000 kg) \n Performance: Cruise speed: 608 mph (978.48 km/h) \n Max Operating altitude: 40,000 ft (12,192 m) \n Maximum range: 3,222 miles (5,185 km) \n Powerplants: Two IAE V2525-A5 rated at 25,000 lb (111.2 kN) or Two CFM International CFM56-5B4 rated at 26,500 lb (117.9 kN). Hi-bypass Turbofans [WEIGHT_AND_BALANCE] reference_datum_position=0.000000,0.000000,-4.000000 max_number_of_stations=50 station_load.0 = "450, 42.0, 0.0, 0.0, Crew" station_load.1 = "1000, 37.0, 0.0, 0.0, Galleys" station_load.2 ="6598, 16.0, 0.0, 0.0, Baggage" station_load.3 ="9499, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Cargo" station_load.4 ="1653, 26.0, 0.0, 0.0, First" station_load.5 ="18187, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Coach" empty_weight= 93500 max_gross_weight=169800 empty_weight_roll_MOI=1700000 empty_weight_pitch_MOI=2500000 empty_weight_yaw_MOI=2700000 empty_weight_coupled_MOI=0.0 empty_weight_CG_position=0.000, 0.000, 0.000 [pitot_static] vertical_speed_time_constant=999 [GROUND_REACTION] MAX_STEERING_ANGLE=75 [flight_tuning] cruise_lift_scalar =1.000 parasite_drag_scalar =1.000 induced_drag_scalar =1.1 elevator_effectiveness =1.0 aileron_effectiveness =1.0 rudder_effectiveness =1.0 pitch_stability =1.000 roll_stability =1.000 yaw_stability =1.000 elevator_trim_effectiveness =0.6 aileron_trim_effectiveness =1.000 rudder_trim_effectiveness =1.000 [electrical] max_battery_voltage = 24 generator_alternator_voltage = 28 max_generator_alternator_amps = 200 electric_always_available = 1 flap_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 autopilot = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics_bus = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics = 0, 0 , 17.0 pitot_heat = 0, 0 , 17.0 additional_system = 0, 0 , 17.0 marker_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_warning = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter1 = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter2 = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_nav = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_landing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_taxi = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_strobe = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_panel = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_cabin = 0, 0 , 17.0 auto_brakes = 0, 0 , 17.0 standby_vacuum = 0, 0 , 17.0 hydraulic_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_transfer_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_recognition = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_wing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_logo = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro_slaving = 0, 0 , 17.0 [TurbineEngineData] fuel_flow_gain=0.001 inlet_area=30 rated_N2_rpm=29920.000000 static_thrust=26200.000000 afterburner_available=0 reverser_available=1 [GeneralEngineData] engine_type=1 Engine.0= -2.25, -18.9, -4.600000 Engine.1= -2.25, 18.9, -4.600000 fuel_flow_scalar=1.0000 min_throttle_limit=-0.499939 [jet_engine] thrust_scalar =0.95 [EFFECTS] wake=fx_wake water=fx_spray dirt=fx_tchdrt concrete=fx_sparks touchdown=fx_tchdwn, 1 [direction_indicators] direction_indicator.0=3,0 [Radios] // Radio Type=availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope Audio.1=1 Com.1=1, 1 Com.2=1, 1 Nav.1=1, 1, 1 Nav.2=1, 1, 0 Adf.1=1 Transponder.1=1 Marker.1=1 [Flaps.0] type=1 span-outboard=0.500000 extending-time=20.000000 system_type=1 flaps-position.0=0.000000,0.000000 flaps-position.1=10.0 flaps-position.2=15.0 //nominal value should be10 but we need big effect RY flaps-position.3=20.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.4=26.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.5=35.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 [Flaps.1] type=2 span-outboard=0.800 extending-time=20.000 system_type=1 damaging-speed=232.000 blowout-speed=250.000 lift_scalar=0.3 drag_scalar=0.2 pitch_scalar=0.0 flaps-position.0=0 flaps-position.1=18.0 flaps-position.2=18.0 flaps-position.3=22.0 flaps-position.4=22.0 flaps-position.5=27.0 [forcefeedback] gear_bump_nose_magnitude=3000 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_nose_direction=18000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_nose_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_left_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_left_direction=35500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_left_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_right_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_right_direction=00500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_right_duration=250000 ; in microseconds ground_bumps_magnitude1=1300 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle1=08900 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept1=3.0 ground_bumps_slope1=0.20 ground_bumps_magnitude2=200 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle2=09100 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept2=1.075 ground_bumps_slope2=0.035 crash_magnitude1=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction1=01000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_magnitude2=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction2=9000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_period2=75000 ; in microseconds crash_duration2=2500000 ; in microseconds [fuel] Center1= 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2130.000000, 0.000000 LeftMain= 0.0, -8.0, 0.0, 1788.000000, 0.000000 RightMain= 0.0, 8.0, 0.0, 1788.000000, 0.000000 LeftAux= 0.0, -13.0, 0.0, 227.000000, 0.000000 RightAux= 0.0, 13.0, 0.0, 227.000000, 0.000000 fuel_type=2.000000 number_of_tank_selectors=2 electric_pump=1 [airplane_geometry] wing_area=1320.000000 wing_span=111.9 wing_root_chord=12.000000 wing_dihedral=5 wing_incidence=1.5 wing_twist=1 oswald_efficiency_factor=0.8 wing_winglets_flag=1 wing_sweep=22 wing_pos_apex_lon=15.00000 wing_pos_apex_vert=0.000000 htail_area=328.000000 htail_span=40.000000 htail_pos_lon=-50.000000 htail_pos_vert=0.000000 htail_incidence=2.993774 htail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_area=249.000000 vtail_span=17.991665 vtail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_pos_lon=-50.000000 vtail_pos_vert=20.500000 elevator_area=70.500000 aileron_area=26.800000 rudder_area=56.200000 elevator_up_limit=28 elevator_down_limit=22 aileron_up_limit=22 aileron_down_limit=20 rudder_limit=32 elevator_trim_limit=18 spoiler_limit=50 spoilerons_available=1 aileron_to_spoileron_gain=3.000000 min_ailerons_for_spoilerons=9.0 min_flaps_for_spoilerons=0.000000 [contact_points] point.0=1.0, 41.66, 0.00, -11.03, 6000.8, 0.00, 1.79, 75.00, 0.50, 2.50, 0.60, 9.00, 9.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 point.1=1.0, -4.16, -12.33, -11.70, 6000.8, 1.00, 1.79, 0.00, 1.29, 2.50, 0.60, 12.00, 12.00, 2.00, 0.00, 0.00 point.2=1.0, -4.16, 12.33, -11.70, 6000.8, 2.00, 1.79, 0.00, 1.29, 2.50, 0.60, 13.00, 13.00, 3.00, 0.00, 0.00 ;point.3=2.0, -14.16, -47.33, 0.00, 787.4, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 5.00, 0.00, 0.00 ;point.4=2.0, -14.16, 47.33, 0.00, 787.4, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 6.00, 0.00, 0.00 ;point.5=2.0, -54.00, 0.00, 2.83, 787.4, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 9.00, 0.00, 0.00 ;point.6=2.0, 42.66, 0.00 ,-3.75, 787.4, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 4.00, 0.00, 0.00 static_pitch= 0.02 //degrees, pitch when at rest on the ground (+=Up, -=Dn) static_cg_height=15.02 //feet, altitude of CG when at rest on the ground gear_system_type=0 [brakes] toe_brakes_scale=0.86 parking_brake=1 [gear_warning_system] gear_warning_available=0 pct_throttle_limit=0.099976 flap_limit_power=25.496622 flap_limit_idle=10.04 [Reference Speeds] flaps_up_stall_speed=180.000000 // at MTW full_flaps_stall_speed=132.000000// at MTW cruise_speed=320 max_indicated_speed=352.000000 max_mach=0.84 [keyboard_response] elevator=150.000000,250.000000 aileron=150.000000,250.000000 rudder=150.000000,250.000000 [autopilot] autopilot_available=1 flight_director_available=1 default_vertical_speed=1800.000000 autothrottle_available=1 autothrottle_arming_required=1 autothrottle_takeoff_ga=1 autothrottle_max_rpm=90.000000 pitch_takeoff_ga=8.000000 max_pitch=10.000000 max_pitch_acceleration=0.8 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt_breakpoint=20000.000000 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt_breakpoint=28000.000000 max_bank=25.000000 max_bank_acceleration=3.0 max_bank_velocity=3.000000 max_throttle_rate=0.100000 nav_proportional_control=9.000000 nav_integrator_control=0.250000 nav_derivative_control=0.000000 nav_integrator_boundary=2.500000 nav_derivative_boundary=0.000000 //gs_proportional_control=9.520000 //gs_integrator_control=0.260000 //gs_derivative_control=0.000000 //gs_integrator_boundary=0.700000 //gs_derivative_boundary=0.000000 gs_proportional_control=19.0 gs_integrator_control=0.530 gs_derivative_control=0.00 gs_integrator_boundary=0.70 gs_derivative_boundary=0.00 yaw_damper_gain=0.000000 [hydraulic_system] electric_pumps=0 engine_map=1,1,0,0 normal_pressure=3000.000000 [stall_warning] type=1 [attitude_indicators] attitude_indicator.0=2 [turn_indicators] turn_indicator.0=1,0 Airbus A321 [exits] number_of_exits=2 exit.0 = 0.25, 53.5, -5.5, 2.8, 0 exit.1 = 0.4, -23.5, 5.0, -2.2, 1 [Views] eyepoint=61.73, -1.65, 5.25 [LIGHTS] //Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing light.0= 1, 9.55, 0.0, -4.84, fx_beaconb , light.1= 1, 6.32, 0.0, 9.45, fx_beaconh , light.2= 2,-75.95, -0.17, 5.19, fx_strobe , light.3= 3,-75.95, 0.17, 5.19, fx_navwhi , light.4= 4, 60.90, 0.0, 6.70, fx_vclighth //61.73, -1.65, 5.25 [General] atc_type=AIRBUS atc_model=A321 performance=Dimensions: Wing span: 111 ft 10 in (33.91 m) \n Length: 123 ft 3 in (37.57 m) \n Height: 38 ft 9.50 in (11.80 m) \n Weights: \n Empty: 106,00 lb \n Max take-off: 196,000 lb \n Performance: Cruise speed: 608 mph (978.48 km/h) \n Max Operating altitude: 40,000 ft (12,192 m) \n Maximum range: 3,222 miles (5,185 km) \n Powerplants: Two IAE V2525-A5 rated at 25,000 lb (111.2 kN) or Two CFM International CFM56-5B4 rated at 32.000 lbs. Hi-bypass Turbofans [WEIGHT_AND_BALANCE] reference_datum_position= 5, 0, -4.4 max_number_of_stations=50 station_load.0 = "450, 42.0, 0.0, 0.0, Crew" station_load.1 = "1000, 37.0, 0.0, 0.0, Galleys" station_load.2 = "5000, 16.0, 0.0, 0.0, Baggage" station_load.3 = "7000, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Cargo" station_load.4 = "7200, 26.0, 0.0, 0.0, First" station_load.5 = "20000, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Coach" empty_weight= 106300 max_gross_weight=196210 empty_weight_roll_MOI=1700000 empty_weight_pitch_MOI=2500000 empty_weight_yaw_MOI=2700000 empty_weight_coupled_MOI=0.0 empty_weight_CG_position=0.000, 0.000, 0.000 [pitot_static] vertical_speed_time_constant=999 [GROUND_REACTION] MAX_STEERING_ANGLE=75 [flight_tuning] cruise_lift_scalar =1.000 parasite_drag_scalar =1.000 induced_drag_scalar =1.1 elevator_effectiveness =1.0 aileron_effectiveness =1.0 rudder_effectiveness =1.0 pitch_stability =1.000 roll_stability =1.000 yaw_stability =1.000 elevator_trim_effectiveness =0.6 aileron_trim_effectiveness =1.000 rudder_trim_effectiveness =1.000 [electrical] max_battery_voltage = 24 generator_alternator_voltage = 28 max_generator_alternator_amps = 200 electric_always_available = 1 flap_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 autopilot = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics_bus = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics = 0, 0 , 17.0 pitot_heat = 0, 0 , 17.0 additional_system = 0, 0 , 17.0 marker_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_warning = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter1 = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter2 = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_nav = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_landing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_taxi = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_strobe = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_panel = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_cabin = 0, 0 , 17.0 auto_brakes = 0, 0 , 17.0 standby_vacuum = 0, 0 , 17.0 hydraulic_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_transfer_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_recognition = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_wing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_logo = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro_slaving = 0, 0 , 17.0 [TurbineEngineData] fuel_flow_gain=0.001 inlet_area=30 rated_N2_rpm=29920.000000 static_thrust=31400.000000 afterburner_available=0 reverser_available=1 [GeneralEngineData] engine_type=1 //0=Piston, 1=Jet, 2=None, 3=Helo-Turbine, 4=Rocket, 5=Turboprop Engine.0=3.25, -18.9, -4.2 //(feet) longitudinal, lateral, vertical distance from reference datum Engine.1=3.25, 18.9, -4.2 //(feet) longitudinal, lateral, vertical distance from reference datum fuel_flow_scalar=1.26 //Scalar for fuel flow efficiency min_throttle_limit=-0.330000 max_contrail_temperature = -30 [jet_engine] thrust_scalar =1.0 [EFFECTS] wake=fx_wake water=fx_spray dirt=fx_tchdrt concrete=fx_sparks touchdown=fx_tchdwn, 1 [direction_indicators] direction_indicator.0=3,0 [Radios] // Radio Type=availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope Audio.1=1 Com.1=1, 1 Com.2=1, 1 Nav.1=1, 1, 1 Nav.2=1, 1, 0 Adf.1=1 Transponder.1=1 Marker.1=1 [Flaps.0] type=1 span-outboard=0.500000 extending-time=20.000000 system_type=1 flaps-position.0=0.000000,0.000000 flaps-position.1=0.0 flaps-position.2=15.0 //nominal value should be10 but we need big effect RY flaps-position.3=20.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.4=26.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.5=35.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 [Flaps.1] type=2 span-outboard=0.800 extending-time=20.000 system_type=1 damaging-speed=232.000 blowout-speed=250.000 lift_scalar=0.3 drag_scalar=0.2 pitch_scalar=0.0 flaps-position.0=0 flaps-position.1=18.0 flaps-position.2=18.0 flaps-position.3=22.0 flaps-position.4=22.0 flaps-position.5=27.0 [forcefeedback] gear_bump_nose_magnitude=3000 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_nose_direction=18000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_nose_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_left_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_left_direction=35500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_left_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_right_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_right_direction=00500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_right_duration=250000 ; in microseconds ground_bumps_magnitude1=1300 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle1=08900 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept1=3.0 ground_bumps_slope1=0.20 ground_bumps_magnitude2=200 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle2=09100 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept2=1.075 ground_bumps_slope2=0.035 crash_magnitude1=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction1=01000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_magnitude2=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction2=9000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_period2=75000 ; in microseconds crash_duration2=2500000 ; in microseconds [fuel] Center1= 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2118.000000, 0.000000 LeftMain= 0.0, -8.0, 0.0, 2001.000000, 0.000000 RightMain= 0.0, 8.0, 0.0, 2001.000000, 0.000000 fuel_type=2.000000 number_of_tank_selectors=2 electric_pump=1 [airplane_geometry] wing_area=1320.000000 wing_span=111.9 wing_root_chord=12.000000 wing_dihedral=5 wing_incidence=1.5 wing_twist=1 oswald_efficiency_factor=0.8723 wing_winglets_flag=1 wing_sweep=22 wing_pos_apex_lon=15.00000 wing_pos_apex_vert=0.000000 htail_area=328.000000 htail_span=40.000000 htail_pos_lon=-50.000000 htail_pos_vert=0.000000 htail_incidence=2.993774 htail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_area=249.000000 vtail_span=17.991665 vtail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_pos_lon=-50.000000 vtail_pos_vert=20.500000 elevator_area=70.500000 aileron_area=26.800000 rudder_area=56.200000 elevator_up_limit=28 elevator_down_limit=22 aileron_up_limit=22 aileron_down_limit=20 rudder_limit=32 elevator_trim_limit=18 spoiler_limit=50 spoilerons_available=1 aileron_to_spoileron_gain=3.000000 min_ailerons_for_spoilerons=9.0 min_flaps_for_spoilerons=0.000000 [contact_points] point.0=1, 54.80, 0.00, -10.61, 1500, 0, 1.25, 60.12, 0.50, 2.1, 0.8135,11.0, 13.2, 0, 0.0, 0.0 point.1=1, -3.95, -11.58, -11.56, 2200, 1, 2.15, 0.00, 1.51, 2.0, 0.7470, 9.7, 14.1, 2, 0.0, 0.0 point.2=1, -3.95, 11.58, -11.56, 2200, 2, 2.15, 0.00, 1.51, 2.0, 0.7470, 9.7, 14.1, 3, 0.0, 0.0 point.3=2, -14.17, -47.33, 0.00, 787.4, 0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5, 0.0, 0.0 point.4=2, -14.17, 47.33, 0.00, 787.4, 0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6, 0.0, 0.0 point.5=2, -54.00, 0.00, 2.83, 787.4, 0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 9, 0.0, 0.0 point.6=2, 42.67, 0.00, -3.75, 787.4, 0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4, 0.0, 0.0 max_number_of_points=21 static_pitch=-0.22 //degrees, pitch when at rest on the ground (+=Up, -=Dn) static_cg_height=14.56 //feet, altitude of CG when at rest on the ground gear_system_type=0 [brakes] toe_brakes_scale=0.86 parking_brake=1 [gear_warning_system] gear_warning_available=0 pct_throttle_limit=0.099976 flap_limit_power=25.496622 flap_limit_idle=10.04 [Reference Speeds] flaps_up_stall_speed=180.000000 // at MTW full_flaps_stall_speed=132.000000// at MTW cruise_speed=320 max_indicated_speed=352.000000 max_mach=0.84 [keyboard_response] elevator=150.000000,250.000000 aileron=150.000000,250.000000 rudder=150.000000,250.000000 [autopilot] autopilot_available=1 flight_director_available=1 default_vertical_speed=1800.000000 autothrottle_available=1 autothrottle_arming_required=1 autothrottle_takeoff_ga=1 autothrottle_max_rpm=90.000000 pitch_takeoff_ga=8.000000 max_pitch=10.000000 max_pitch_acceleration=0.8 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt_breakpoint=20000.000000 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt_breakpoint=28000.000000 max_bank=25.000000 max_bank_acceleration=3.0 max_bank_velocity=3.000000 max_throttle_rate=0.100000 nav_proportional_control=9.000000 nav_integrator_control=0.250000 nav_derivative_control=0.000000 nav_integrator_boundary=2.500000 nav_derivative_boundary=0.000000 gs_proportional_control=9.520000 gs_integrator_control=0.260000 gs_derivative_control=0.000000 gs_integrator_boundary=0.700000 gs_derivative_boundary=0.000000 yaw_damper_gain=0.000000 [hydraulic_system] electric_pumps=0 engine_map=1,1,0,0 normal_pressure=3000.000000 [stall_warning] type=1 [attitude_indicators] attitude_indicator.0=2 [turn_indicators] turn_indicator.0=1,0 Airbus A330-200 [exits] number_of_exits=2 exit.0 = 0.25, 78.0, -7.5, 8.5, 0 exit.1 = 0.05, -37.0, 7.0, -4.0, 1 [Views] eyepoint=88.74, -1.80, 5.85 [LIGHTS] //Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing light.1 = 1, 30.66, 0.00, -7.58, fx_beaconb , light.2 = 1, 17.40, 0.00, 11.93, fx_beaconh , light.3 = 2, -97.42, 0.00, 9.00, fx_strobe , light.4 = 3, -97.42, 0.00, 9.00, fx_navwhi , light.5 = 4, 88.9, 0, 7.3, fx_vclighth [General] atc_type=AIRBUS atc_model=A330-200 performance=Dimensions: Wing span: 197 ft 10 in \n Length: 188ft 8 in \n Height: 57ft 1 in \n Weights: \n Empty: 274,000 lb \n Max take-off: 513,000 \n Performance: Cruise speed: 608 mph (978.48 km/h) \n Max Operating altitude: 40,000 ft (12,192 m) \n Powerplants: Two RR Trent 700 rated at 68,000 lbs (111.2 kN) or Two CF6-80E1 rated at 67.500 lbs. Hi-bypass Turbofans [WEIGHT_AND_BALANCE] reference_datum_position = 0.000, 0.000, -6.000 max_number_of_stations=50 station_load.0 = "750, 42.0, 0.0, 0.0, Crew" station_load.1 = "2000, 37.0, 0.0, 0.0, Galleys" station_load.2 ="29104, 16.0, 0.0, 0.0, Baggage" station_load.3 ="23518, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Cargo" station_load.4 ="2480, 26.0, 0.0, 0.0, First" station_load.5 ="34556, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Coach" empty_weight= 264875 max_gross_weight=507050 empty_weight_roll_MOI=21100000 empty_weight_pitch_MOI=21400000 empty_weight_yaw_MOI=15800000 empty_weight_coupled_MOI=0.0 empty_weight_CG_position=0.000, 0.000, 0.000 [pitot_static] vertical_speed_time_constant=999 [GROUND_REACTION] MAX_STEERING_ANGLE=75 [flight_tuning] cruise_lift_scalar =1.000 parasite_drag_scalar =1.000 induced_drag_scalar =1.1 elevator_effectiveness =1.0 aileron_effectiveness =1.0 rudder_effectiveness =1.0 pitch_stability =1.000 roll_stability =1.000 yaw_stability =1.000 elevator_trim_effectiveness =0.6 aileron_trim_effectiveness =1.000 rudder_trim_effectiveness =1.000 [electrical] max_battery_voltage = 24 generator_alternator_voltage = 28 max_generator_alternator_amps = 200 electric_always_available = 1 flap_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 autopilot = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics_bus = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics = 0, 0 , 17.0 pitot_heat = 0, 0 , 17.0 additional_system = 0, 0 , 17.0 marker_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_warning = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter1 = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter2 = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_nav = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_landing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_taxi = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_strobe = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_panel = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_cabin = 0, 0 , 17.0 auto_brakes = 0, 0 , 17.0 standby_vacuum = 0, 0 , 17.0 hydraulic_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_transfer_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_recognition = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_wing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_logo = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro_slaving = 0, 0 , 17.0 [TurbineEngineData] fuel_flow_gain=0.001 inlet_area=55 rated_N2_rpm=29920.000000 static_thrust=72500.000000 // CF Engines afterburner_available=0 reverser_available=1 [GeneralEngineData] engine_type= 1 Engine.0= 12.600, -29.900, -6.100 Engine.1= 12.600, 29.900, -6.100 fuel_flow_scalar= 1.06 min_throttle_limit=-0.250000 [jet_engine] thrust_scalar =0.96 //300-200 only [EFFECTS] wake=fx_wake water=fx_spray dirt=fx_tchdrt concrete=fx_sparks touchdown=fx_tchdwn, 1 [direction_indicators] direction_indicator.0=3,0 [Radios] // Radio Type=availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope Audio.1=1 Com.1=1, 1 Com.2=1, 1 Nav.1=1, 1, 1 Nav.2=1, 1, 0 Adf.1=1 Transponder.1=1 Marker.1=1 [Flaps.0] type=1 span-outboard=0.500000 extending-time=20.000000 system_type=1 flaps-position.0=0.000000,0.000000 flaps-position.1=0.0 flaps-position.2=15.0 //nominal value should be10 but we need big effect RY flaps-position.3=20.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.4=26.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.5=35.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 [Flaps.1] type=2 span-outboard=0.800 extending-time=20.000 system_type=1 damaging-speed=232.000 blowout-speed=250.000 lift_scalar=0.3 drag_scalar=0.2 pitch_scalar=0.0 flaps-position.0=0 flaps-position.1=18.0 flaps-position.2=18.0 flaps-position.3=22.0 flaps-position.4=22.0 flaps-position.5=27.0 [forcefeedback] gear_bump_nose_magnitude=3000 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_nose_direction=18000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_nose_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_left_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_left_direction=35500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_left_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_right_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_right_direction=00500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_right_duration=250000 ; in microseconds ground_bumps_magnitude1=1300 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle1=08900 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept1=3.0 ground_bumps_slope1=0.20 ground_bumps_magnitude2=200 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle2=09100 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept2=1.075 ground_bumps_slope2=0.035 crash_magnitude1=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction1=01000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_magnitude2=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction2=9000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_period2=75000 ; in microseconds crash_duration2=2500000 ; in microseconds [fuel] Center1= 4.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10980.0, 0.0 Center2= -4.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1646.0, 0.0 LeftMain= -2.0, -4.0, 0.0, 11095.0, 0.0 RightMain= -2.0, 4.0, 0.0, 11095.0, 0.0 LeftAux= -7.0, -13.0, 0.0, 964.0, 0.0 RightAux= -7.0, 13.0, 0.0, 964.0, 0.0 fuel_type=2.000000 number_of_tank_selectors=2 electric_pump=1 [airplane_geometry] wing_area=3892 wing_span=198 wing_root_chord=12.000000 wing_dihedral=5 wing_incidence=1.5 wing_twist=1 oswald_efficiency_factor=0.8723 wing_winglets_flag=1 wing_sweep=30 wing_pos_apex_lon=35.00000 wing_pos_apex_vert=0.000000 htail_area=328.000000 htail_span=40.000000 htail_pos_lon=-50.000000 htail_pos_vert=0.000000 htail_incidence=2.993774 htail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_area=249.000000 vtail_span=17.991665 vtail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_pos_lon=-50.000000 vtail_pos_vert=20.500000 elevator_area=70.500000 aileron_area=26.800000 rudder_area=56.200000 elevator_up_limit=28 elevator_down_limit=22 aileron_up_limit=22 aileron_down_limit=20 rudder_limit=32 elevator_trim_limit=18 spoiler_limit=50 spoilerons_available=1 aileron_to_spoileron_gain=3.000000 min_ailerons_for_spoilerons=9.0 min_flaps_for_spoilerons=0.000000 [contact_points] point.0= 1.000, 75.420, 0.000, -14.220, 1181.100, 0.000, 1.777, 70.000, 0.500, 2.100, 0.814, 11.000, 13.200, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.1= 1.000, -7.200, -15.800, -15.840, 1574.800, 1.000, 2.369, 0.000, 1.510, 2.000, 0.747, 9.700, 14.100, 2.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.2= 1.000, -7.200, 15.800, -15.840, 1574.800, 2.000, 2.369, 0.000, 1.510, 2.000, 0.747, 9.700, 14.100, 3.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.3= 2.000, -10.170, -47.330, 0.000, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 5.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.4= 2.000, -10.170, 47.330, 0.000, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 6.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.5= 2.000, -83.330, 0.000, 2.500, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 9.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.6= 2.000, 42.670, 0.000, -3.750, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 4.000, 0.000, 0.000 static_pitch= -0.830 static_cg_height= 20.670 gear_system_type=0 [brakes] toe_brakes_scale=0.66 parking_brake=1 [gear_warning_system] gear_warning_available=0 pct_throttle_limit=0.099976 flap_limit_power=25.496622 flap_limit_idle=10.04 [Reference Speeds] flaps_up_stall_speed=180.000000 // at MTW full_flaps_stall_speed=132.000000// at MTW cruise_speed=320 max_indicated_speed=358.000000 max_mach=0.865 [keyboard_response] elevator=150.000000,250.000000 aileron=150.000000,250.000000 rudder=150.000000,250.000000 [autopilot] autopilot_available=1 flight_director_available=1 default_vertical_speed=1800.000000 autothrottle_available=1 autothrottle_arming_required=1 autothrottle_takeoff_ga=1 autothrottle_max_rpm=90.000000 pitch_takeoff_ga=8.000000 max_pitch=10.000000 max_pitch_acceleration=0.8 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt_breakpoint=20000.000000 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt_breakpoint=28000.000000 max_bank=25.000000 max_bank_acceleration=3.0 max_bank_velocity=3.000000 max_throttle_rate=0.100000 nav_proportional_control=9.000000 nav_integrator_control=0.250000 nav_derivative_control=0.000000 nav_integrator_boundary=2.500000 nav_derivative_boundary=0.000000 gs_proportional_control=9.520000 gs_integrator_control=0.260000 gs_derivative_control=0.000000 gs_integrator_boundary=0.700000 gs_derivative_boundary=0.000000 yaw_damper_gain=0.000000 [hydraulic_system] electric_pumps=0 engine_map=1,1,0,0 normal_pressure=3000.000000 [stall_warning] type=1 [attitude_indicators] attitude_indicator.0=1 [turn_indicators] turn_indicator.0=1,0 Airbus A330-300 [exits] number_of_exits=2 exit.0 = 0.25, 86.0, -7.5, 8.5, 0 exit.1 = 0.05, -42.0, 7.0, -4.0, 1 [Views] eyepoint=98.07, -1.80, 5.85 [LIGHTS] //Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing //Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing light.1 = 1, 30.66, 0.00, -7.58, fx_beaconb , light.2 = 1, 17.40, 0.00, 11.93, fx_beaconh , light.3 = 2, -97.42, 0.00, 9.00, fx_strobe , light.4 = 3, -97.42, 0.00, 9.00, fx_navwhi , light.5 = 4, 88.9, 0, 7.3, fx_vclighth [General] atc_type=AIRBUS atc_model=A330-300 performance=Dimensions: Wing span: 197 ft 10 in \n Length: 165ft 3 in \n Height: 55ft in \n Weights: \n Empty: 274,000 lb \n Max take-off: 513,000 \n Performance: Cruise speed: 608 mph (978.48 km/h) \n Max Operating altitude: 40,000 ft (12,192 m) \n Powerplants: Two RR Trent 700 rated at 68,000 lbs (111.2 kN) or Two CF6-80E1 rated at 72.500 lbs. Hi-bypass Turbofans [WEIGHT_AND_BALANCE] reference_datum_position=0.000, 0.000, -6.000 max_number_of_stations=50 station_load.0 = "750, 42.0, 0.0, 0.0, Crew" station_load.1 = "2000, 37.0, 0.0, 0.0, Galleys" station_load.2 ="41324, 16.0, 0.0, 0.0, Baggage" station_load.3 ="35482, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Cargo" station_load.4 ="4960, 26.0, 0.0, 0.0, First" station_load.5 ="40013, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Coach" empty_weight= 267000 max_gross_weight=509000 empty_weight_roll_MOI=21300000 empty_weight_pitch_MOI=21900000 empty_weight_yaw_MOI=16100000 empty_weight_coupled_MOI=0.0 empty_weight_CG_position=0.000, 0.000, 0.000 [pitot_static] vertical_speed_time_constant=999 [GROUND_REACTION] MAX_STEERING_ANGLE=75 [flight_tuning] cruise_lift_scalar =1.000 parasite_drag_scalar =1.000 induced_drag_scalar =1.1 elevator_effectiveness =1.0 aileron_effectiveness =1.0 rudder_effectiveness =1.0 pitch_stability =1.000 roll_stability =1.000 yaw_stability =1.000 elevator_trim_effectiveness =0.6 aileron_trim_effectiveness =1.000 rudder_trim_effectiveness =1.000 [electrical] max_battery_voltage = 24 generator_alternator_voltage = 28 max_generator_alternator_amps = 200 electric_always_available = 1 flap_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 autopilot = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics_bus = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics = 0, 0 , 17.0 pitot_heat = 0, 0 , 17.0 additional_system = 0, 0 , 17.0 marker_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_warning = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter1 = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter2 = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_nav = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_landing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_taxi = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_strobe = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_panel = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_cabin = 0, 0 , 17.0 auto_brakes = 0, 0 , 17.0 standby_vacuum = 0, 0 , 17.0 hydraulic_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_transfer_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_recognition = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_wing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_logo = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro_slaving = 0, 0 , 17.0 [TurbineEngineData] fuel_flow_gain=0.001 inlet_area=55 rated_N2_rpm=29920.000000 static_thrust=72500.000000 afterburner_available=0 reverser_available=1 [GeneralEngineData] engine_type= 1 Engine.0= 10.600, -29.900, -6.100 Engine.1= 10.600, 29.900, -6.100 fuel_flow_scalar= 0.8900 min_throttle_limit=-0.350000 [jet_engine] thrust_scalar =0.98 [EFFECTS] wake=fx_wake water=fx_spray dirt=fx_tchdrt concrete=fx_sparks touchdown=fx_tchdwn, 1 [direction_indicators] direction_indicator.0=3,0 [Radios] // Radio Type=availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope Audio.1=1 Com.1=1, 1 Com.2=1, 1 Nav.1=1, 1, 1 Nav.2=1, 1, 0 Adf.1=1 Transponder.1=1 Marker.1=1 [Flaps.0] type=1 span-outboard=0.500000 extending-time=20.000000 system_type=1 flaps-position.0=0.000000,0.000000 flaps-position.1=0.0 flaps-position.2=15.0 //nominal value should be10 but we need big effect RY flaps-position.3=20.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.4=26.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.5=35.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 [Flaps.1] type=2 span-outboard=0.800 extending-time=20.000 system_type=1 damaging-speed=232.000 blowout-speed=250.000 lift_scalar=0.3 drag_scalar=0.2 pitch_scalar=0.0 flaps-position.0=0 flaps-position.1=18.0 flaps-position.2=18.0 flaps-position.3=22.0 flaps-position.4=22.0 flaps-position.5=27.0 [forcefeedback] gear_bump_nose_magnitude=3000 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_nose_direction=18000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_nose_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_left_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_left_direction=35500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_left_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_right_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_right_direction=00500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_right_duration=250000 ; in microseconds ground_bumps_magnitude1=1300 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle1=08900 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept1=3.0 ground_bumps_slope1=0.20 ground_bumps_magnitude2=200 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle2=09100 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept2=1.075 ground_bumps_slope2=0.035 crash_magnitude1=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction1=01000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_magnitude2=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction2=9000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_period2=75000 ; in microseconds crash_duration2=2500000 ; in microseconds [fuel] Center1= 4.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Center2= -4.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1615.0, 0.0 LeftMain= -2.0, -4.0, 0.0, 11025.0, 0.0 RightMain= -2.0, 4.0, 0.0, 11025.0, 0.0 LeftAux= -7.0, -13.0, 0.0, 974.0, 0.0 RightAux= -7.0, 13.0, 0.0, 974.0, 0.0 fuel_type=2.000000 number_of_tank_selectors=2 electric_pump=1 [airplane_geometry] wing_area=3892 wing_span=198 wing_root_chord=12.000000 wing_dihedral=5 wing_incidence=1.5 wing_twist=1 oswald_efficiency_factor=0.892 wing_winglets_flag=1 wing_sweep=30 wing_pos_apex_lon=35.00000 wing_pos_apex_vert=0.000000 htail_area=328.000000 htail_span=40.000000 htail_pos_lon=-50.000000 htail_pos_vert=0.000000 htail_incidence=2.993774 htail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_area=249.000000 vtail_span=17.991665 vtail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_pos_lon=-50.000000 vtail_pos_vert=20.500000 elevator_area=70.500000 aileron_area=26.800000 rudder_area=56.200000 elevator_up_limit=28 elevator_down_limit=22 aileron_up_limit=22 aileron_down_limit=20 rudder_limit=32 elevator_trim_limit=18 spoiler_limit=50 spoilerons_available=1 aileron_to_spoileron_gain=3.000000 min_ailerons_for_spoilerons=9.0 min_flaps_for_spoilerons=0.000000 [contact_points] point.0= 1.000, 84.420, 0.000, -14.220, 1181.100, 0.000, 1.777, 70.000, 0.500, 2.100, 0.814, 11.000, 13.200, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.1= 1.000, -7.200, -15.800, -15.840, 1574.800, 1.000, 2.369, 0.000, 1.510, 2.000, 0.747, 9.700, 14.100, 2.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.2= 1.000, -7.200, 15.800, -15.840, 1574.800, 2.000, 2.369, 0.000, 1.510, 2.000, 0.747, 9.700, 14.100, 3.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.3= 2.000, -10.170, -47.330, 0.000, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 5.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.4= 2.000, -10.170, 47.330, 0.000, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 6.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.5= 2.000, -83.330, 0.000, 2.500, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 9.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.6= 2.000, 42.670, 0.000, -3.750, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 4.000, 0.000, 0.000 static_pitch= -0.830 static_cg_height= 20.670 gear_system_type=0 [brakes] toe_brakes_scale=0.66 parking_brake=1 [gear_warning_system] gear_warning_available=0 pct_throttle_limit=0.099976 flap_limit_power=25.496622 flap_limit_idle=10.04 [Reference Speeds] flaps_up_stall_speed=180.000000 // at MTW full_flaps_stall_speed=132.000000// at MTW cruise_speed=320 max_indicated_speed=358.000000 max_mach=0.865 [keyboard_response] elevator=150.000000,250.000000 aileron=150.000000,250.000000 rudder=150.000000,250.000000 [autopilot] autopilot_available=1 flight_director_available=1 default_vertical_speed=1800.000000 autothrottle_available=1 autothrottle_arming_required=1 autothrottle_takeoff_ga=1 autothrottle_max_rpm=90.000000 pitch_takeoff_ga=8.000000 max_pitch=10.000000 max_pitch_acceleration=0.8 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt_breakpoint=20000.000000 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt_breakpoint=28000.000000 max_bank=25.000000 max_bank_acceleration=3.0 max_bank_velocity=3.000000 max_throttle_rate=0.100000 nav_proportional_control=9.000000 nav_integrator_control=0.250000 nav_derivative_control=0.000000 nav_integrator_boundary=2.500000 nav_derivative_boundary=0.000000 gs_proportional_control=9.520000 gs_integrator_control=0.260000 gs_derivative_control=0.000000 gs_integrator_boundary=0.700000 gs_derivative_boundary=0.000000 yaw_damper_gain=0.000000 [hydraulic_system] electric_pumps=0 engine_map=1,1,0,0 normal_pressure=3000.000000 [stall_warning] type=1 [attitude_indicators] attitude_indicator.0=1 [turn_indicators] turn_indicator.0=1,0 Airbus A340-300 [exits] number_of_exits=3 exit.0 = 0.25, 86.0, -7.5, 8.5, 0 exit.1 = 0.05, -42.0, 7.0, -4.0, 1 [Views] eyepoint=98.07, -1.80, 5.85 [LIGHTS] //Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing light.1 = 1, 30.30, 0.00, -8.08, fx_beaconb , light.2 = 1, 17.40, 0.00, 11.99, fx_beaconh , light.3 = 2,-102.92, 0.00, 9.00, fx_strobe , light.4 = 3,-102.92, 0.00, 9.00, fx_navwhi , light.5 = 4, 99.02, 0, 5.3, fx_vclighth [General] atc_type=AIRBUS atc_model=A340-300 performance=Dimensions: Wing span: 197 ft 10 in \n Length: 208 ft \n Height: 56 ft. 9 in \n Weights: \n Empty: 286,150 lb \n Max take-off: 573,200 lbs \n Performance: Cruise speed: 608 mph (978.48 km/h) \n Max Operating altitude: 40,000 ft (12,192 m) \n Powerplants: Four CFM rated at 32,550 lbs Thrust [WEIGHT_AND_BALANCE] reference_datum_position = 0.000, 0.000, -6.000 max_number_of_stations=50 station_load.0 = "750, 42.0, 0.0, 0.0, Crew" station_load.1 = "3000, 37.0, 0.0, 0.0, Galleys" station_load.2 ="37797, 16.0, 0.0, 0.0, Baggage" station_load.3 ="30588, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Cargo" station_load.4 ="3306, 26.0, 0.0, 0.0, First" station_load.5 ="38029, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Coach" empty_weight= 286150 max_gross_weight=573200 empty_weight_roll_MOI=33200000 empty_weight_pitch_MOI=34400000 empty_weight_yaw_MOI=22800000 empty_weight_coupled_MOI=0.0 empty_weight_CG_position=0.000, 0.000, 0.000 [pitot_static] vertical_speed_time_constant=999 [GROUND_REACTION] MAX_STEERING_ANGLE=75 [flight_tuning] cruise_lift_scalar =1.000 parasite_drag_scalar =1.000 induced_drag_scalar =1.1 elevator_effectiveness =1.0 aileron_effectiveness =1.0 rudder_effectiveness =1.0 pitch_stability =1.000 roll_stability =1.000 yaw_stability =1.000 elevator_trim_effectiveness =0.6 aileron_trim_effectiveness =1.000 rudder_trim_effectiveness =1.000 [electrical] max_battery_voltage = 24 generator_alternator_voltage = 28 max_generator_alternator_amps = 200 electric_always_available = 1 flap_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 autopilot = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics_bus = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics = 0, 0 , 17.0 pitot_heat = 0, 0 , 17.0 additional_system = 0, 0 , 17.0 marker_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_warning = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter1 = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter2 = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_nav = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_landing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_taxi = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_strobe = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_panel = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_cabin = 0, 0 , 17.0 auto_brakes = 0, 0 , 17.0 standby_vacuum = 0, 0 , 17.0 hydraulic_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_transfer_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_recognition = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_wing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_logo = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro_slaving = 0, 0 , 17.0 [TurbineEngineData] fuel_flow_gain=0.001 inlet_area=57 rated_N2_rpm=29920.000000 static_thrust=34000.000000 // Trent Engines for A340-600 afterburner_available=0 reverser_available=1 [GeneralEngineData] engine_type= 1 Engine.0= -8.420, -63.700, 1.350 Engine.1= 12.600, -29.900, -3.100 Engine.2= 12.600, 29.900, -3.100 Engine.3= -8.420, 63.700, 1.350 fuel_flow_scalar= 0.79 min_throttle_limit=-0.320000 [jet_engine] thrust_scalar =1.5 //340-300 only! [EFFECTS] wake=fx_wake water=fx_spray dirt=fx_tchdrt concrete=fx_sparks touchdown=fx_tchdwn, 1 [direction_indicators] direction_indicator.0=3,0 [Radios] // Radio Type=availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope Audio.1=1 Com.1=1, 1 Com.2=1, 1 Nav.1=1, 1, 1 Nav.2=1, 1, 0 Adf.1=1 Transponder.1=1 Marker.1=1 [Flaps.0] type=1 span-outboard=0.500000 extending-time=20.000000 system_type=1 flaps-position.0=0.000000,0.000000 flaps-position.1=0.0 flaps-position.2=15.0 //nominal value should be10 but we need big effect RY flaps-position.3=20.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.4=26.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.5=35.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 lift_scalar=0.77 drag_scalar=1.0 pitch_scalar=0.0 [Flaps.1] type=2 span-outboard=0.800 extending-time=20.000 system_type=1 damaging-speed=232.000 blowout-speed=250.000 lift_scalar=0.3 drag_scalar=0.7 pitch_scalar=0.0 flaps-position.0=0 flaps-position.1=18.0 flaps-position.2=18.0 flaps-position.3=22.0 flaps-position.4=22.0 flaps-position.5=27.0 [forcefeedback] gear_bump_nose_magnitude=3000 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_nose_direction=18000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_nose_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_left_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_left_direction=35500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_left_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_right_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_right_direction=00500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_right_duration=250000 ; in microseconds ground_bumps_magnitude1=1300 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle1=08900 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept1=3.0 ground_bumps_slope1=0.20 ground_bumps_magnitude2=200 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle2=09100 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept2=1.075 ground_bumps_slope2=0.035 crash_magnitude1=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction1=01000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_magnitude2=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction2=9000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_period2=75000 ; in microseconds crash_duration2=2500000 ; in microseconds [fuel] Center1= 4.0, 0.0, 0.0, 11207.0, 0.0 // Middle Fuselage Main Centre Tank Center2= -33.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1646.0, 0.0 // Trim Tank in Tail-plane sectin LeftMain= -2.0, -6.0, 0.0, 11301.0, 0.0 // Inner Wing Tank 1 Left RightMain= -2.0, 6.0, 0.0, 11301.0, 0.0 // Inner Wing Tank 2 Right LeftAux= -6.0, -15.0, 0.0, 964.0, 0.0 // Outer Wing Tank 1 Left RightAux= -6.0, 15.0, 0.0, 964.0, 0.0 // Outer Wing Tank 2 Right fuel_type=2.000000 number_of_tank_selectors=2 electric_pump=1 [airplane_geometry] wing_area=3892 wing_span=197.85 wing_root_chord=12.000000 wing_dihedral=5 wing_incidence=1.5 wing_twist=1 oswald_efficiency_factor=0.94 wing_winglets_flag=1 wing_sweep=30 wing_pos_apex_lon=38.00000 wing_pos_apex_vert=0.000000 htail_area=328.000000 htail_span=40.000000 htail_pos_lon=-50.000000 htail_pos_vert=0.000000 htail_incidence=2.993774 htail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_area=249.000000 vtail_span=17.991665 vtail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_pos_lon=-50.000000 vtail_pos_vert=20.500000 elevator_area=70.500000 aileron_area=26.800000 rudder_area=56.200000 elevator_up_limit=28 elevator_down_limit=22 aileron_up_limit=22 aileron_down_limit=20 rudder_limit=32 elevator_trim_limit=18 spoiler_limit=50 spoilerons_available=1 aileron_to_spoileron_gain=3.000000 min_ailerons_for_spoilerons=9.0 min_flaps_for_spoilerons=0.000000 [contact_points] point.0= 1.000, -6.350, 0.001, -15.250, 1574.800, 1.000, 2.368, 0.000, 2.000, 2.500, 0.900, 11.000, 9.0, 1.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.1= 1.000, 84.420, 0.000, -14.580, 1181.100, 0.000, 1.777, 60.000, 0.500, 3.500, 0.900, 9.000, 8.0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.2= 1.000, -6.200, -15.800, -15.600, 1574.800, 1.000, 2.368, 0.000, 1.400, 2.500, 0.900, 11.000, 9.0, 2.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.3= 1.000, -6.200, 15.800, -15.600, 1574.800, 2.000, 2.368, 0.000, 1.400, 2.500, 0.900, 11.000, 9.0, 3.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.4= 2.000, -10.170, -47.330, 0.000, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 5.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.5= 2.000, -10.170, 47.330, 0.000, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 6.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.6= 2.000, -83.330, 0.000, 2.500, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 9.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.7= 2.000, 42.670, 0.000, -3.750, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 4.000, 0.000, 0.000 static_pitch= -0.480 static_cg_height= 21.000 gear_system_type=0 [brakes] toe_brakes_scale=0.78 parking_brake=1 [gear_warning_system] gear_warning_available=0 pct_throttle_limit=0.099976 flap_limit_power=25.496622 flap_limit_idle=10.04 [Reference Speeds] flaps_up_stall_speed=180.000000 // at MTW full_flaps_stall_speed=132.000000// at MTW cruise_speed=320 max_indicated_speed=358.000000 max_mach=0.865 [keyboard_response] elevator=150.000000,250.000000 aileron=150.000000,250.000000 rudder=150.000000,250.000000 [autopilot] autopilot_available=1 flight_director_available=1 default_vertical_speed=1800.000000 autothrottle_available=1 autothrottle_arming_required=1 autothrottle_takeoff_ga=1 autothrottle_max_rpm=90.000000 pitch_takeoff_ga=8.000000 max_pitch=10.000000 max_pitch_acceleration=0.8 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt_breakpoint=20000.000000 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt_breakpoint=28000.000000 max_bank=25.000000 max_bank_acceleration=3.0 max_bank_velocity=3.000000 max_throttle_rate=0.100000 nav_proportional_control=9.000000 nav_integrator_control=0.250000 nav_derivative_control=0.000000 nav_integrator_boundary=2.500000 nav_derivative_boundary=0.000000 gs_proportional_control=9.520000 gs_integrator_control=0.260000 gs_derivative_control=0.000000 gs_integrator_boundary=0.700000 gs_derivative_boundary=0.000000 yaw_damper_gain=0.000000 [hydraulic_system] electric_pumps=0 engine_map=1,1,0,0 normal_pressure=3000.000000 [stall_warning] type=1 [attitude_indicators] attitude_indicator.0=2 [turn_indicators] turn_indicator.0=1,0 Данные для двигателей RR Trent/IAE Airbus A319 [exits] number_of_exits=2 exit.0 = 0.25, 35.5, -5.5, 2.8, 0 exit.1 = 0.4, -18.5, 5.0, -2.2, 1 [Views] eyepoint=43.13, -1.85, 5.19 [LIGHTS] //Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing light.0=3, -5.81, -54.7, 3.49, fx_navred , light.1=3, -5.81, 54.7, 3.49, fx_navgre , light.2=2, -6.42, -55.3, 3.59, fx_strobe , light.3=2, -6.42, 55.3, 3.59, fx_strobe , light.4=1, 14.15, 0.0, -4.90, fx_beaconh , light.5=1, 11.52, 0.0, 9.55, fx_beaconh , light.6=2,-54.23, 0.17, 5.19, fx_strobe , light.7=3,-54.23, -0.17, 5.19, fx_navwhi , light.8 = 4, 39, 0, 5.7, fx_vclighth [General] atc_type=AIRBUS atc_model=A319 performance=Dimensions: Wing span: 111 ft 10 in (33.91 m) \n Length: 111 ft 0 in (33.84 m) \n Height: 38 ft 7 in (11.76 m) \n Weights: \n Empty: 89,000 lb \n Max take-off: 166,000 lb \n Performance: Cruise speed: 608 mph (978.48 km/h) \n Max Operating altitude: 40,000 ft (12,192 m) \n Maximum range: 3,700 miles (6,800 km) \n Powerplants: Two IAE V2525-A5 rated at 23.500 lbs (111.2 kN) or Two CFM International CFM56-5B4 rated at 22.000 lbs. Hi-bypass Turbofans [WEIGHT_AND_BALANCE] reference_datum_position=0, 0, -4.4 max_number_of_stations=50 station_load.0 = "450, 42.0, 0.0, 0.0, Crew" station_load.1 = "1000, 37.0, 0.0, 0.0, Galleys" station_load.2 = "4000, 16.0, 0.0, 0.0, Baggage" station_load.3 = "7000, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Cargo" station_load.4 = "6200, 26.0, 0.0, 0.0, First" station_load.5 = "17000, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Coach" empty_weight= 89500 max_gross_weight=167300 empty_weight_roll_MOI=1300000 empty_weight_pitch_MOI=2000000 empty_weight_yaw_MOI=2000000 empty_weight_coupled_MOI=0.0 empty_weight_CG_position=0.000, 0.000, 0.000 [pitot_static] vertical_speed_time_constant=999 [GROUND_REACTION] MAX_STEERING_ANGLE=75 [flight_tuning] cruise_lift_scalar =1.000 parasite_drag_scalar =1.000 induced_drag_scalar =1.1 elevator_effectiveness =1.0 aileron_effectiveness =1.0 rudder_effectiveness =1.0 pitch_stability =1.000 roll_stability =1.000 yaw_stability =1.000 elevator_trim_effectiveness =0.6 aileron_trim_effectiveness =1.000 rudder_trim_effectiveness =1.000 [electrical] max_battery_voltage = 24 generator_alternator_voltage = 28 max_generator_alternator_amps = 200 electric_always_available = 1 flap_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 autopilot = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics_bus = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics = 0, 0 , 17.0 pitot_heat = 0, 0 , 17.0 additional_system = 0, 0 , 17.0 marker_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_warning = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter1 = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter2 = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_nav = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_landing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_taxi = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_strobe = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_panel = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_cabin = 0, 0 , 17.0 auto_brakes = 0, 0 , 17.0 standby_vacuum = 0, 0 , 17.0 hydraulic_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_transfer_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_recognition = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_wing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_logo = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro_slaving = 0, 0 , 17.0 [TurbineEngineData] fuel_flow_gain=0.001 inlet_area=30 rated_N2_rpm=29920.000000 static_thrust=22700.000000 afterburner_available=0 reverser_available=1 [GeneralEngineData] engine_type=1 Engine.0= 3.0, -17.5, -2.500000 Engine.1= 3.0, 17.5, -2.500000 fuel_flow_scalar=1.0000 min_throttle_limit=-0.499939 max_contrail_temperature = -30 //Temperature (deg C) below which contrails may appear [jet_engine] thrust_scalar =1.1 [EFFECTS] wake=fx_wake water=fx_spray dirt=fx_tchdrt concrete=fx_sparks touchdown=fx_tchdwn, 1 [direction_indicators] direction_indicator.0=3,0 [Radios] // Radio Type=availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope Audio.1=1 Com.1=1, 1 Com.2=1, 1 Nav.1=1, 1, 1 Nav.2=1, 1, 0 Adf.1=1 Transponder.1=1 Marker.1=1 [Flaps.0] type=1 span-outboard=0.500000 extending-time=20.000000 system_type=1 flaps-position.0=0.000000,0.000000 flaps-position.1=0.0 flaps-position.2=13.0 //nominal value should be10 but we need big effect RY flaps-position.3=20.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.4=29.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.5=40.0 //More lift for patched solution to low lift RY [Flaps.1] type=2 span-outboard=0.800 extending-time=20.000 system_type=1 damaging-speed=232.000 blowout-speed=250.000 lift_scalar=0.3 drag_scalar=0.2 pitch_scalar=0.0 flaps-position.0=0 flaps-position.1=18.0 flaps-position.2=18.0 flaps-position.3=22.0 flaps-position.4=22.0 flaps-position.5=27.0 [forcefeedback] gear_bump_nose_magnitude=3000 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_nose_direction=18000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_nose_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_left_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_left_direction=35500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_left_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_right_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_right_direction=00500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_right_duration=250000 ; in microseconds ground_bumps_magnitude1=1300 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle1=08900 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept1=3.0 ground_bumps_slope1=0.20 ground_bumps_magnitude2=200 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle2=09100 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept2=1.075 ground_bumps_slope2=0.035 crash_magnitude1=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction1=01000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_magnitude2=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction2=9000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_period2=75000 ; in microseconds crash_duration2=2500000 ; in microseconds [fuel] Center1= 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2130.000000, 0.000000 LeftMain= 0.0, -8.0, 0.0, 1788.000000, 0.000000 RightMain= 0.0, 8.0, 0.0, 1788.000000, 0.000000 LeftAux= 0.0, -13.0, 0.0, 227.000000, 0.000000 RightAux= 0.0, 13.0, 0.0, 227.000000, 0.000000 fuel_type=2.000000 number_of_tank_selectors=2 electric_pump=1 [airplane_geometry] wing_area=1320.000000 wing_span=111.9 wing_root_chord=12.000000 wing_dihedral=5 wing_incidence=1.5 wing_twist=1 oswald_efficiency_factor=0.8723 wing_winglets_flag=1 wing_sweep=22 wing_pos_apex_lon=15.00000 wing_pos_apex_vert=0.000000 htail_area=328.000000 htail_span=40.000000 htail_pos_lon=-50.000000 htail_pos_vert=0.000000 htail_incidence=2.993774 htail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_area=249.000000 vtail_span=17.991665 vtail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_pos_lon=-50.000000 vtail_pos_vert=20.500000 elevator_area=70.500000 aileron_area=26.800000 rudder_area=56.200000 elevator_up_limit=28 elevator_down_limit=22 aileron_up_limit=22 aileron_down_limit=20 rudder_limit=32 elevator_trim_limit=18 spoiler_limit=50 spoilerons_available=1 aileron_to_spoileron_gain=3.000000 min_ailerons_for_spoilerons=9.0 min_flaps_for_spoilerons=0.000000 [contact_points] point.0=1, 35.80, 0.00, -10.56, 1500, 0, 1.25, 60.12, 0.38, 2.4, 0.5135, 7.0, 8.2, 0, 0.0, 0.0 point.1=1, -4.25, -11.58, -11.06, 2200, 1, 2.15, 0.00, 1.11, 2.0, 0.5470, 9.7, 14.1, 2, 0.0, 0.0 point.2=1, -4.25, 11.58, -11.06, 2200, 2, 2.15, 0.00, 1.11, 2.0, 0.5470, 9.7, 14.1, 3, 0.0, 0.0 point.3=2, -14.17, -47.33, 0.00, 787.4, 0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5, 0.0, 0.0 point.4=2, -14.17, 47.33, 0.00, 787.4, 0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6, 0.0, 0.0 point.5=2, -54.00, 0.00, 2.83, 787.4, 0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 9, 0.0, 0.0 point.6=2, 42.67, 0.00, -3.75, 787.4, 0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4, 0.0, 0.0 max_number_of_points=21 static_pitch= -0.02 //degrees, pitch when at rest on the ground (+=Up, -=Dn) static_cg_height=14.26 //feet, altitude of CG when at rest on the ground gear_system_type=0 [brakes] toe_brakes_scale=0.86 parking_brake=1 [gear_warning_system] gear_warning_available=0 pct_throttle_limit=0.099976 flap_limit_power=25.496622 flap_limit_idle=10.04 [Reference Speeds] flaps_up_stall_speed=180.000000 // at MTW full_flaps_stall_speed=132.000000// at MTW cruise_speed=320 max_indicated_speed=352.000000 max_mach=0.84 [keyboard_response] elevator=150.000000,250.000000 aileron=150.000000,250.000000 rudder=150.000000,250.000000 [autopilot] autopilot_available=1 flight_director_available=1 default_vertical_speed=1800.000000 autothrottle_available=1 autothrottle_arming_required=1 autothrottle_takeoff_ga=1 autothrottle_max_rpm=90.000000 pitch_takeoff_ga=8.000000 max_pitch=10.000000 max_pitch_acceleration=0.8 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt_breakpoint=20000.000000 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt_breakpoint=28000.000000 max_bank=25.000000 max_bank_acceleration=3.0 max_bank_velocity=3.000000 max_throttle_rate=0.100000 nav_proportional_control=9.000000 nav_integrator_control=0.250000 nav_derivative_control=0.000000 nav_integrator_boundary=2.500000 nav_derivative_boundary=0.000000 gs_proportional_control=9.520000 gs_integrator_control=0.260000 gs_derivative_control=0.000000 gs_integrator_boundary=0.700000 gs_derivative_boundary=0.000000 yaw_damper_gain=0.000000 [hydraulic_system] electric_pumps=0 engine_map=1,1,0,0 normal_pressure=3000.000000 [stall_warning] type=1 [attitude_indicators] attitude_indicator.0=2 [turn_indicators] turn_indicator.0=1,0 Airbus A320 [exits] number_of_exits=2 exit_rate.0=0.25 exit_rate.1=0.25 [Views] eyepoint=53.95, -1.85, 5.13 //(feet) longitudinal, lateral, vertical distance from reference datum [LIGHTS] //Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing light.0=3, -5.81, -54.7, 3.09, fx_navredm , light.1=3, -5.81, 54.7, 3.09, fx_navgrem , light.2=2, -6.42, -55.3, 3.09, fx_strobeh , light.3=2, -6.42, 55.3, 3.09, fx_strobeh , light.4=1, 14.15, 0.0, -4.70, fx_beaconb , light.5=1, 11.52, 0.0, 9.15, fx_beaconh , light.6=2,-61.83, -0.17, 4.79, fx_strobe , light.7=3,-61.83, 0.17, 4.79, fx_navwhi , light.8 = 4, 53.5, 0, 5.4, fx_vclighth [General] atc_type=AIRBUS atc_model=A320 performance=Dimensions: Wing span: 111 ft 10 in (33.91 m) \n Length: 123 ft 3 in (37.57 m) \n Height: 38 ft 9.50 in (11.80 m) \n Weights: \n Empty: 91,675 lb (41,583 kg) \n Max take-off: 169,765 lb (77,000 kg) \n Performance: Cruise speed: 608 mph (978.48 km/h) \n Max Operating altitude: 40,000 ft (12,192 m) \n Maximum range: 3,222 miles (5,185 km) \n Powerplants: Two IAE V2525-A5 rated at 25,000 lb (111.2 kN) or Two CFM International CFM56-5B4 rated at 26,500 lb (117.9 kN). Hi-bypass Turbofans [WEIGHT_AND_BALANCE] reference_datum_position=0.000000,0.000000,-4.000000 max_number_of_stations=50 station_load.0 = "450, 42.0, 0.0, 0.0, Crew" station_load.1 = "1000, 37.0, 0.0, 0.0, Galleys" station_load.2 ="6598, 16.0, 0.0, 0.0, Baggage" station_load.3 ="9499, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Cargo" station_load.4 ="1653, 26.0, 0.0, 0.0, First" station_load.5 ="18187, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Coach" empty_weight= 93500 max_gross_weight=169800 empty_weight_roll_MOI=1700000 empty_weight_pitch_MOI=2500000 empty_weight_yaw_MOI=2700000 empty_weight_coupled_MOI=0.0 empty_weight_CG_position=0.000, 0.000, 0.000 [pitot_static] vertical_speed_time_constant=999 [GROUND_REACTION] MAX_STEERING_ANGLE=75 [flight_tuning] cruise_lift_scalar =1.000 parasite_drag_scalar =1.000 induced_drag_scalar =1.1 elevator_effectiveness =1.0 aileron_effectiveness =1.0 rudder_effectiveness =1.0 pitch_stability =1.000 roll_stability =1.000 yaw_stability =1.000 elevator_trim_effectiveness =0.6 aileron_trim_effectiveness =1.000 rudder_trim_effectiveness =1.000 [electrical] max_battery_voltage = 24 generator_alternator_voltage = 28 max_generator_alternator_amps = 200 electric_always_available = 1 flap_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 autopilot = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics_bus = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics = 0, 0 , 17.0 pitot_heat = 0, 0 , 17.0 additional_system = 0, 0 , 17.0 marker_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_warning = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter1 = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter2 = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_nav = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_landing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_taxi = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_strobe = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_panel = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_cabin = 0, 0 , 17.0 auto_brakes = 0, 0 , 17.0 standby_vacuum = 0, 0 , 17.0 hydraulic_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_transfer_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_recognition = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_wing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_logo = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro_slaving = 0, 0 , 17.0 [TurbineEngineData] fuel_flow_gain=0.001 inlet_area=30 rated_N2_rpm=29920.000000 static_thrust=27000.000000 afterburner_available=0 reverser_available=1 [GeneralEngineData] engine_type=1 Engine.0= -2.25, -18.9, -4.600000 Engine.1= -2.25, 18.9, -4.600000 fuel_flow_scalar=1.0000 min_throttle_limit=-0.499939 [jet_engine] thrust_scalar =0.95 [EFFECTS] wake=fx_wake water=fx_spray dirt=fx_tchdrt concrete=fx_sparks touchdown=fx_tchdwn, 1 [direction_indicators] direction_indicator.0=3,0 [Radios] // Radio Type=availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope Audio.1=1 Com.1=1, 1 Com.2=1, 1 Nav.1=1, 1, 1 Nav.2=1, 1, 0 Adf.1=1 Transponder.1=1 Marker.1=1 [Flaps.0] type=1 span-outboard=0.500000 extending-time=20.000000 system_type=1 flaps-position.0=0.000000,0.000000 flaps-position.1=10.0 flaps-position.2=15.0 //nominal value should be10 but we need big effect RY flaps-position.3=20.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.4=26.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.5=35.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 [Flaps.1] type=2 span-outboard=0.800 extending-time=20.000 system_type=1 damaging-speed=232.000 blowout-speed=250.000 lift_scalar=0.3 drag_scalar=0.2 pitch_scalar=0.0 flaps-position.0=0 flaps-position.1=18.0 flaps-position.2=18.0 flaps-position.3=22.0 flaps-position.4=22.0 flaps-position.5=27.0 [forcefeedback] gear_bump_nose_magnitude=3000 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_nose_direction=18000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_nose_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_left_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_left_direction=35500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_left_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_right_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_right_direction=00500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_right_duration=250000 ; in microseconds ground_bumps_magnitude1=1300 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle1=08900 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept1=3.0 ground_bumps_slope1=0.20 ground_bumps_magnitude2=200 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle2=09100 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept2=1.075 ground_bumps_slope2=0.035 crash_magnitude1=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction1=01000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_magnitude2=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction2=9000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_period2=75000 ; in microseconds crash_duration2=2500000 ; in microseconds [fuel] Center1= 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2130.000000, 0.000000 LeftMain= 0.0, -8.0, 0.0, 1788.000000, 0.000000 RightMain= 0.0, 8.0, 0.0, 1788.000000, 0.000000 LeftAux= 0.0, -13.0, 0.0, 227.000000, 0.000000 RightAux= 0.0, 13.0, 0.0, 227.000000, 0.000000 fuel_type=2.000000 number_of_tank_selectors=2 electric_pump=1 [airplane_geometry] wing_area=1320.000000 wing_span=111.9 wing_root_chord=12.000000 wing_dihedral=5 wing_incidence=1.5 wing_twist=1 oswald_efficiency_factor=0.8 wing_winglets_flag=1 wing_sweep=22 wing_pos_apex_lon=15.00000 wing_pos_apex_vert=0.000000 htail_area=328.000000 htail_span=40.000000 htail_pos_lon=-50.000000 htail_pos_vert=0.000000 htail_incidence=2.993774 htail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_area=249.000000 vtail_span=17.991665 vtail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_pos_lon=-50.000000 vtail_pos_vert=20.500000 elevator_area=70.500000 aileron_area=26.800000 rudder_area=56.200000 elevator_up_limit=28 elevator_down_limit=22 aileron_up_limit=22 aileron_down_limit=20 rudder_limit=32 elevator_trim_limit=18 spoiler_limit=50 spoilerons_available=1 aileron_to_spoileron_gain=3.000000 min_ailerons_for_spoilerons=9.0 min_flaps_for_spoilerons=0.000000 [contact_points] point.0=1.0, 41.66, 0.00, -11.03, 6000.8, 0.00, 1.79, 75.00, 0.50, 2.50, 0.60, 9.00, 9.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 point.1=1.0, -4.16, -12.33, -11.70, 6000.8, 1.00, 1.79, 0.00, 1.29, 2.50, 0.60, 12.00, 12.00, 2.00, 0.00, 0.00 point.2=1.0, -4.16, 12.33, -11.70, 6000.8, 2.00, 1.79, 0.00, 1.29, 2.50, 0.60, 13.00, 13.00, 3.00, 0.00, 0.00 ;point.3=2.0, -14.16, -47.33, 0.00, 787.4, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 5.00, 0.00, 0.00 ;point.4=2.0, -14.16, 47.33, 0.00, 787.4, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 6.00, 0.00, 0.00 ;point.5=2.0, -54.00, 0.00, 2.83, 787.4, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 9.00, 0.00, 0.00 ;point.6=2.0, 42.66, 0.00 ,-3.75, 787.4, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 4.00, 0.00, 0.00 static_pitch= 0.02 //degrees, pitch when at rest on the ground (+=Up, -=Dn) static_cg_height=15.02 //feet, altitude of CG when at rest on the ground gear_system_type=0 [brakes] toe_brakes_scale=0.86 parking_brake=1 [gear_warning_system] gear_warning_available=0 pct_throttle_limit=0.099976 flap_limit_power=25.496622 flap_limit_idle=10.04 [Reference Speeds] flaps_up_stall_speed=180.000000 // at MTW full_flaps_stall_speed=132.000000// at MTW cruise_speed=320 max_indicated_speed=352.000000 max_mach=0.84 [keyboard_response] elevator=150.000000,250.000000 aileron=150.000000,250.000000 rudder=150.000000,250.000000 [autopilot] autopilot_available=1 flight_director_available=1 default_vertical_speed=1800.000000 autothrottle_available=1 autothrottle_arming_required=1 autothrottle_takeoff_ga=1 autothrottle_max_rpm=90.000000 pitch_takeoff_ga=8.000000 max_pitch=10.000000 max_pitch_acceleration=0.8 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt_breakpoint=20000.000000 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt_breakpoint=28000.000000 max_bank=25.000000 max_bank_acceleration=3.0 max_bank_velocity=3.000000 max_throttle_rate=0.100000 nav_proportional_control=9.000000 nav_integrator_control=0.250000 nav_derivative_control=0.000000 nav_integrator_boundary=2.500000 nav_derivative_boundary=0.000000 //gs_proportional_control=9.520000 //gs_integrator_control=0.260000 //gs_derivative_control=0.000000 //gs_integrator_boundary=0.700000 //gs_derivative_boundary=0.000000 gs_proportional_control=19.0 gs_integrator_control=0.530 gs_derivative_control=0.00 gs_integrator_boundary=0.70 gs_derivative_boundary=0.00 yaw_damper_gain=0.000000 [hydraulic_system] electric_pumps=0 engine_map=1,1,0,0 normal_pressure=3000.000000 [stall_warning] type=1 [attitude_indicators] attitude_indicator.0=2 [turn_indicators] turn_indicator.0=1,0 Airbus A321 [exits] number_of_exits=2 exit.0 = 0.25, 53.5, -5.5, 2.8, 0 exit.1 = 0.4, -23.5, 5.0, -2.2, 1 [Views] eyepoint=61.73, -1.65, 5.25 [LIGHTS] //Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing light.0= 1, 9.55, 0.0, -4.84, fx_beaconb , light.1= 1, 6.32, 0.0, 9.45, fx_beaconh , light.2= 2,-75.95, -0.17, 5.19, fx_strobe , light.3= 3,-75.95, 0.17, 5.19, fx_navwhi , light.4= 4, 60.90, 0.0, 6.70, fx_vclighth //61.73, -1.65, 5.25 [General] atc_type=AIRBUS atc_model=A321 performance=Dimensions: Wing span: 111 ft 10 in (33.91 m) \n Length: 123 ft 3 in (37.57 m) \n Height: 38 ft 9.50 in (11.80 m) \n Weights: \n Empty: 106,00 lb \n Max take-off: 196,000 lb \n Performance: Cruise speed: 608 mph (978.48 km/h) \n Max Operating altitude: 40,000 ft (12,192 m) \n Maximum range: 3,222 miles (5,185 km) \n Powerplants: Two IAE V2525-A5 rated at 25,000 lb (111.2 kN) or Two CFM International CFM56-5B4 rated at 32.000 lbs. Hi-bypass Turbofans [WEIGHT_AND_BALANCE] reference_datum_position= 5, 0, -4.4 max_number_of_stations=50 station_load.0 = "450, 42.0, 0.0, 0.0, Crew" station_load.1 = "1000, 37.0, 0.0, 0.0, Galleys" station_load.2 = "5000, 16.0, 0.0, 0.0, Baggage" station_load.3 = "7000, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Cargo" station_load.4 = "7200, 26.0, 0.0, 0.0, First" station_load.5 = "20000, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Coach" empty_weight= 106300 max_gross_weight=196210 empty_weight_roll_MOI=1700000 empty_weight_pitch_MOI=2500000 empty_weight_yaw_MOI=2700000 empty_weight_coupled_MOI=0.0 empty_weight_CG_position=0.000, 0.000, 0.000 [pitot_static] vertical_speed_time_constant=999 [GROUND_REACTION] MAX_STEERING_ANGLE=75 [flight_tuning] cruise_lift_scalar =1.000 parasite_drag_scalar =1.000 induced_drag_scalar =1.1 elevator_effectiveness =1.0 aileron_effectiveness =1.0 rudder_effectiveness =1.0 pitch_stability =1.000 roll_stability =1.000 yaw_stability =1.000 elevator_trim_effectiveness =0.6 aileron_trim_effectiveness =1.000 rudder_trim_effectiveness =1.000 [electrical] max_battery_voltage = 24 generator_alternator_voltage = 28 max_generator_alternator_amps = 200 electric_always_available = 1 flap_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 autopilot = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics_bus = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics = 0, 0 , 17.0 pitot_heat = 0, 0 , 17.0 additional_system = 0, 0 , 17.0 marker_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_warning = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter1 = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter2 = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_nav = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_landing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_taxi = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_strobe = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_panel = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_cabin = 0, 0 , 17.0 auto_brakes = 0, 0 , 17.0 standby_vacuum = 0, 0 , 17.0 hydraulic_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_transfer_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_recognition = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_wing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_logo = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro_slaving = 0, 0 , 17.0 [TurbineEngineData] fuel_flow_gain=0.001 inlet_area=30 rated_N2_rpm=29920.000000 static_thrust=33000.000000 afterburner_available=0 reverser_available=1 [GeneralEngineData] engine_type=1 //0=Piston, 1=Jet, 2=None, 3=Helo-Turbine, 4=Rocket, 5=Turboprop Engine.0=3.25, -18.9, -4.2 //(feet) longitudinal, lateral, vertical distance from reference datum Engine.1=3.25, 18.9, -4.2 //(feet) longitudinal, lateral, vertical distance from reference datum fuel_flow_scalar=1.26 //Scalar for fuel flow efficiency min_throttle_limit=-0.330000 max_contrail_temperature = -30 [jet_engine] thrust_scalar =1.0 [EFFECTS] wake=fx_wake water=fx_spray dirt=fx_tchdrt concrete=fx_sparks touchdown=fx_tchdwn, 1 [direction_indicators] direction_indicator.0=3,0 [Radios] // Radio Type=availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope Audio.1=1 Com.1=1, 1 Com.2=1, 1 Nav.1=1, 1, 1 Nav.2=1, 1, 0 Adf.1=1 Transponder.1=1 Marker.1=1 [Flaps.0] type=1 span-outboard=0.500000 extending-time=20.000000 system_type=1 flaps-position.0=0.000000,0.000000 flaps-position.1=0.0 flaps-position.2=15.0 //nominal value should be10 but we need big effect RY flaps-position.3=20.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.4=26.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.5=35.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 [Flaps.1] type=2 span-outboard=0.800 extending-time=20.000 system_type=1 damaging-speed=232.000 blowout-speed=250.000 lift_scalar=0.3 drag_scalar=0.2 pitch_scalar=0.0 flaps-position.0=0 flaps-position.1=18.0 flaps-position.2=18.0 flaps-position.3=22.0 flaps-position.4=22.0 flaps-position.5=27.0 [forcefeedback] gear_bump_nose_magnitude=3000 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_nose_direction=18000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_nose_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_left_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_left_direction=35500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_left_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_right_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_right_direction=00500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_right_duration=250000 ; in microseconds ground_bumps_magnitude1=1300 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle1=08900 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept1=3.0 ground_bumps_slope1=0.20 ground_bumps_magnitude2=200 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle2=09100 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept2=1.075 ground_bumps_slope2=0.035 crash_magnitude1=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction1=01000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_magnitude2=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction2=9000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_period2=75000 ; in microseconds crash_duration2=2500000 ; in microseconds [fuel] Center1= 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2118.000000, 0.000000 LeftMain= 0.0, -8.0, 0.0, 2001.000000, 0.000000 RightMain= 0.0, 8.0, 0.0, 2001.000000, 0.000000 fuel_type=2.000000 number_of_tank_selectors=2 electric_pump=1 [airplane_geometry] wing_area=1320.000000 wing_span=111.9 wing_root_chord=12.000000 wing_dihedral=5 wing_incidence=1.5 wing_twist=1 oswald_efficiency_factor=0.8723 wing_winglets_flag=1 wing_sweep=22 wing_pos_apex_lon=15.00000 wing_pos_apex_vert=0.000000 htail_area=328.000000 htail_span=40.000000 htail_pos_lon=-50.000000 htail_pos_vert=0.000000 htail_incidence=2.993774 htail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_area=249.000000 vtail_span=17.991665 vtail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_pos_lon=-50.000000 vtail_pos_vert=20.500000 elevator_area=70.500000 aileron_area=26.800000 rudder_area=56.200000 elevator_up_limit=28 elevator_down_limit=22 aileron_up_limit=22 aileron_down_limit=20 rudder_limit=32 elevator_trim_limit=18 spoiler_limit=50 spoilerons_available=1 aileron_to_spoileron_gain=3.000000 min_ailerons_for_spoilerons=9.0 min_flaps_for_spoilerons=0.000000 [contact_points] point.0=1, 54.80, 0.00, -10.61, 1500, 0, 1.25, 60.12, 0.50, 2.1, 0.8135,11.0, 13.2, 0, 0.0, 0.0 point.1=1, -3.95, -11.58, -11.56, 2200, 1, 2.15, 0.00, 1.51, 2.0, 0.7470, 9.7, 14.1, 2, 0.0, 0.0 point.2=1, -3.95, 11.58, -11.56, 2200, 2, 2.15, 0.00, 1.51, 2.0, 0.7470, 9.7, 14.1, 3, 0.0, 0.0 point.3=2, -14.17, -47.33, 0.00, 787.4, 0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5, 0.0, 0.0 point.4=2, -14.17, 47.33, 0.00, 787.4, 0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6, 0.0, 0.0 point.5=2, -54.00, 0.00, 2.83, 787.4, 0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 9, 0.0, 0.0 point.6=2, 42.67, 0.00, -3.75, 787.4, 0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4, 0.0, 0.0 max_number_of_points=21 static_pitch=-0.22 //degrees, pitch when at rest on the ground (+=Up, -=Dn) static_cg_height=14.56 //feet, altitude of CG when at rest on the ground gear_system_type=0 [brakes] toe_brakes_scale=0.86 parking_brake=1 [gear_warning_system] gear_warning_available=0 pct_throttle_limit=0.099976 flap_limit_power=25.496622 flap_limit_idle=10.04 [Reference Speeds] flaps_up_stall_speed=180.000000 // at MTW full_flaps_stall_speed=132.000000// at MTW cruise_speed=320 max_indicated_speed=352.000000 max_mach=0.84 [keyboard_response] elevator=150.000000,250.000000 aileron=150.000000,250.000000 rudder=150.000000,250.000000 [autopilot] autopilot_available=1 flight_director_available=1 default_vertical_speed=1800.000000 autothrottle_available=1 autothrottle_arming_required=1 autothrottle_takeoff_ga=1 autothrottle_max_rpm=90.000000 pitch_takeoff_ga=8.000000 max_pitch=10.000000 max_pitch_acceleration=0.8 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt_breakpoint=20000.000000 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt_breakpoint=28000.000000 max_bank=25.000000 max_bank_acceleration=3.0 max_bank_velocity=3.000000 max_throttle_rate=0.100000 nav_proportional_control=9.000000 nav_integrator_control=0.250000 nav_derivative_control=0.000000 nav_integrator_boundary=2.500000 nav_derivative_boundary=0.000000 gs_proportional_control=9.520000 gs_integrator_control=0.260000 gs_derivative_control=0.000000 gs_integrator_boundary=0.700000 gs_derivative_boundary=0.000000 yaw_damper_gain=0.000000 [hydraulic_system] electric_pumps=0 engine_map=1,1,0,0 normal_pressure=3000.000000 [stall_warning] type=1 [attitude_indicators] attitude_indicator.0=2 [turn_indicators] turn_indicator.0=1,0 Airbus A330-200 [exits] number_of_exits=2 exit.0 = 0.25, 78.0, -7.5, 8.5, 0 exit.1 = 0.05, -37.0, 7.0, -4.0, 1 [Views] eyepoint=88.74, -1.80, 5.85 [LIGHTS] //Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing light.1 = 1, 30.66, 0.00, -7.58, fx_beaconb , light.2 = 1, 17.40, 0.00, 11.93, fx_beaconh , light.3 = 2, -97.42, 0.00, 9.00, fx_strobe , light.4 = 3, -97.42, 0.00, 9.00, fx_navwhi , light.5 = 4, 88.9, 0, 7.3, fx_vclighth [General] atc_type=AIRBUS atc_model=A330-200 performance=Dimensions: Wing span: 197 ft 10 in \n Length: 188ft 8 in \n Height: 57ft 1 in \n Weights: \n Empty: 274,000 lb \n Max take-off: 513,000 \n Performance: Cruise speed: 608 mph (978.48 km/h) \n Max Operating altitude: 40,000 ft (12,192 m) \n Powerplants: Two RR Trent 700 rated at 68,000 lbs (111.2 kN) or Two CF6-80E1 rated at 67.500 lbs. Hi-bypass Turbofans [WEIGHT_AND_BALANCE] reference_datum_position = 0.000, 0.000, -6.000 max_number_of_stations=50 station_load.0 = "750, 42.0, 0.0, 0.0, Crew" station_load.1 = "2000, 37.0, 0.0, 0.0, Galleys" station_load.2 ="29104, 16.0, 0.0, 0.0, Baggage" station_load.3 ="23518, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Cargo" station_load.4 ="2480, 26.0, 0.0, 0.0, First" station_load.5 ="34556, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Coach" empty_weight= 264875 max_gross_weight=507050 empty_weight_roll_MOI=21100000 empty_weight_pitch_MOI=21400000 empty_weight_yaw_MOI=15800000 empty_weight_coupled_MOI=0.0 empty_weight_CG_position=0.000, 0.000, 0.000 [pitot_static] vertical_speed_time_constant=999 [GROUND_REACTION] MAX_STEERING_ANGLE=75 [flight_tuning] cruise_lift_scalar =1.000 parasite_drag_scalar =1.000 induced_drag_scalar =1.1 elevator_effectiveness =1.0 aileron_effectiveness =1.0 rudder_effectiveness =1.0 pitch_stability =1.000 roll_stability =1.000 yaw_stability =1.000 elevator_trim_effectiveness =0.6 aileron_trim_effectiveness =1.000 rudder_trim_effectiveness =1.000 [electrical] max_battery_voltage = 24 generator_alternator_voltage = 28 max_generator_alternator_amps = 200 electric_always_available = 1 flap_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 autopilot = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics_bus = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics = 0, 0 , 17.0 pitot_heat = 0, 0 , 17.0 additional_system = 0, 0 , 17.0 marker_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_warning = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter1 = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter2 = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_nav = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_landing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_taxi = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_strobe = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_panel = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_cabin = 0, 0 , 17.0 auto_brakes = 0, 0 , 17.0 standby_vacuum = 0, 0 , 17.0 hydraulic_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_transfer_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_recognition = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_wing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_logo = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro_slaving = 0, 0 , 17.0 [TurbineEngineData] fuel_flow_gain=0.001 inlet_area=55 rated_N2_rpm=29920.000000 static_thrust=71100.000000 // CF Engines afterburner_available=0 reverser_available=1 [GeneralEngineData] engine_type= 1 Engine.0= 12.600, -29.900, -6.100 Engine.1= 12.600, 29.900, -6.100 fuel_flow_scalar= 1.06 min_throttle_limit=-0.250000 [jet_engine] thrust_scalar =0.96 //300-200 only [EFFECTS] wake=fx_wake water=fx_spray dirt=fx_tchdrt concrete=fx_sparks touchdown=fx_tchdwn, 1 [direction_indicators] direction_indicator.0=3,0 [Radios] // Radio Type=availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope Audio.1=1 Com.1=1, 1 Com.2=1, 1 Nav.1=1, 1, 1 Nav.2=1, 1, 0 Adf.1=1 Transponder.1=1 Marker.1=1 [Flaps.0] type=1 span-outboard=0.500000 extending-time=20.000000 system_type=1 flaps-position.0=0.000000,0.000000 flaps-position.1=0.0 flaps-position.2=15.0 //nominal value should be10 but we need big effect RY flaps-position.3=20.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.4=26.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.5=35.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 [Flaps.1] type=2 span-outboard=0.800 extending-time=20.000 system_type=1 damaging-speed=232.000 blowout-speed=250.000 lift_scalar=0.3 drag_scalar=0.2 pitch_scalar=0.0 flaps-position.0=0 flaps-position.1=18.0 flaps-position.2=18.0 flaps-position.3=22.0 flaps-position.4=22.0 flaps-position.5=27.0 [forcefeedback] gear_bump_nose_magnitude=3000 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_nose_direction=18000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_nose_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_left_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_left_direction=35500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_left_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_right_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_right_direction=00500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_right_duration=250000 ; in microseconds ground_bumps_magnitude1=1300 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle1=08900 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept1=3.0 ground_bumps_slope1=0.20 ground_bumps_magnitude2=200 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle2=09100 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept2=1.075 ground_bumps_slope2=0.035 crash_magnitude1=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction1=01000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_magnitude2=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction2=9000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_period2=75000 ; in microseconds crash_duration2=2500000 ; in microseconds [fuel] Center1= 4.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10980.0, 0.0 Center2= -4.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1646.0, 0.0 LeftMain= -2.0, -4.0, 0.0, 11095.0, 0.0 RightMain= -2.0, 4.0, 0.0, 11095.0, 0.0 LeftAux= -7.0, -13.0, 0.0, 964.0, 0.0 RightAux= -7.0, 13.0, 0.0, 964.0, 0.0 fuel_type=2.000000 number_of_tank_selectors=2 electric_pump=1 [airplane_geometry] wing_area=3892 wing_span=198 wing_root_chord=12.000000 wing_dihedral=5 wing_incidence=1.5 wing_twist=1 oswald_efficiency_factor=0.8723 wing_winglets_flag=1 wing_sweep=30 wing_pos_apex_lon=35.00000 wing_pos_apex_vert=0.000000 htail_area=328.000000 htail_span=40.000000 htail_pos_lon=-50.000000 htail_pos_vert=0.000000 htail_incidence=2.993774 htail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_area=249.000000 vtail_span=17.991665 vtail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_pos_lon=-50.000000 vtail_pos_vert=20.500000 elevator_area=70.500000 aileron_area=26.800000 rudder_area=56.200000 elevator_up_limit=28 elevator_down_limit=22 aileron_up_limit=22 aileron_down_limit=20 rudder_limit=32 elevator_trim_limit=18 spoiler_limit=50 spoilerons_available=1 aileron_to_spoileron_gain=3.000000 min_ailerons_for_spoilerons=9.0 min_flaps_for_spoilerons=0.000000 [contact_points] point.0= 1.000, 75.420, 0.000, -14.220, 1181.100, 0.000, 1.777, 70.000, 0.500, 2.100, 0.814, 11.000, 13.200, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.1= 1.000, -7.200, -15.800, -15.840, 1574.800, 1.000, 2.369, 0.000, 1.510, 2.000, 0.747, 9.700, 14.100, 2.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.2= 1.000, -7.200, 15.800, -15.840, 1574.800, 2.000, 2.369, 0.000, 1.510, 2.000, 0.747, 9.700, 14.100, 3.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.3= 2.000, -10.170, -47.330, 0.000, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 5.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.4= 2.000, -10.170, 47.330, 0.000, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 6.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.5= 2.000, -83.330, 0.000, 2.500, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 9.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.6= 2.000, 42.670, 0.000, -3.750, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 4.000, 0.000, 0.000 static_pitch= -0.830 static_cg_height= 20.670 gear_system_type=0 [brakes] toe_brakes_scale=0.66 parking_brake=1 [gear_warning_system] gear_warning_available=0 pct_throttle_limit=0.099976 flap_limit_power=25.496622 flap_limit_idle=10.04 [Reference Speeds] flaps_up_stall_speed=180.000000 // at MTW full_flaps_stall_speed=132.000000// at MTW cruise_speed=320 max_indicated_speed=358.000000 max_mach=0.865 [keyboard_response] elevator=150.000000,250.000000 aileron=150.000000,250.000000 rudder=150.000000,250.000000 [autopilot] autopilot_available=1 flight_director_available=1 default_vertical_speed=1800.000000 autothrottle_available=1 autothrottle_arming_required=1 autothrottle_takeoff_ga=1 autothrottle_max_rpm=90.000000 pitch_takeoff_ga=8.000000 max_pitch=10.000000 max_pitch_acceleration=0.8 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt_breakpoint=20000.000000 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt_breakpoint=28000.000000 max_bank=25.000000 max_bank_acceleration=3.0 max_bank_velocity=3.000000 max_throttle_rate=0.100000 nav_proportional_control=9.000000 nav_integrator_control=0.250000 nav_derivative_control=0.000000 nav_integrator_boundary=2.500000 nav_derivative_boundary=0.000000 gs_proportional_control=9.520000 gs_integrator_control=0.260000 gs_derivative_control=0.000000 gs_integrator_boundary=0.700000 gs_derivative_boundary=0.000000 yaw_damper_gain=0.000000 [hydraulic_system] electric_pumps=0 engine_map=1,1,0,0 normal_pressure=3000.000000 [stall_warning] type=1 [attitude_indicators] attitude_indicator.0=1 [turn_indicators] turn_indicator.0=1,0 Airbus A330-300 [exits] number_of_exits=2 exit.0 = 0.25, 86.0, -7.5, 8.5, 0 exit.1 = 0.05, -42.0, 7.0, -4.0, 1 [Views] eyepoint=98.07, -1.80, 5.85 [LIGHTS] //Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing //Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing light.1 = 1, 30.66, 0.00, -7.58, fx_beaconb , light.2 = 1, 17.40, 0.00, 11.93, fx_beaconh , light.3 = 2, -97.42, 0.00, 9.00, fx_strobe , light.4 = 3, -97.42, 0.00, 9.00, fx_navwhi , light.5 = 4, 88.9, 0, 7.3, fx_vclighth [General] atc_type=AIRBUS atc_model=A330-300 performance=Dimensions: Wing span: 197 ft 10 in \n Length: 165ft 3 in \n Height: 55ft in \n Weights: \n Empty: 274,000 lb \n Max take-off: 513,000 \n Performance: Cruise speed: 608 mph (978.48 km/h) \n Max Operating altitude: 40,000 ft (12,192 m) \n Powerplants: Two RR Trent 700 rated at 68,000 lbs (111.2 kN) or Two CF6-80E1 rated at 72.500 lbs. Hi-bypass Turbofans [WEIGHT_AND_BALANCE] reference_datum_position=0.000, 0.000, -6.000 max_number_of_stations=50 station_load.0 = "750, 42.0, 0.0, 0.0, Crew" station_load.1 = "2000, 37.0, 0.0, 0.0, Galleys" station_load.2 ="41324, 16.0, 0.0, 0.0, Baggage" station_load.3 ="35482, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Cargo" station_load.4 ="4960, 26.0, 0.0, 0.0, First" station_load.5 ="40013, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Coach" empty_weight= 267000 max_gross_weight=509000 empty_weight_roll_MOI=21300000 empty_weight_pitch_MOI=21900000 empty_weight_yaw_MOI=16100000 empty_weight_coupled_MOI=0.0 empty_weight_CG_position=0.000, 0.000, 0.000 [pitot_static] vertical_speed_time_constant=999 [GROUND_REACTION] MAX_STEERING_ANGLE=75 [flight_tuning] cruise_lift_scalar =1.000 parasite_drag_scalar =1.000 induced_drag_scalar =1.1 elevator_effectiveness =1.0 aileron_effectiveness =1.0 rudder_effectiveness =1.0 pitch_stability =1.000 roll_stability =1.000 yaw_stability =1.000 elevator_trim_effectiveness =0.6 aileron_trim_effectiveness =1.000 rudder_trim_effectiveness =1.000 [electrical] max_battery_voltage = 24 generator_alternator_voltage = 28 max_generator_alternator_amps = 200 electric_always_available = 1 flap_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 autopilot = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics_bus = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics = 0, 0 , 17.0 pitot_heat = 0, 0 , 17.0 additional_system = 0, 0 , 17.0 marker_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_warning = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter1 = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter2 = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_nav = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_landing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_taxi = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_strobe = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_panel = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_cabin = 0, 0 , 17.0 auto_brakes = 0, 0 , 17.0 standby_vacuum = 0, 0 , 17.0 hydraulic_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_transfer_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_recognition = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_wing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_logo = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro_slaving = 0, 0 , 17.0 [TurbineEngineData] fuel_flow_gain=0.001 inlet_area=55 rated_N2_rpm=29920.000000 static_thrust=71100.000000 afterburner_available=0 reverser_available=1 [GeneralEngineData] engine_type= 1 Engine.0= 10.600, -29.900, -6.100 Engine.1= 10.600, 29.900, -6.100 fuel_flow_scalar= 0.8900 min_throttle_limit=-0.350000 [jet_engine] thrust_scalar =0.98 [EFFECTS] wake=fx_wake water=fx_spray dirt=fx_tchdrt concrete=fx_sparks touchdown=fx_tchdwn, 1 [direction_indicators] direction_indicator.0=3,0 [Radios] // Radio Type=availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope Audio.1=1 Com.1=1, 1 Com.2=1, 1 Nav.1=1, 1, 1 Nav.2=1, 1, 0 Adf.1=1 Transponder.1=1 Marker.1=1 [Flaps.0] type=1 span-outboard=0.500000 extending-time=20.000000 system_type=1 flaps-position.0=0.000000,0.000000 flaps-position.1=0.0 flaps-position.2=15.0 //nominal value should be10 but we need big effect RY flaps-position.3=20.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.4=26.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.5=35.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 [Flaps.1] type=2 span-outboard=0.800 extending-time=20.000 system_type=1 damaging-speed=232.000 blowout-speed=250.000 lift_scalar=0.3 drag_scalar=0.2 pitch_scalar=0.0 flaps-position.0=0 flaps-position.1=18.0 flaps-position.2=18.0 flaps-position.3=22.0 flaps-position.4=22.0 flaps-position.5=27.0 [forcefeedback] gear_bump_nose_magnitude=3000 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_nose_direction=18000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_nose_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_left_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_left_direction=35500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_left_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_right_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_right_direction=00500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_right_duration=250000 ; in microseconds ground_bumps_magnitude1=1300 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle1=08900 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept1=3.0 ground_bumps_slope1=0.20 ground_bumps_magnitude2=200 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle2=09100 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept2=1.075 ground_bumps_slope2=0.035 crash_magnitude1=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction1=01000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_magnitude2=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction2=9000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_period2=75000 ; in microseconds crash_duration2=2500000 ; in microseconds [fuel] Center1= 4.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Center2= -4.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1615.0, 0.0 LeftMain= -2.0, -4.0, 0.0, 11025.0, 0.0 RightMain= -2.0, 4.0, 0.0, 11025.0, 0.0 LeftAux= -7.0, -13.0, 0.0, 974.0, 0.0 RightAux= -7.0, 13.0, 0.0, 974.0, 0.0 fuel_type=2.000000 number_of_tank_selectors=2 electric_pump=1 [airplane_geometry] wing_area=3892 wing_span=198 wing_root_chord=12.000000 wing_dihedral=5 wing_incidence=1.5 wing_twist=1 oswald_efficiency_factor=0.892 wing_winglets_flag=1 wing_sweep=30 wing_pos_apex_lon=35.00000 wing_pos_apex_vert=0.000000 htail_area=328.000000 htail_span=40.000000 htail_pos_lon=-50.000000 htail_pos_vert=0.000000 htail_incidence=2.993774 htail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_area=249.000000 vtail_span=17.991665 vtail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_pos_lon=-50.000000 vtail_pos_vert=20.500000 elevator_area=70.500000 aileron_area=26.800000 rudder_area=56.200000 elevator_up_limit=28 elevator_down_limit=22 aileron_up_limit=22 aileron_down_limit=20 rudder_limit=32 elevator_trim_limit=18 spoiler_limit=50 spoilerons_available=1 aileron_to_spoileron_gain=3.000000 min_ailerons_for_spoilerons=9.0 min_flaps_for_spoilerons=0.000000 [contact_points] point.0= 1.000, 84.420, 0.000, -14.220, 1181.100, 0.000, 1.777, 70.000, 0.500, 2.100, 0.814, 11.000, 13.200, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.1= 1.000, -7.200, -15.800, -15.840, 1574.800, 1.000, 2.369, 0.000, 1.510, 2.000, 0.747, 9.700, 14.100, 2.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.2= 1.000, -7.200, 15.800, -15.840, 1574.800, 2.000, 2.369, 0.000, 1.510, 2.000, 0.747, 9.700, 14.100, 3.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.3= 2.000, -10.170, -47.330, 0.000, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 5.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.4= 2.000, -10.170, 47.330, 0.000, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 6.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.5= 2.000, -83.330, 0.000, 2.500, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 9.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.6= 2.000, 42.670, 0.000, -3.750, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 4.000, 0.000, 0.000 static_pitch= -0.830 static_cg_height= 20.670 gear_system_type=0 [brakes] toe_brakes_scale=0.66 parking_brake=1 [gear_warning_system] gear_warning_available=0 pct_throttle_limit=0.099976 flap_limit_power=25.496622 flap_limit_idle=10.04 [Reference Speeds] flaps_up_stall_speed=180.000000 // at MTW full_flaps_stall_speed=132.000000// at MTW cruise_speed=320 max_indicated_speed=358.000000 max_mach=0.865 [keyboard_response] elevator=150.000000,250.000000 aileron=150.000000,250.000000 rudder=150.000000,250.000000 [autopilot] autopilot_available=1 flight_director_available=1 default_vertical_speed=1800.000000 autothrottle_available=1 autothrottle_arming_required=1 autothrottle_takeoff_ga=1 autothrottle_max_rpm=90.000000 pitch_takeoff_ga=8.000000 max_pitch=10.000000 max_pitch_acceleration=0.8 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt_breakpoint=20000.000000 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt_breakpoint=28000.000000 max_bank=25.000000 max_bank_acceleration=3.0 max_bank_velocity=3.000000 max_throttle_rate=0.100000 nav_proportional_control=9.000000 nav_integrator_control=0.250000 nav_derivative_control=0.000000 nav_integrator_boundary=2.500000 nav_derivative_boundary=0.000000 gs_proportional_control=9.520000 gs_integrator_control=0.260000 gs_derivative_control=0.000000 gs_integrator_boundary=0.700000 gs_derivative_boundary=0.000000 yaw_damper_gain=0.000000 [hydraulic_system] electric_pumps=0 engine_map=1,1,0,0 normal_pressure=3000.000000 [stall_warning] type=1 [attitude_indicators] attitude_indicator.0=1 [turn_indicators] turn_indicator.0=1,0 Airbus A340-600 [exits] number_of_exits=2 exit_rate.0=0.25 exit_rate.1=0.25 [Views] eyepoint=117.02, -1.75, 3.88 [LIGHTS] //Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing light.1 = 1, 27.70, -0.01, -9.85, fx_beaconb , light.2 = 1, 10.40, -0.01, 10.10, fx_beaconh , light.3 = 2, -112.08, 0.00, 7.00, fx_strobe , light.4 = 3, -112.08, 0.00, 7.00, fx_navwhi , light.5 = 4, 98.5, 0, 4.4, fx_vclighth [General] atc_type=AIRBUS atc_model=A340-600 performance=Dimensions: Wing span: 208 ft 2 in \n Length: 200 ft \n Height: 56 ft. 9 in \n Weights: \n Empty: 390,220 lb \n Max take-off: 804,675 \n Performance: Cruise speed: 608 mph (978.48 km/h) \n Max Operating altitude: 40,000 ft (12,192 m) \n Powerplants: Four RR Trent 700 rated at 56,000 lbs (111.2 kN) [WEIGHT_AND_BALANCE] reference_datum_position = 2.000, 0.000, -4.000 empty_weight_CG_position = -4.000, 0.000, 0.000 max_number_of_stations=50 station_load.0 = "950, 42.0, 0.0, 0.0, Crew" station_load.1 = "5000, 37.0, 0.0, 0.0, Galleys" station_load.2 ="45357, 16.0, 0.0, 0.0, Baggage" station_load.3 ="36706, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Cargo" station_load.4 ="4960, 26.0, 0.0, 0.0, First" station_load.5 ="57043, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Coach" empty_weight= 390220 max_gross_weight=804675 empty_weight_pitch_MOI= 18587807.000 empty_weight_roll_MOI = 10295476.000 empty_weight_yaw_MOI = 30160328.000 empty_weight_coupled_MOI=0.0 [pitot_static] vertical_speed_time_constant=999 [GROUND_REACTION] MAX_STEERING_ANGLE=75 [flight_tuning] cruise_lift_scalar =1.000 parasite_drag_scalar =1.000 induced_drag_scalar =1.1 elevator_effectiveness =1.0 aileron_effectiveness =1.0 rudder_effectiveness =1.0 pitch_stability =1.000 roll_stability =1.000 yaw_stability =1.000 elevator_trim_effectiveness =0.6 aileron_trim_effectiveness =1.000 rudder_trim_effectiveness =1.000 [electrical] max_battery_voltage = 24 generator_alternator_voltage = 28 max_generator_alternator_amps = 200 electric_always_available = 1 flap_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 autopilot = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics_bus = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics = 0, 0 , 17.0 pitot_heat = 0, 0 , 17.0 additional_system = 0, 0 , 17.0 marker_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_warning = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter1 = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter2 = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_nav = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_landing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_taxi = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_strobe = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_panel = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_cabin = 0, 0 , 17.0 auto_brakes = 0, 0 , 17.0 standby_vacuum = 0, 0 , 17.0 hydraulic_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_transfer_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_recognition = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_wing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_logo = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro_slaving = 0, 0 , 17.0 [TurbineEngineData] fuel_flow_gain=0.001 inlet_area=57 rated_N2_rpm=29920.000000 static_thrust=56000.000000 // Trent Engines for A340-600 afterburner_available=0 reverser_available=1 [GeneralEngineData] engine_type= 1 Engine.0= -17.420, -67.700, -5.550 Engine.1= 6.600, -31.900, -9.300 Engine.2= 6.600, 31.900, -9.300 Engine.3= -17.420, 67.700, -5.550 fuel_flow_scalar= 0.79 min_throttle_limit=-0.250000 [jet_engine] thrust_scalar =0.96 //340-600 only [EFFECTS] wake=fx_wake water=fx_spray dirt=fx_tchdrt concrete=fx_sparks touchdown=fx_tchdwn, 1 [direction_indicators] direction_indicator.0=3,0 [Radios] // Radio Type=availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope Audio.1=1 Com.1=1, 1 Com.2=1, 1 Nav.1=1, 1, 1 Nav.2=1, 1, 0 Adf.1=1 Transponder.1=1 Marker.1=1 [Flaps.0] type=1 span-outboard=0.500000 extending-time=20.000000 system_type=1 flaps-position.0=0.000000,0.000000 flaps-position.1=0.0 flaps-position.2=15.0 //nominal value should be10 but we need big effect RY flaps-position.3=20.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.4=26.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.5=35.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 [Flaps.1] type=2 span-outboard=0.800 extending-time=20.000 system_type=1 damaging-speed=232.000 blowout-speed=250.000 lift_scalar=0.5 drag_scalar=0.1 pitch_scalar=0.0 flaps-position.0=0 flaps-position.1=18.0 flaps-position.2=18.0 flaps-position.3=22.0 flaps-position.4=22.0 flaps-position.5=27.0 [forcefeedback] gear_bump_nose_magnitude=3000 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_nose_direction=18000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_nose_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_left_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_left_direction=35500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_left_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_right_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_right_direction=00500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_right_duration=250000 ; in microseconds ground_bumps_magnitude1=1300 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle1=08900 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept1=3.0 ground_bumps_slope1=0.20 ground_bumps_magnitude2=200 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle2=09100 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept2=1.075 ground_bumps_slope2=0.035 crash_magnitude1=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction1=01000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_magnitude2=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction2=9000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_period2=75000 ; in microseconds crash_duration2=2500000 ; in microseconds [fuel] Center1= 4.0, 0.0, 0.0, 14521.0, 0.0 // Middle Fuselage Main Centre Tank Center2= -33.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2209.0, 0.0 // Trim Tank in Tail-plane sectin LeftMain= -2.0, -6.0, 0.0, 9182.0, 0.0 // Inner Wing Tank 2 Left RightMain= -2.0, 6.0, 0.0, 9182.0, 0.0 // Inner Wing Tank 3 Right LeftAux= -6.0, -15.0, 0.0, 6472.0, 0.0 // Inner Wing Tank 1 Left RightAux= -6.0, 15.0, 0.0, 6472.0, 0.0 // InnerWing Tank 4 Right LeftTip= -12.0, -20.0, 0.0, 1623.0, 0.0 // Outer Tank Left RightTip= -12.0, 20.0, 0.0 1623.0 0.0 // Outer Tank Right fuel_type=2.000000 number_of_tank_selectors=2 electric_pump=1 [airplane_geometry] wing_area=4729 wing_span=208.1 wing_root_chord=12.000000 wing_dihedral=5 wing_incidence=1.5 wing_twist=1 oswald_efficiency_factor=0.94 wing_winglets_flag=1 wing_sweep=30 wing_pos_apex_lon=38.00000 wing_pos_apex_vert=0.000000 htail_area=328.000000 htail_span=40.000000 htail_pos_lon=-50.000000 htail_pos_vert=0.000000 htail_incidence=2.993774 htail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_area=249.000000 vtail_span=17.991665 vtail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_pos_lon=-50.000000 vtail_pos_vert=20.500000 elevator_area=70.500000 aileron_area=26.800000 rudder_area=56.200000 elevator_up_limit=28 elevator_down_limit=22 aileron_up_limit=22 aileron_down_limit=20 rudder_limit=32 elevator_trim_limit=18 spoiler_limit=50 spoilerons_available=1 aileron_to_spoileron_gain=3.000000 min_ailerons_for_spoilerons=9.0 min_flaps_for_spoilerons=0.000000 [contact_points] //0 Class <0=none,1=wheel, 2=scrape, 3=float> //1 Longitudinal Position (feet) //2 Lateral Position (feet) //3 Vertical Position (feet) //4 Impact Damage Threshold (Feet Per Minute) //5 Brake Map (0=None, 1=Left, 2=Right) //6 Wheel Radius (feet) //7 Steer Angle (degrees) //8 Static Compression (feet) (0 if rigid) //9 Max/Static Compression Ratio //10 Damping Ratio (0=Undamped, 1=Critically Damped) //11 Extension Time (seconds) //12 Retraction Time (seconds) //13 Sound Type //14 Airspeed limit for retraction (KIAS) //15 Airspeed that gear gets damage at (KIAS) //Nose Gear point.0 = 1.000, 116.854, -1.333, -21.017, 1181.102, 0.000, 2.422, 65.200, 1.000, 3.217, 0.510, 7.000, 9.000, 0.000, 280.000, 300.000 point.1 = 1.000, 116.854, 1.333, -21.017, 1181.102, 0.000, 2.422, 65.200, 1.000, 3.217, 0.510, 7.000, 9.000, 0.000, 280.000, 300.000 //Main Gear (Left) point.2 = 1.000, -11.067, -19.821, -21.200, 1574.803, 1.000, 2.422, -8.000, 1.000, 1.200, 0.550, 10.900, 11.900, 2.000, 280.000, 300.000 point.3 = 1.000, -11.067, -15.239, -21.200, 1574.803, 1.000, 2.422, -8.000, 1.000, 1.200, 0.550, 10.900, 11.900, 2.000, 280.000, 300.000 point.4 = 1.000, -7.817, -19.821, -21.200, 1574.803, 1.000, 2.422, -8.000, 1.000, 1.200, 0.550, 10.900, 11.900, 2.000, 280.000, 300.000 point.5 = 1.000, -7.817, -15.239, -21.200, 1574.803, 1.000, 2.422, -8.000, 1.000, 1.200, 0.550, 10.900, 11.900, 2.000, 280.000, 300.000 //Main Gear (Right) point.6 = 1.000, -11.067, 19.821, -21.200, 1574.803, 2.000, 2.422, -8.000, 1.000, 1.200, 0.550, 10.900, 11.900, 3.000, 280.000, 300.000 point.7 = 1.000, -11.067, 15.239, -21.200, 1574.803, 2.000, 2.422, -8.000, 1.000, 1.200, 0.550, 10.900, 11.900, 3.000, 280.000, 300.000 point.8 = 1.000, -7.817, 19.821, -21.200, 1574.803, 2.000, 2.422, -8.000, 1.000, 1.200, 0.550, 10.900, 11.900, 3.000, 280.000, 300.000 point.9 = 1.000, -7.817, 15.239, -21.200, 1574.803, 2.000, 2.422, -8.000, 1.000, 1.200, 0.550, 10.900, 11.900, 3.000, 280.000, 300.000 // Main Gear (Center) point.10= 1.000, -11.067, 1.916, -21.200, 1574.803, 2.000, 2.422, -8.000, 1.000, 1.200, 0.550, 10.900, 11.900, 3.000, 280.000, 300.000 point.11= 1.000, -11.067, -1.916, -21.200, 1574.803, 1.000, 2.422, -8.000, 1.000, 1.200, 0.550, 10.900, 11.900, 2.000, 280.000, 300.000 point.12= 1.000, -7.817, 1.916, -21.200, 1574.803, 2.000, 2.422, -8.000, 1.000, 1.200, 0.550, 10.900, 11.900, 3.000, 280.000, 300.000 point.13= 1.000, -7.817, -1.916, -21.200, 1574.803, 1.000, 2.422, -8.000, 1.000, 1.200, 0.550, 10.900, 11.900, 2.000, 280.000, 300.000 // Scrape Points // Fuselage point.14 = 2, 120.000, 0.000, 3.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 4, 0.000, 0.000 // Nose point.15 = 2, 110.000, 0.000, -6.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 4, 0.000, 0.000 // Fuselage bottom fwd point.16 = 2, 0.000, 0.000, -9.250, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 4, 0.000, 0.000 // Fuselage bottom center point.17 = 2, -60.000, 0.000, -9.250, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 4, 0.000, 0.000 // Fuselage bottom aft point.18 = 2, 110.000, 0.000, 6.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 4, 0.000, 0.000 // Fuselage top fwd point.19 = 2, 0.000, 0.000, 9.250, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 4, 0.000, 0.000 // Fuselage top center point.20 = 2, -60.000, 0.000, 9.250, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 4, 0.000, 0.000 // Fuselage top aft point.21= 2, 80.000, -9.250, 0.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 4, 0.000, 0.000 // Fuselage width fwd lt point.22= 2, 80.000, 9.250, 0.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 4, 0.000, 0.000 // Fuselage width fwd rt point.23= 2, 0.000, -9.250, 0.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 4, 0.000, 0.000 // Fuselage width center lt point.24= 2, 0.000, 9.250, 0.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 4, 0.000, 0.000 // Fuselage width center rt point.25= 2, -60.000, -9.250, 0.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 4, 0.000, 0.000 // Fuselage width aft left point.26= 2, -60.000, 9.250, 0.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 4, 0.000, 0.000 // Fuselage width aft right point.27= 2, -100.000, 0.000, 0.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 4, 0.000, 0.000 // Tailskid aft point.28= 2, -124.000, 0.000, 8.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 4, 0.000, 0.000 // Tail-APU // Tailplane, vert/horiz stabs point.29= 2, -118.000, 0.000, 41.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 7, 0.000, 0.000 // Vertical stab fwd point.30= 2, -130.000, 0.000, 41.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 7, 0.000, 0.000 // Vertical stab aft point.31= 2, -121.000, -37.600, 11.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 5, 0.000, 0.000 // Horizontal Stab aft lt point.32= 2, -133.000, 37.600, 11.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 6, 0.000, 0.000 // Horizontal Stab aft rt // Wings point.33= 2, -33.000, -104.080, 7.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 5, 0.000, 0.000 // Left wingtip fwd point.34= 2, -46.000, -104.080, 7.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 5, 0.000, 0.000 // Left wingtip aft point.35= 2, -33.000, 104.080, 7.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 6, 0.000, 0.000 // Right wingtip fwd point.36= 2, -46.000, 104.080, 7.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 6, 0.000, 0.000 // Right wingtip aft point.37= 2, 4.000, -50.000, 0.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 5, 0.000, 0.000 // Left wing-mid fwd point.38= 2, -22.000, -50.000, 0.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 5, 0.000, 0.000 // Left wing-mid aft point.39= 2, 4.000, 50.000, 0.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 6, 0.000, 0.000 // Right wing-mid fwd point.40= 2, -22.000, 50.000, 0.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 6, 0.000, 0.000 // Right wing-mid aft // Inboard Engines point.41= 2, 20.000, -30.740, 0.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 8, 0.000, 0.000 // Left engine fwd point.42= 2, 20.000, 30.740, 0.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 8, 0.000, 0.000 // Right engine fwd point.43= 2, 20.000, -30.740,-17.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 8, 0.000, 0.000 // Left engine bottom point.44= 2, 20.000, 30.740,-17.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 8, 0.000, 0.000 // Right engine bottom // Outboard Engines point.45= 2, 0.000, -63.220, 0.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 8, 0.000, 0.000 // Left engine fwd point.46= 2, 0.000, 63.220, 0.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 8, 0.000, 0.000 // Right engine fwd point.47= 2, 0.000, -63.220, -9.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 8, 0.000, 0.000 // Left engine bottom point.48= 2, 0.000, 63.220, -9.000, 787.400, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 8, 0.000, 0.000 // Right engine bottom max_number_of_points = 50 static_pitch= -0.600 //degrees, pitch when at rest on the ground (+=Up, -=Dn) static_cg_height= 20.000 //feet, altitude of CG when at rest on the ground gear_system_type=0 //Hydraulic static_pitch=0.0 static_cg_height=17.4 gear_system_type=0 [brakes] toe_brakes_scale=0.78 parking_brake=1 [gear_warning_system] gear_warning_available=0 pct_throttle_limit=0.099976 flap_limit_power=25.496622 flap_limit_idle=10.04 [Reference Speeds] flaps_up_stall_speed=180.000000 // at MTW full_flaps_stall_speed=132.000000// at MTW cruise_speed=320 max_indicated_speed=358.000000 max_mach=0.865 [keyboard_response] elevator=150.000000,250.000000 aileron=150.000000,250.000000 rudder=150.000000,250.000000 [autopilot] autopilot_available=1 flight_director_available=1 default_vertical_speed=1800.000000 autothrottle_available=1 autothrottle_arming_required=1 autothrottle_takeoff_ga=1 autothrottle_max_rpm=90.000000 pitch_takeoff_ga=8.000000 max_pitch=10.000000 max_pitch_acceleration=0.8 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt_breakpoint=20000.000000 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt_breakpoint=28000.000000 max_bank=25.000000 max_bank_acceleration=3.0 max_bank_velocity=3.000000 max_throttle_rate=0.100000 nav_proportional_control=9.000000 nav_integrator_control=0.250000 nav_derivative_control=0.000000 nav_integrator_boundary=2.500000 nav_derivative_boundary=0.000000 gs_proportional_control=9.520000 gs_integrator_control=0.260000 gs_derivative_control=0.000000 gs_integrator_boundary=0.700000 gs_derivative_boundary=0.000000 yaw_damper_gain=0.000000 [hydraulic_system] electric_pumps=0 engine_map=1,1,0,0 normal_pressure=3000.000000 [stall_warning] type=1 Данные для двигателей PW Airbus A330-200 [exits] number_of_exits=2 exit.0 = 0.25, 78.0, -7.5, 8.5, 0 exit.1 = 0.05, -37.0, 7.0, -4.0, 1 [Views] eyepoint=88.74, -1.80, 5.85 [LIGHTS] //Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing light.1 = 1, 30.66, 0.00, -7.58, fx_beaconb , light.2 = 1, 17.40, 0.00, 11.93, fx_beaconh , light.3 = 2, -97.42, 0.00, 9.00, fx_strobe , light.4 = 3, -97.42, 0.00, 9.00, fx_navwhi , light.5 = 4, 88.9, 0, 7.3, fx_vclighth [General] atc_type=AIRBUS atc_model=A330-200 performance=Dimensions: Wing span: 197 ft 10 in \n Length: 188ft 8 in \n Height: 57ft 1 in \n Weights: \n Empty: 274,000 lb \n Max take-off: 513,000 \n Performance: Cruise speed: 608 mph (978.48 km/h) \n Max Operating altitude: 40,000 ft (12,192 m) \n Powerplants: Two RR Trent 700 rated at 68,000 lbs (111.2 kN) or Two CF6-80E1 rated at 67.500 lbs. Hi-bypass Turbofans [WEIGHT_AND_BALANCE] reference_datum_position = 0.000, 0.000, -6.000 max_number_of_stations=50 station_load.0 = "750, 42.0, 0.0, 0.0, Crew" station_load.1 = "2000, 37.0, 0.0, 0.0, Galleys" station_load.2 ="29104, 16.0, 0.0, 0.0, Baggage" station_load.3 ="23518, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Cargo" station_load.4 ="2480, 26.0, 0.0, 0.0, First" station_load.5 ="34556, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Coach" empty_weight= 264875 max_gross_weight=507050 empty_weight_roll_MOI=21100000 empty_weight_pitch_MOI=21400000 empty_weight_yaw_MOI=15800000 empty_weight_coupled_MOI=0.0 empty_weight_CG_position=0.000, 0.000, 0.000 [pitot_static] vertical_speed_time_constant=999 [GROUND_REACTION] MAX_STEERING_ANGLE=75 [flight_tuning] cruise_lift_scalar =1.000 parasite_drag_scalar =1.000 induced_drag_scalar =1.1 elevator_effectiveness =1.0 aileron_effectiveness =1.0 rudder_effectiveness =1.0 pitch_stability =1.000 roll_stability =1.000 yaw_stability =1.000 elevator_trim_effectiveness =0.6 aileron_trim_effectiveness =1.000 rudder_trim_effectiveness =1.000 [electrical] max_battery_voltage = 24 generator_alternator_voltage = 28 max_generator_alternator_amps = 200 electric_always_available = 1 flap_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 autopilot = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics_bus = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics = 0, 0 , 17.0 pitot_heat = 0, 0 , 17.0 additional_system = 0, 0 , 17.0 marker_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_warning = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter1 = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter2 = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_nav = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_landing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_taxi = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_strobe = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_panel = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_cabin = 0, 0 , 17.0 auto_brakes = 0, 0 , 17.0 standby_vacuum = 0, 0 , 17.0 hydraulic_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_transfer_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_recognition = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_wing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_logo = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro_slaving = 0, 0 , 17.0 [TurbineEngineData] fuel_flow_gain=0.001 inlet_area=55 rated_N2_rpm=29920.000000 static_thrust=68600.000000 // CF Engines afterburner_available=0 reverser_available=1 [GeneralEngineData] engine_type= 1 Engine.0= 12.600, -29.900, -6.100 Engine.1= 12.600, 29.900, -6.100 fuel_flow_scalar= 1.06 min_throttle_limit=-0.250000 [jet_engine] thrust_scalar =0.96 //300-200 only [EFFECTS] wake=fx_wake water=fx_spray dirt=fx_tchdrt concrete=fx_sparks touchdown=fx_tchdwn, 1 [direction_indicators] direction_indicator.0=3,0 [Radios] // Radio Type=availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope Audio.1=1 Com.1=1, 1 Com.2=1, 1 Nav.1=1, 1, 1 Nav.2=1, 1, 0 Adf.1=1 Transponder.1=1 Marker.1=1 [Flaps.0] type=1 span-outboard=0.500000 extending-time=20.000000 system_type=1 flaps-position.0=0.000000,0.000000 flaps-position.1=0.0 flaps-position.2=15.0 //nominal value should be10 but we need big effect RY flaps-position.3=20.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.4=26.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.5=35.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 [Flaps.1] type=2 span-outboard=0.800 extending-time=20.000 system_type=1 damaging-speed=232.000 blowout-speed=250.000 lift_scalar=0.3 drag_scalar=0.2 pitch_scalar=0.0 flaps-position.0=0 flaps-position.1=18.0 flaps-position.2=18.0 flaps-position.3=22.0 flaps-position.4=22.0 flaps-position.5=27.0 [forcefeedback] gear_bump_nose_magnitude=3000 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_nose_direction=18000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_nose_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_left_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_left_direction=35500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_left_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_right_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_right_direction=00500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_right_duration=250000 ; in microseconds ground_bumps_magnitude1=1300 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle1=08900 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept1=3.0 ground_bumps_slope1=0.20 ground_bumps_magnitude2=200 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle2=09100 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept2=1.075 ground_bumps_slope2=0.035 crash_magnitude1=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction1=01000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_magnitude2=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction2=9000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_period2=75000 ; in microseconds crash_duration2=2500000 ; in microseconds [fuel] Center1= 4.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10980.0, 0.0 Center2= -4.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1646.0, 0.0 LeftMain= -2.0, -4.0, 0.0, 11095.0, 0.0 RightMain= -2.0, 4.0, 0.0, 11095.0, 0.0 LeftAux= -7.0, -13.0, 0.0, 964.0, 0.0 RightAux= -7.0, 13.0, 0.0, 964.0, 0.0 fuel_type=2.000000 number_of_tank_selectors=2 electric_pump=1 [airplane_geometry] wing_area=3892 wing_span=198 wing_root_chord=12.000000 wing_dihedral=5 wing_incidence=1.5 wing_twist=1 oswald_efficiency_factor=0.8723 wing_winglets_flag=1 wing_sweep=30 wing_pos_apex_lon=35.00000 wing_pos_apex_vert=0.000000 htail_area=328.000000 htail_span=40.000000 htail_pos_lon=-50.000000 htail_pos_vert=0.000000 htail_incidence=2.993774 htail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_area=249.000000 vtail_span=17.991665 vtail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_pos_lon=-50.000000 vtail_pos_vert=20.500000 elevator_area=70.500000 aileron_area=26.800000 rudder_area=56.200000 elevator_up_limit=28 elevator_down_limit=22 aileron_up_limit=22 aileron_down_limit=20 rudder_limit=32 elevator_trim_limit=18 spoiler_limit=50 spoilerons_available=1 aileron_to_spoileron_gain=3.000000 min_ailerons_for_spoilerons=9.0 min_flaps_for_spoilerons=0.000000 [contact_points] point.0= 1.000, 75.420, 0.000, -14.220, 1181.100, 0.000, 1.777, 70.000, 0.500, 2.100, 0.814, 11.000, 13.200, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.1= 1.000, -7.200, -15.800, -15.840, 1574.800, 1.000, 2.369, 0.000, 1.510, 2.000, 0.747, 9.700, 14.100, 2.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.2= 1.000, -7.200, 15.800, -15.840, 1574.800, 2.000, 2.369, 0.000, 1.510, 2.000, 0.747, 9.700, 14.100, 3.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.3= 2.000, -10.170, -47.330, 0.000, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 5.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.4= 2.000, -10.170, 47.330, 0.000, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 6.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.5= 2.000, -83.330, 0.000, 2.500, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 9.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.6= 2.000, 42.670, 0.000, -3.750, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 4.000, 0.000, 0.000 static_pitch= -0.830 static_cg_height= 20.670 gear_system_type=0 [brakes] toe_brakes_scale=0.66 parking_brake=1 [gear_warning_system] gear_warning_available=0 pct_throttle_limit=0.099976 flap_limit_power=25.496622 flap_limit_idle=10.04 [Reference Speeds] flaps_up_stall_speed=180.000000 // at MTW full_flaps_stall_speed=132.000000// at MTW cruise_speed=320 max_indicated_speed=358.000000 max_mach=0.865 [keyboard_response] elevator=150.000000,250.000000 aileron=150.000000,250.000000 rudder=150.000000,250.000000 [autopilot] autopilot_available=1 flight_director_available=1 default_vertical_speed=1800.000000 autothrottle_available=1 autothrottle_arming_required=1 autothrottle_takeoff_ga=1 autothrottle_max_rpm=90.000000 pitch_takeoff_ga=8.000000 max_pitch=10.000000 max_pitch_acceleration=0.8 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt_breakpoint=20000.000000 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt_breakpoint=28000.000000 max_bank=25.000000 max_bank_acceleration=3.0 max_bank_velocity=3.000000 max_throttle_rate=0.100000 nav_proportional_control=9.000000 nav_integrator_control=0.250000 nav_derivative_control=0.000000 nav_integrator_boundary=2.500000 nav_derivative_boundary=0.000000 gs_proportional_control=9.520000 gs_integrator_control=0.260000 gs_derivative_control=0.000000 gs_integrator_boundary=0.700000 gs_derivative_boundary=0.000000 yaw_damper_gain=0.000000 [hydraulic_system] electric_pumps=0 engine_map=1,1,0,0 normal_pressure=3000.000000 [stall_warning] type=1 [attitude_indicators] attitude_indicator.0=1 [turn_indicators] turn_indicator.0=1,0 Airbus A330-300 [exits] number_of_exits=2 exit.0 = 0.25, 86.0, -7.5, 8.5, 0 exit.1 = 0.05, -42.0, 7.0, -4.0, 1 [Views] eyepoint=98.07, -1.80, 5.85 [LIGHTS] //Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing //Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing light.1 = 1, 30.66, 0.00, -7.58, fx_beaconb , light.2 = 1, 17.40, 0.00, 11.93, fx_beaconh , light.3 = 2, -97.42, 0.00, 9.00, fx_strobe , light.4 = 3, -97.42, 0.00, 9.00, fx_navwhi , light.5 = 4, 88.9, 0, 7.3, fx_vclighth [General] atc_type=AIRBUS atc_model=A330-300 performance=Dimensions: Wing span: 197 ft 10 in \n Length: 165ft 3 in \n Height: 55ft in \n Weights: \n Empty: 274,000 lb \n Max take-off: 513,000 \n Performance: Cruise speed: 608 mph (978.48 km/h) \n Max Operating altitude: 40,000 ft (12,192 m) \n Powerplants: Two RR Trent 700 rated at 68,000 lbs (111.2 kN) or Two CF6-80E1 rated at 72.500 lbs. Hi-bypass Turbofans [WEIGHT_AND_BALANCE] reference_datum_position=0.000, 0.000, -6.000 max_number_of_stations=50 station_load.0 = "750, 42.0, 0.0, 0.0, Crew" station_load.1 = "2000, 37.0, 0.0, 0.0, Galleys" station_load.2 ="41324, 16.0, 0.0, 0.0, Baggage" station_load.3 ="35482, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Cargo" station_load.4 ="4960, 26.0, 0.0, 0.0, First" station_load.5 ="40013, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Coach" empty_weight= 267000 max_gross_weight=509000 empty_weight_roll_MOI=21300000 empty_weight_pitch_MOI=21900000 empty_weight_yaw_MOI=16100000 empty_weight_coupled_MOI=0.0 empty_weight_CG_position=0.000, 0.000, 0.000 [pitot_static] vertical_speed_time_constant=999 [GROUND_REACTION] MAX_STEERING_ANGLE=75 [flight_tuning] cruise_lift_scalar =1.000 parasite_drag_scalar =1.000 induced_drag_scalar =1.1 elevator_effectiveness =1.0 aileron_effectiveness =1.0 rudder_effectiveness =1.0 pitch_stability =1.000 roll_stability =1.000 yaw_stability =1.000 elevator_trim_effectiveness =0.6 aileron_trim_effectiveness =1.000 rudder_trim_effectiveness =1.000 [electrical] max_battery_voltage = 24 generator_alternator_voltage = 28 max_generator_alternator_amps = 200 electric_always_available = 1 flap_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 autopilot = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics_bus = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics = 0, 0 , 17.0 pitot_heat = 0, 0 , 17.0 additional_system = 0, 0 , 17.0 marker_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_warning = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter1 = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter2 = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_nav = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_landing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_taxi = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_strobe = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_panel = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_cabin = 0, 0 , 17.0 auto_brakes = 0, 0 , 17.0 standby_vacuum = 0, 0 , 17.0 hydraulic_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_transfer_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_recognition = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_wing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_logo = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro_slaving = 0, 0 , 17.0 [TurbineEngineData] fuel_flow_gain=0.001 inlet_area=55 rated_N2_rpm=29920.000000 static_thrust=68600.000000 afterburner_available=0 reverser_available=1 [GeneralEngineData] engine_type= 1 Engine.0= 10.600, -29.900, -6.100 Engine.1= 10.600, 29.900, -6.100 fuel_flow_scalar= 0.8900 min_throttle_limit=-0.350000 [jet_engine] thrust_scalar =0.98 [EFFECTS] wake=fx_wake water=fx_spray dirt=fx_tchdrt concrete=fx_sparks touchdown=fx_tchdwn, 1 [direction_indicators] direction_indicator.0=3,0 [Radios] // Radio Type=availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope Audio.1=1 Com.1=1, 1 Com.2=1, 1 Nav.1=1, 1, 1 Nav.2=1, 1, 0 Adf.1=1 Transponder.1=1 Marker.1=1 [Flaps.0] type=1 span-outboard=0.500000 extending-time=20.000000 system_type=1 flaps-position.0=0.000000,0.000000 flaps-position.1=0.0 flaps-position.2=15.0 //nominal value should be10 but we need big effect RY flaps-position.3=20.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.4=26.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.5=35.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 [Flaps.1] type=2 span-outboard=0.800 extending-time=20.000 system_type=1 damaging-speed=232.000 blowout-speed=250.000 lift_scalar=0.3 drag_scalar=0.2 pitch_scalar=0.0 flaps-position.0=0 flaps-position.1=18.0 flaps-position.2=18.0 flaps-position.3=22.0 flaps-position.4=22.0 flaps-position.5=27.0 [forcefeedback] gear_bump_nose_magnitude=3000 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_nose_direction=18000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_nose_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_left_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_left_direction=35500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_left_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_right_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_right_direction=00500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_right_duration=250000 ; in microseconds ground_bumps_magnitude1=1300 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle1=08900 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept1=3.0 ground_bumps_slope1=0.20 ground_bumps_magnitude2=200 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle2=09100 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept2=1.075 ground_bumps_slope2=0.035 crash_magnitude1=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction1=01000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_magnitude2=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction2=9000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_period2=75000 ; in microseconds crash_duration2=2500000 ; in microseconds [fuel] Center1= 4.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Center2= -4.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1615.0, 0.0 LeftMain= -2.0, -4.0, 0.0, 11025.0, 0.0 RightMain= -2.0, 4.0, 0.0, 11025.0, 0.0 LeftAux= -7.0, -13.0, 0.0, 974.0, 0.0 RightAux= -7.0, 13.0, 0.0, 974.0, 0.0 fuel_type=2.000000 number_of_tank_selectors=2 electric_pump=1 [airplane_geometry] wing_area=3892 wing_span=198 wing_root_chord=12.000000 wing_dihedral=5 wing_incidence=1.5 wing_twist=1 oswald_efficiency_factor=0.892 wing_winglets_flag=1 wing_sweep=30 wing_pos_apex_lon=35.00000 wing_pos_apex_vert=0.000000 htail_area=328.000000 htail_span=40.000000 htail_pos_lon=-50.000000 htail_pos_vert=0.000000 htail_incidence=2.993774 htail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_area=249.000000 vtail_span=17.991665 vtail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_pos_lon=-50.000000 vtail_pos_vert=20.500000 elevator_area=70.500000 aileron_area=26.800000 rudder_area=56.200000 elevator_up_limit=28 elevator_down_limit=22 aileron_up_limit=22 aileron_down_limit=20 rudder_limit=32 elevator_trim_limit=18 spoiler_limit=50 spoilerons_available=1 aileron_to_spoileron_gain=3.000000 min_ailerons_for_spoilerons=9.0 min_flaps_for_spoilerons=0.000000 [contact_points] point.0= 1.000, 84.420, 0.000, -14.220, 1181.100, 0.000, 1.777, 70.000, 0.500, 2.100, 0.814, 11.000, 13.200, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.1= 1.000, -7.200, -15.800, -15.840, 1574.800, 1.000, 2.369, 0.000, 1.510, 2.000, 0.747, 9.700, 14.100, 2.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.2= 1.000, -7.200, 15.800, -15.840, 1574.800, 2.000, 2.369, 0.000, 1.510, 2.000, 0.747, 9.700, 14.100, 3.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.3= 2.000, -10.170, -47.330, 0.000, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 5.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.4= 2.000, -10.170, 47.330, 0.000, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 6.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.5= 2.000, -83.330, 0.000, 2.500, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 9.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.6= 2.000, 42.670, 0.000, -3.750, 787.400, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 4.000, 0.000, 0.000 static_pitch= -0.830 static_cg_height= 20.670 gear_system_type=0 [brakes] toe_brakes_scale=0.66 parking_brake=1 [gear_warning_system] gear_warning_available=0 pct_throttle_limit=0.099976 flap_limit_power=25.496622 flap_limit_idle=10.04 [Reference Speeds] flaps_up_stall_speed=180.000000 // at MTW full_flaps_stall_speed=132.000000// at MTW cruise_speed=320 max_indicated_speed=358.000000 max_mach=0.865 [keyboard_response] elevator=150.000000,250.000000 aileron=150.000000,250.000000 rudder=150.000000,250.000000 [autopilot] autopilot_available=1 flight_director_available=1 default_vertical_speed=1800.000000 autothrottle_available=1 autothrottle_arming_required=1 autothrottle_takeoff_ga=1 autothrottle_max_rpm=90.000000 pitch_takeoff_ga=8.000000 max_pitch=10.000000 max_pitch_acceleration=0.8 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt_breakpoint=20000.000000 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt_breakpoint=28000.000000 max_bank=25.000000 max_bank_acceleration=3.0 max_bank_velocity=3.000000 max_throttle_rate=0.100000 nav_proportional_control=9.000000 nav_integrator_control=0.250000 nav_derivative_control=0.000000 nav_integrator_boundary=2.500000 nav_derivative_boundary=0.000000 gs_proportional_control=9.520000 gs_integrator_control=0.260000 gs_derivative_control=0.000000 gs_integrator_boundary=0.700000 gs_derivative_boundary=0.000000 yaw_damper_gain=0.000000 [hydraulic_system] electric_pumps=0 engine_map=1,1,0,0 normal_pressure=3000.000000 [stall_warning] type=1 [attitude_indicators] attitude_indicator.0=1 [turn_indicators] turn_indicator.0=1,0 Edited February 20, 2011 by Paha_S7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Paha_S7 7 Posted November 17, 2010 (edited) Мержи ВК На авсим.коме лежат обновленные текстуры от Pablo Diaz-a, вбиваем в поиске имя и уже 2я ссылка(А340-600 Иберии), выбираем и скачиваем. 26Мб 1. Открываем папку PANEL 2. Открываем файл PANEL.cfg 3. Листаем почти до самого низа, собственно ищем: [Vcockpit01] 4. Дальше действуем по прицнипу выше описанному. Все ниже или заменяем, или стираем и вносим заново... Airbus A330-200 GE [Vcockpit01] Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=512 visible=1 pixel_size=512 texture=$g1 gauge00=A332GE_feelThere!Standby Airspeed, 5,1,133,123 gauge01=A332GE_feelThere!Standby Altimeter, 143,2,132,124 gauge02=A332GE_feelThere!Standby Attitude VC, 6,132,150,144 gauge03=A332GE_feelThere!Baro, 314,333,98,129 gauge04=A332GE_feelThere!Analog Clock, 278,-1,127,128 gauge05=PAPA330!Engine Start Knob 1, 409,1,48,49 gauge06=PAPA330!Engine Start Knob 2, 462,2,46,48 gauge07=A332GE_feelThere!Chrono, 164,201,65,67 gauge08=A332GE_feelThere!Warnings, 163,130,64,146 gauge09=PAPA330!ABS Aps Window, 47,469,459,40 gauge10=PAPA330!Flight Director Switch, 417,280,41,35 gauge11=PAPA330!Autopilot ILS Switch, 417,318,40,35 gauge12=PAPA330!Autopilot IAS-Mach Switch, 416,356,41,33 gauge13=PAPA330!Autopilot Speed Switch, 417,394,40,34 gauge14=PAPA330!Autopilot Localizer Switch, 417, 431 ,40,33 gauge15=PAPA330!Autopilot Master Switch, 462,280,41,33 gauge16=PAPA330!Autopilot Master Switch, 463,318,40,35 gauge17=PAPA330!Autothrottle Switch, 463,356,41,35 gauge18=PAPA330!Autopilot Altitude Hold Switch, 463,394,40,35 gauge19=A332GE_feelThere!DDRMI, 5,284,138,175 gauge20=PAPA330!Autopilot Approach Switch, 463,431,40,35 gauge21=A332GE_feelThere!Icon Bar, 461,55,41,43 gauge22=simicons!GPS Icon, 464,149,39,40 gauge23=simicons!Map Icon, 415,103,40,41 gauge24=simicons!Kneeboard Icon, 414,56,42,41 gauge25=PAPA330!VC_Autobrakes Switch, 238,133,155,199 gauge26=PAPA330!VC_Anti Ice Eng1 Switch, 151,341,30,28 gauge27=PAPA330!VC_Anti Ice Eng2 Switch, 184,341,30,28 // --------------------------------------------------------- [Vcockpit02] Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=512 visible=1 pixel_size=512 texture=$ABmain gauge00=A332GE_feelThere!System,0,0,0,0 gauge01=A332GE_feelThere!Primary Flight Display, 6,10,228,208 gauge02=A332GE_feelThere!Navigation Display, 245,5,263,267 gauge03=A332GE_feelThere!Engine/Warning Display, 3,268,233,230 gauge04=A332GE_feelThere!System Display, 248,315,196,187 // --------------------------------------------------------- [Default View] X=0 Y=0 SIZE_X=8192 SIZE_Y=2600 Day=255,255,255 Night=255,255,255 Luminous=255,255,255 Airbus A330-200 RR [Vcockpit01] Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=512 visible=1 pixel_size=512 texture=$g1 gauge00=A332RR_feelThere!Standby Airspeed, 5,1,133,123 gauge01=A332RR_feelThere!Standby Altimeter, 143,2,132,124 gauge02=A332RR_feelThere!Standby Attitude VC, 6,132,150,144 gauge03=A332RR_feelThere!Baro, 314,333,98,129 gauge04=A332RR_feelThere!Analog Clock, 278,-1,127,128 gauge05=PAPA330!Engine Start Knob 1, 409,1,48,49 gauge06=PAPA330!Engine Start Knob 2, 462,2,46,48 gauge07=A332RR_feelThere!Chrono, 164,201,65,67 gauge08=A332RR_feelThere!Warnings, 163,130,64,146 gauge09=PAPA330!ABS Aps Window, 47,469,459,40 gauge10=PAPA330!Flight Director Switch, 417,280,41,35 gauge11=PAPA330!Autopilot ILS Switch, 417,318,40,35 gauge12=PAPA330!Autopilot IAS-Mach Switch, 416,356,41,33 gauge13=PAPA330!Autopilot Speed Switch, 417,394,40,34 gauge14=PAPA330!Autopilot Localizer Switch, 417, 431 ,40,33 gauge15=PAPA330!Autopilot Master Switch, 462,280,41,33 gauge16=PAPA330!Autopilot Master Switch, 463,318,40,35 gauge17=PAPA330!Autothrottle Switch, 463,356,41,35 gauge18=PAPA330!Autopilot Altitude Hold Switch, 463,394,40,35 gauge19=A332RR_feelThere!DDRMI, 5,284,138,175 gauge20=PAPA330!Autopilot Approach Switch, 463,431,40,35 gauge21=A332RR_feelThere!Icon Bar, 461,55,41,43 gauge22=simicons!GPS Icon, 464,149,39,40 gauge23=simicons!Map Icon, 415,103,40,41 gauge24=simicons!Kneeboard Icon, 414,56,42,41 gauge25=PAPA330!VC_Autobrakes Switch, 238,133,155,199 gauge26=PAPA330!VC_Anti Ice Eng1 Switch, 151,341,30,28 gauge27=PAPA330!VC_Anti Ice Eng2 Switch, 184,341,30,28 // --------------------------------------------------------- [Vcockpit02] Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=512 visible=1 pixel_size=512 texture=$ABmain gauge00=A332RR_feelThere!System,0,0,0,0 gauge01=A332RR_FeelThere!Primary Flight Display, 6,10,228,208 gauge02=A332RR_FeelThere!Navigation Display, 245,5,263,267 gauge03=A332RR_FeelThere!Engine/Warning Display, 3,268,233,230 gauge04=A332RR_FeelThere!System Display, 248,315,196,187 // --------------------------------------------------------- [Default View] X=0 Y=0 SIZE_X=8192 SIZE_Y=2600 Day=255,255,255 Night=255,255,255 Luminous=255,255,255 Airbus A330-300 GE [Vcockpit01] Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=512 visible=1 pixel_size=512 texture=$g1 gauge00=A333GE_feelThere!Standby Airspeed, 5,1,133,123 gauge01=A333GE_feelThere!Standby Altimeter, 143,2,132,124 gauge02=A333GE_feelThere!Standby Attitude VC, 6,132,150,144 gauge03=A333GE_feelThere!Baro, 314,333,98,129 gauge04=A333GE_feelThere!Analog Clock, 278,-1,127,128 gauge05=PAPA330!Engine Start Knob 1, 409,1,48,49 gauge06=PAPA330!Engine Start Knob 2, 462,2,46,48 gauge07=A333GE_feelThere!Chrono, 164,201,65,67 gauge08=A333GE_feelThere!Warnings, 163,130,64,146 gauge09=PAPA330!ABS Aps Window, 47,469,459,40 gauge10=PAPA330!Flight Director Switch, 417,280,41,35 gauge11=PAPA330!Autopilot ILS Switch, 417,318,40,35 gauge12=PAPA330!Autopilot IAS-Mach Switch, 416,356,41,33 gauge13=PAPA330!Autopilot Speed Switch, 417,394,40,34 gauge14=PAPA330!Autopilot Localizer Switch, 417, 431 ,40,33 gauge15=PAPA330!Autopilot Master Switch, 462,280,41,33 gauge16=PAPA330!Autopilot Master Switch, 463,318,40,35 gauge17=PAPA330!Autothrottle Switch, 463,356,41,35 gauge18=PAPA330!Autopilot Altitude Hold Switch, 463,394,40,35 gauge19=A333GE_feelThere!DDRMI, 5,284,138,175 gauge20=PAPA330!Autopilot Approach Switch, 463,431,40,35 gauge21=A333GE_feelThere!Icon Bar, 461,55,41,43 gauge22=simicons!GPS Icon, 464,149,39,40 gauge23=simicons!Map Icon, 415,103,40,41 gauge24=simicons!Kneeboard Icon, 414,56,42,41 gauge25=PAPA330!VC_Autobrakes Switch, 238,133,155,199 gauge26=PAPA330!VC_Anti Ice Eng1 Switch, 151,341,30,28 gauge27=PAPA330!VC_Anti Ice Eng2 Switch, 184,341,30,28 // --------------------------------------------------------- [Vcockpit02] Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=512 visible=1 pixel_size=512 texture=$ABmain gauge00=A333GE_feelThere!System,0,0,0,0 gauge01=A333GE_FeelThere!Primary Flight Display, 6,10,228,208 gauge02=A333GE_FeelThere!Navigation Display, 245,5,263,267 gauge03=A333GE_FeelThere!Engine/Warning Display, 3,268,233,230 gauge04=A333GE_FeelThere!System Display, 248,315,196,187 // --------------------------------------------------------- [Default View] X=0 Y=0 SIZE_X=8192 SIZE_Y=3072 Day=255,255,255 Night=255,255,255 Luminous=255,255,255 Airbus A330-300 RR [Vcockpit01] Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=512 visible=1 pixel_size=512 texture=$g1 gauge00=A333RR_feelThere!Standby Airspeed, 5,1,133,123 gauge01=A333RR_feelThere!Standby Altimeter, 143,2,132,124 gauge02=A333RR_feelThere!Standby Attitude VC, 6,132,150,144 gauge03=A333RR_feelThere!Baro, 314,333,98,129 gauge04=A333RR_feelThere!Analog Clock, 278,-1,127,128 gauge05=PAPA330!Engine Start Knob 1, 409,1,48,49 gauge06=PAPA330!Engine Start Knob 2, 462,2,46,48 gauge07=A333RR_feelThere!Chrono, 164,201,65,67 gauge08=A333RR_feelThere!Warnings, 163,130,64,146 gauge09=PAPA330!ABS Aps Window, 47,469,459,40 gauge10=PAPA330!Flight Director Switch, 417,280,41,35 gauge11=PAPA330!Autopilot ILS Switch, 417,318,40,35 gauge12=PAPA330!Autopilot IAS-Mach Switch, 416,356,41,33 gauge13=PAPA330!Autopilot Speed Switch, 417,394,40,34 gauge14=PAPA330!Autopilot Localizer Switch, 417, 431 ,40,33 gauge15=PAPA330!Autopilot Master Switch, 462,280,41,33 gauge16=PAPA330!Autopilot Master Switch, 463,318,40,35 gauge17=PAPA330!Autothrottle Switch, 463,356,41,35 gauge18=PAPA330!Autopilot Altitude Hold Switch, 463,394,40,35 gauge19=A333RR_feelThere!DDRMI, 5,284,138,175 gauge20=PAPA330!Autopilot Approach Switch, 463,431,40,35 gauge21=A333RR_feelThere!Icon Bar, 461,55,41,43 gauge22=simicons!GPS Icon, 464,149,39,40 gauge23=simicons!Map Icon, 415,103,40,41 gauge24=simicons!Kneeboard Icon, 414,56,42,41 gauge25=PAPA330!VC_Autobrakes Switch, 238,133,155,199 gauge26=PAPA330!VC_Anti Ice Eng1 Switch, 151,341,30,28 gauge27=PAPA330!VC_Anti Ice Eng2 Switch, 184,341,30,28 // --------------------------------------------------------- [Vcockpit02] Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=512 visible=1 pixel_size=512 texture=$ABmain gauge00=A333RR_feelThere!System,0,0,0,0 gauge01=A333RR_FeelThere!Primary Flight Display, 6,10,228,208 gauge02=A333RR_FeelThere!Navigation Display, 245,5,263,267 gauge03=A333RR_FeelThere!Engine/Warning Display, 3,268,233,230 gauge04=A333RR_FeelThere!System Display, 248,315,196,187 // --------------------------------------------------------- [Default View] X=0 Y=0 SIZE_X=8192 SIZE_Y=3072 Day=255,255,255 Night=255,255,255 Luminous=255,255,255 Airbus A340-300 CFM [Vcockpit01] Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=512 visible=1 pixel_size=512 texture=$g1 gauge00=A343CFM_feelThere!Standby Airspeed, 5,1,133,123 gauge01=A343CFM_feelThere!Standby Altimeter, 143,2,132,124 gauge02=A343CFM_feelThere!Standby Attitude VC, 6,132,150,144 gauge03=A343CFM_feelThere!Baro, 314,333,98,129 gauge04=A343CFM_feelThere!Analog Clock, 278,-1,127,128 gauge05=PAPA330!Engine Start Knob 1, 409,1,48,49 gauge06=PAPA330!Engine Start Knob 2, 462,2,46,48 gauge07=A343CFM_feelThere!Chrono, 164,201,65,67 gauge08=A343CFM_feelThere!Warnings, 163,130,64,146 gauge09=PAPA330!ABS Aps Window, 47,469,459,40 gauge10=PAPA330!Flight Director Switch, 417,280,41,35 gauge11=PAPA330!Autopilot ILS Switch, 417,318,40,35 gauge12=PAPA330!Autopilot IAS-Mach Switch, 416,356,41,33 gauge13=PAPA330!Autopilot Speed Switch, 417,394,40,34 gauge14=PAPA330!Autopilot Localizer Switch, 417, 431 ,40,33 gauge15=PAPA330!Autopilot Master Switch, 462,280,41,33 gauge16=PAPA330!Autopilot Master Switch, 463,318,40,35 gauge17=PAPA330!Autothrottle Switch, 463,356,41,35 gauge18=PAPA330!Autopilot Altitude Hold Switch, 463,394,40,35 gauge19=A343CFM_feelThere!DDRMI, 5,284,138,175 gauge20=PAPA330!Autopilot Approach Switch, 463,431,40,35 gauge21=A343CFM_feelThere!Icon Bar, 461,55,41,43 gauge22=simicons!GPS Icon, 464,149,39,40 gauge23=simicons!Map Icon, 415,103,40,41 gauge24=simicons!Kneeboard Icon, 414,56,42,41 gauge25=PAPA330!VC_Autobrakes Switch, 238,133,155,199 gauge26=PAPA330!VC_Anti Ice Eng1 Switch, 151,341,30,28 gauge27=PAPA330!VC_Anti Ice Eng2 Switch, 184,341,30,28 // --------------------------------------------------------- [Vcockpit02] Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=512 visible=1 pixel_size=512 texture=$ABmain gauge00=A343CFM_feelThere!System,0,0,0,0 gauge01=A343CFM_FeelThere!Primary Flight Display, 6,10,228,208 gauge02=A343CFM_FeelThere!Navigation Display, 245,5,263,267 gauge03=A343CFM_FeelThere!Engine/Warning Display, 3,268,233,230 gauge04=A343CFM_FeelThere!System Display, 248,315,196,187 // --------------------------------------------------------- [Default View] X=0 Y=0 SIZE_X=8192 SIZE_Y=2600 Day=255,255,255 Night=255,255,255 Luminous=255,255,255 Airbus A340-600 RR Скриншоты на примере А340-300 Air France(3шт) и А330-300 Cathay Pacific За основу(процентов эдак 90) спасибо Frontx-у, все остальное только замена гаугов одного ВС на другое Edited December 19, 2010 by Paha_S7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Paha_S7 7 Posted November 17, 2010 Резерв для ВК и боковых видов Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Paha_S7 7 Posted November 17, 2010 резерв для чего другого... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
russia 4 Posted November 17, 2010 Спасибо, давно хотел скрестить А330. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maksim_Igorevich 1 Posted November 18, 2010 Павел! Спасибо! p.s сам буду ждать A319 ( точнее метод скрещевания ), могу потестировать, найду глюки, обязательно отпишу! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Paha_S7 7 Posted November 19, 2010 (edited) Anikron, A319 выложил, но есть проблемы: та же самая что и при мерже WILCO+PA, ВС на малом газу по глиссаде разгоняется. Я пробую исправить также есть проблемы с креном при изменении курса, задает слишком большой, что влияет на вертикальную скорость ну и разумеется если что еще найдете пишите Edited February 28, 2011 by Paha_S7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maksim_Igorevich 1 Posted November 19, 2010 Anikron, A319 выложил, но есть проблемы: та же самая что и при мерже WILCO+PA, ВС на малом газу по глиссаде разгоняется. Я пробую исправить также есть проблемы с креном при изменении курса, задает слишком большой, что влияет на вертикальную скорость Ок, на выходных попробую потестировать, спасибо Вам за Ваш труд! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ROCK_AVIA 8 Posted November 19, 2010 (edited) Paha_S7, Вы конечно молодец, очень удобно всё оформили, но, Вы хотя бы полётом по кругу тестируете свои сборки? К А330/340 вопросов нет, с ними всё просто и ясно - заменил в Вилковском конфиге пару секций Оверлэндовскими (можно и наоборот) и всё ОК. А вот лёгкая серия А319/321, по вашему летабельными получились? Взять к примеру А320, при V2 = 149 и 2/UP1.5 самолёт нехотя начинает отрыв после 160 узлов и при этом джой нужно тянуть на себя так, что рукоять "трещит". Про выравнивание и автолэнд я вообще молчу... Уже столько раз обсуждалось, что недостаточно для "лёгкой" серии того принципа, которым скрещивается "тяжёлая" серия и РА, а Вы всех под одну гребёнку. Оверлэндовские А319/321 имеют смещёную центровку (не путать с TO CG), заточенную под Оверлэндовскую динамику. А Вилковская динамика заточена под Вилковские же модели с нулевой центровкой. Вот в этом, собственно и вся проблема. Если не обнулить центровку (Reference_Datum_Position), то нормально взлетать и садиться Оверлэндовские А319/321 с Вилковской динамикой НЕ БУДУТ! И тупым перемешиванием Aircraft.cfg это НЕ РЕШАЕТСЯ. Edited November 19, 2010 by ROCK_AVIA Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Paha_S7 7 Posted November 19, 2010 (edited) ROCK_AVIA да, знаю про центровку. Я не сказал что представленные мною решения верные 100%. Буду рад Вашей и любой другой помощи в данном вопросе. в ответном сообщении для Anikron-а мною было написано, что я пытаюсь исправить сие недоразумение. А по сути, да. Для легкой серии пока не совсем верные мержи. Взлет и посадка как Вы сами сказали это адские игрушки Стоит отметить это в 1м посте Edited February 28, 2011 by Paha_S7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VRP 29 Posted November 27, 2010 (edited) Вот, парни, попробуйте мой конфиг A319CFM. (Отдельное спасибо ROCKAVIA за предоставленную информацию!) Вроде летает более-менее похоже на A319, только при посадке Landing Lights светят почему-то в левую сторону, не знаю - это где-то моя ошибка или какой-то глюк. Кто знает что к чему, пожалуйста, отпишитесь. [exits] number_of_exits=2 exit.0 = 0.25, 35.5, -5.5, 2.8, 0 exit.1 = 0.4, -18.5, 5.0, -2.2, 1 [Views] eyepoint=43.13, -1.85, 5.19 [LIGHTS] //Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing light.0=3, -5.81, -54.7, 3.49, fx_navred , light.1=3, -5.81, 54.7, 3.49, fx_navgre , light.2=2, -6.42, -55.3, 3.59, fx_strobe , light.3=2, -6.42, 55.3, 3.59, fx_strobe , light.4=1, 14.15, 0.0, -4.90, fx_beaconh , light.5=1, 11.52, 0.0, 9.55, fx_beaconh , light.6=2,-54.23, 0.17, 5.19, fx_strobe , light.7=3,-54.23, -0.17, 5.19, fx_navwhi , light.8 = 4, 39, 0, 5.7, fx_vclighth [General] atc_type=AIRBUS atc_model=A319 performance=Dimensions: Wing span: 111 ft 10 in (33.91 m) \n Length: 111 ft 0 in (33.84 m) \n Height: 38 ft 7 in (11.76 m) \n Weights: \n Empty: 89,000 lb \n Max take-off: 166,000 lb \n Performance: Cruise speed: 608 mph (978.48 km/h) \n Max Operating altitude: 40,000 ft (12,192 m) \n Maximum range: 3,700 miles (6,800 km) \n Powerplants: Two IAE V2525-A5 rated at 23.500 lbs (111.2 kN) or Two CFM International CFM56-5B4 rated at 22.000 lbs. Hi-bypass Turbofans [WEIGHT_AND_BALANCE] reference_datum_position=0, 0, -4.4 max_number_of_stations=50 station_load.0 = "450, 42.0, 0.0, 0.0, Crew" station_load.1 = "1000, 37.0, 0.0, 0.0, Galleys" station_load.2 = "4000, 16.0, 0.0, 0.0, Baggage" station_load.3 = "7000, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Cargo" station_load.4 = "6200, 26.0, 0.0, 0.0, First" station_load.5 = "17000, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Coach" empty_weight= 89500 max_gross_weight=167300 empty_weight_roll_MOI=1300000 empty_weight_pitch_MOI=2000000 empty_weight_yaw_MOI=2000000 empty_weight_coupled_MOI=0.0 empty_weight_CG_position=0.000, 0.000, 0.000 [pitot_static] vertical_speed_time_constant=999 [GROUND_REACTION] MAX_STEERING_ANGLE=75 [flight_tuning] cruise_lift_scalar =1.000 parasite_drag_scalar =1.000 induced_drag_scalar =1.1 elevator_effectiveness =1.0 aileron_effectiveness =1.0 rudder_effectiveness =1.0 pitch_stability =1.000 roll_stability =1.000 yaw_stability =1.000 elevator_trim_effectiveness =0.6 aileron_trim_effectiveness =1.000 rudder_trim_effectiveness =1.000 [electrical] max_battery_voltage = 24 generator_alternator_voltage = 28 max_generator_alternator_amps = 200 electric_always_available = 1 flap_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_motor = 0, 0 , 17.0 autopilot = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics_bus = 0, 0 , 17.0 avionics = 0, 0 , 17.0 pitot_heat = 0, 0 , 17.0 additional_system = 0, 0 , 17.0 marker_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 gear_warning = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter1 = 0, 0 , 17.0 starter2 = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_nav = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_beacon = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_landing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_taxi = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_strobe = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_panel = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_cabin = 0, 0 , 17.0 auto_brakes = 0, 0 , 17.0 standby_vacuum = 0, 0 , 17.0 hydraulic_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 fuel_transfer_pump = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_recognition = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_wing = 0, 0 , 17.0 light_logo = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro = 0, 0 , 17.0 directional_gyro_slaving = 0, 0 , 17.0 [TurbineEngineData] fuel_flow_gain=0.001 inlet_area=30 rated_N2_rpm=29920.000000 static_thrust=22000.000000 afterburner_available=0 reverser_available=1 [GeneralEngineData] engine_type=1 Engine.0= 3.0, -17.5, -2.500000 Engine.1= 3.0, 17.5, -2.500000 fuel_flow_scalar=1.0000 min_throttle_limit=-0.499939 max_contrail_temperature = -30 //Temperature (deg C) below which contrails may appear [jet_engine] thrust_scalar =1.1 [EFFECTS] wake=fx_wake water=fx_spray dirt=fx_tchdrt concrete=fx_sparks touchdown=fx_tchdwn, 1 [direction_indicators] direction_indicator.0=3,0 [Radios] // Radio Type=availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope Audio.1=1 Com.1=1, 1 Com.2=1, 1 Nav.1=1, 1, 1 Nav.2=1, 1, 0 Adf.1=1 Transponder.1=1 Marker.1=1 [Flaps.0] type=1 span-outboard=0.500000 extending-time=20.000000 system_type=1 flaps-position.0=0.000000,0.000000 flaps-position.1=0.0 flaps-position.2=13.0 //nominal value should be10 but we need big effect RY flaps-position.3=20.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.4=29.0 //ditto to accomodate flap 2 flaps-position.5=40.0 //More lift for patched solution to low lift RY [Flaps.1] type=2 span-outboard=0.800 extending-time=20.000 system_type=1 damaging-speed=232.000 blowout-speed=250.000 lift_scalar=0.3 drag_scalar=0.2 pitch_scalar=0.0 flaps-position.0=0 flaps-position.1=18.0 flaps-position.2=18.0 flaps-position.3=22.0 flaps-position.4=22.0 flaps-position.5=27.0 [forcefeedback] gear_bump_nose_magnitude=3000 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_nose_direction=18000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_nose_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_left_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_left_direction=35500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_left_duration=250000 ; in microseconds gear_bump_right_magnitude=2700 ; 0 - 10000 gear_bump_right_direction=00500 ; 0 - 35999 degrees gear_bump_right_duration=250000 ; in microseconds ground_bumps_magnitude1=1300 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle1=08900 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept1=3.0 ground_bumps_slope1=0.20 ground_bumps_magnitude2=200 ; 0 - 10000 ground_bumps_angle2=09100 ; 0 - 35999 degrees ground_bumps_intercept2=1.075 ground_bumps_slope2=0.035 crash_magnitude1=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction1=01000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_magnitude2=10000 ; 0 - 10000 crash_direction2=9000 ; 0 - 35999 degrees crash_period2=75000 ; in microseconds crash_duration2=2500000 ; in microseconds [fuel] Center1= 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2130.000000, 0.000000 LeftMain= 0.0, -8.0, 0.0, 1788.000000, 0.000000 RightMain= 0.0, 8.0, 0.0, 1788.000000, 0.000000 LeftAux= 0.0, -13.0, 0.0, 227.000000, 0.000000 RightAux= 0.0, 13.0, 0.0, 227.000000, 0.000000 fuel_type=2.000000 number_of_tank_selectors=2 electric_pump=1 [airplane_geometry] wing_area=1320.000000 wing_span=111.9 wing_root_chord=12.000000 wing_dihedral=5 wing_incidence=1.5 wing_twist=1 oswald_efficiency_factor=0.8723 wing_winglets_flag=1 wing_sweep=22 wing_pos_apex_lon=15.00000 wing_pos_apex_vert=0.000000 htail_area=328.000000 htail_span=40.000000 htail_pos_lon=-50.000000 htail_pos_vert=0.000000 htail_incidence=2.993774 htail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_area=249.000000 vtail_span=17.991665 vtail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_pos_lon=-50.000000 vtail_pos_vert=20.500000 elevator_area=70.500000 aileron_area=26.800000 rudder_area=56.200000 elevator_up_limit=28 elevator_down_limit=22 aileron_up_limit=22 aileron_down_limit=20 rudder_limit=32 elevator_trim_limit=18 spoiler_limit=50 spoilerons_available=1 aileron_to_spoileron_gain=3.000000 min_ailerons_for_spoilerons=9.0 min_flaps_for_spoilerons=0.000000 [contact_points] point.0=1, 35.80, 0.00, -10.56, 1500, 0, 1.25, 60.12, 0.38, 2.4, 0.5135, 7.0, 8.2, 0, 0.0, 0.0 point.1=1, -4.25, -11.58, -11.06, 2200, 1, 2.15, 0.00, 1.11, 2.0, 0.5470, 9.7, 14.1, 2, 0.0, 0.0 point.2=1, -4.25, 11.58, -11.06, 2200, 2, 2.15, 0.00, 1.11, 2.0, 0.5470, 9.7, 14.1, 3, 0.0, 0.0 point.3=2, -14.17, -47.33, 0.00, 787.4, 0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5, 0.0, 0.0 point.4=2, -14.17, 47.33, 0.00, 787.4, 0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6, 0.0, 0.0 point.5=2, -54.00, 0.00, 2.83, 787.4, 0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 9, 0.0, 0.0 point.6=2, 42.67, 0.00, -3.75, 787.4, 0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4, 0.0, 0.0 max_number_of_points=21 static_pitch= -0.02 //degrees, pitch when at rest on the ground (+=Up, -=Dn) static_cg_height=14.26 //feet, altitude of CG when at rest on the ground gear_system_type=0 [brakes] toe_brakes_scale=0.86 parking_brake=1 [gear_warning_system] gear_warning_available=0 pct_throttle_limit=0.099976 flap_limit_power=25.496622 flap_limit_idle=10.04 [Reference Speeds] flaps_up_stall_speed=180.000000 // at MTW full_flaps_stall_speed=132.000000// at MTW cruise_speed=320 max_indicated_speed=352.000000 max_mach=0.84 [keyboard_response] elevator=150.000000,250.000000 aileron=150.000000,250.000000 rudder=150.000000,250.000000 [autopilot] autopilot_available=1 flight_director_available=1 default_vertical_speed=1800.000000 autothrottle_available=1 autothrottle_arming_required=1 autothrottle_takeoff_ga=1 autothrottle_max_rpm=90.000000 pitch_takeoff_ga=8.000000 max_pitch=10.000000 max_pitch_acceleration=0.8 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt=1.0 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt_breakpoint=20000.000000 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt_breakpoint=28000.000000 max_bank=25.000000 max_bank_acceleration=3.0 max_bank_velocity=3.000000 max_throttle_rate=0.100000 nav_proportional_control=9.000000 nav_integrator_control=0.250000 nav_derivative_control=0.000000 nav_integrator_boundary=2.500000 nav_derivative_boundary=0.000000 gs_proportional_control=9.520000 gs_integrator_control=0.260000 gs_derivative_control=0.000000 gs_integrator_boundary=0.700000 gs_derivative_boundary=0.000000 yaw_damper_gain=0.000000 [hydraulic_system] electric_pumps=0 engine_map=1,1,0,0 normal_pressure=3000.000000 [stall_warning] type=1 [attitude_indicators] attitude_indicator.0=2 [turn_indicators] turn_indicator.0=1,0 Edited November 28, 2010 by AirArt Убрал конфиг в спойлер Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tupol154b2 6 Posted November 28, 2010 абсолютно кривая сборка,не ставьте, :hmm1: начиная от автоленда ,заканчивая проваливанем колёс,задиранием носа всем кому нужен мерж смс+вилки сюдасюда Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VRP 29 Posted November 28, 2010 абсолютно кривая сборка,не ставьте, начиная от автоленда ,заканчивая проваливанем колёс,задиранием носа всем кому нужен мерж смс+вилки сюдасюда Странно... Почему у меня все в порядке..? Может у нас симы разные? У меня девятка. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ROCK_AVIA 8 Posted November 28, 2010 (edited) абсолютно кривая сборка,не ставьте, начиная от автоленда ,заканчивая проваливанем колёс,задиранием носа всем кому нужен мерж смс+вилки сюдасюда Хоть и не использую А319, но предложенный VRP конфиг проверил - подтверждаю, всё отлично! Ничего никуда не проваливается, LIGHTS корректно подогнаны и с автолэндом полный порядок! tupol154b2, а Вы случаем с А320 не перепутали? Ведь Вы ссылаетесь на тему с вариантами конфигов для А320. P.S. VRP, ну а с посадочным светом...даже не знаю, у меня всё в порядке. Видимо у Вас глюк какой-то, т.к. правкой Aircraft.cfg изменить его Вы не могли (фары и свет "зашиты" в модели). Может какие-либо эффекты света фар устанавливали и в них проблема? Edited November 28, 2010 by ROCK_AVIA Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VRP 29 Posted November 28, 2010 Хоть и не использую А319, но предложенный VRP конфиг проверил - подтверждаю, всё отлично! Ничего никуда не проваливается, LIGHTS корректно подогнаны и с автолэндом полный порядок! tupol154b2, а Вы случаем с А320 не перепутали? Ведь Вы ссылаетесь на тему с вариантами конфигов для А320. P.S. VRP, ну а с посадочным светом...даже не знаю, у меня всё в порядке. Видимо у Вас глюк какой-то, т.к. правкой Aircraft.cfg изменить его Вы не могли (фары и свет "зашиты" в модели). Может какие-либо эффекты света фар устанавливали и в них проблема? Я тоже думаю что глюк. Эффектов никаких не ставил. Да, и Taxi Lights появляется только после повторного включения (это тоже после посадки). Ну ничего, будем искать... Кстати, на A320 все в порядке. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Paha_S7 7 Posted November 30, 2010 (edited) VRP, ROCK_AVIA спасибо за тестирование. Я также потестил и на ура :rolleyes: VRP добавил Ваш конфиг в шапку :blink: Edited February 28, 2011 by Paha_S7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VRP 29 Posted November 30, 2010 VRP, ROCK_AVIA спасибо за тестирование. Я также потестил и на ура :rolleyes: VRP добавил Ваш конфиг в шапку :blink: Спасибо! Приятно что могу быть чем-нибудь полезен для адептов авиации! P.S. А со светом разобрался. Просто в конфиге самоля по-умолчанию были назначены точно такие же комбинации клавиш, как на поворот фары в симе. Короче, конфликт. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Paha_S7 7 Posted December 6, 2010 (edited) Приветствую. Заполнил секции ВК для А330-200/300, А340-300, А340-600 Edited February 28, 2011 by Paha_S7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dacool 8 Posted December 6, 2010 Приветствую. Заполнил секции ВК для А330-200/300, А340-300, А340-600 Спасибочки...а на 319-320 будут???? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Paha_S7 7 Posted December 6, 2010 (edited) dacool, там текстуры мягко говоря отбивают все желание делать ее... upd: добавил скриншоты ВК в соотв пост Edited February 28, 2011 by Paha_S7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
D_Wing_Frodo 43 Posted December 6, 2010 Приветствую. Заполнил секции ВК для А330-200/300, А340-300, А340-600 под спойлером А340-600 RR ничего Добавьте пожалуйста. Пытаюсь скрестить именно этот крафт. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dacool 8 Posted December 6, 2010 dacool, там текстуры мягко говоря отбивают все желание делать ее... upd: добавил скриншоты ВК в соотв пост Да это понятно....Я уже сделал,хотел просто проверить,может что забыл.И может кто-то,когда-то переделает текстуры ВК. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Paha_S7 7 Posted December 6, 2010 (edited) dacool сделали уже?? делитесь с авсимовцами, проверим, поправим и поможем Edited February 28, 2011 by Paha_S7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
D_Wing_Frodo 43 Posted December 6, 2010 Paha_S7, ну так как, будет информация по мержу ВК для 340-600 RR? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites