Here's realized his zadumku.Bolshe like a short feature film with a duration of 18 min.Mozhno take a beer and prosmotret.Syuzhet from the movie 80's kid several times went to nego.T.K. in the Sim is not all you can do some scenes from kartiny.Priyatnogo all viewing.
→ Filename:
→ Date: 14 years ago (15.12.2010 00:42)
→ Author:
→ Uploaded by: LAKI2106 (uploaded 44 files )
→ Approved by moderator: Ramirezzz_x
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
Forgive me moderators! Just OHUENO !!!!! daewooo, 14 years ago, #
I'm not a moderator, but should write to the two "H" 48H6, 14 years ago, #
No-no, exactly as written, it is necessary. In this special charm :-) Mihail Stepanov, 14 years ago, #
stsuko .. would not matyukatsya today. but it does not work - I agree one hundred percent! " Marque, 14 years ago, #
vsmysle add my voice to this comments ..))))! Marque, 14 years ago, #
So, the way it is:) Kain, 14 years ago, #
Класс! AM154, 7 years ago, #
Excellent. @ntuan, 14 years ago, #
Success Replex, 14 years ago, #
ATP remembered the movie! HARBINGER LETCIK, 14 years ago, #
Wow! Simply a masterpiece! Mig1Bravo, 14 years ago, #
Wow! Very interesting! Thank you! Anthony, 14 years ago, #
Excellent! did not think that is possible ... AlexeevD, 14 years ago, #
Really enjoyed it. штурмовик, 14 years ago, #
Well done. Made with Soul. Success in the future. isc, 14 years ago, #
Super! Frion1, 14 years ago, #
Well done! Never seen this. Everything's great. Many thanks and respect. Alex_UA, 14 years ago, #
Well done! I liked ... Duhan, 14 years ago, #
by the middle of the movie ineptly used the effect of lens flare is just besil:) wanted to kill the author! :))) "Hotspot" in real life there for a few seconds at a certain angle lens to the sun, and disappear, and you - chasing randomly on the screen is not disappearing, like a UFO - hangs and does not move in those directions:)) inspected solely of the plot:) The rest - no complaints;) So put all the same five! Well done! RAID74, 14 years ago, #
thanks LAKI2106, 14 years ago, #
Powerful! Сокол, 14 years ago, #
And what a song sounds forced? Strong scene! Сокол, 14 years ago, #
maksimow_-_Life_In_Twilight LAKI2106, 14 years ago, #
Thank you! Сокол, 14 years ago, #
Something I did where I can not find this song: ( Сокол, 14 years ago, #
take here​ic/ LAKI2106, 14 years ago, #
Thank you very much! Сокол, 14 years ago, #
For the idea and realization is uniquely FIVE! BUT! Inaccuracies evident: In the Soviet Union (now Russia) is not and never has been the Navy (Navy). Only the Navy - the Navy! On IL-38 St. Andrew's flag in 1990 could not be drawn (only the flag of the Soviet Navy). Next - the voiceover: "The purpose of air. Right on board." Orion. "At the same time frame," Orion "is on the right (!) From Tu-16. In the frame of the movie pops up domestic nuclear submarines of Project 671, then the video is already Sim American boat type "Los Angeles" ... And so on ... But then again, the whole idea and its implementation in EXCELLENT! golos, 14 years ago, #
I'm sorry, sealed! Voiceover: "The purpose of the air. Left on board." Orion. "At the same time frame," Orion "is on the right (!) From Tu-16. golos, 14 years ago, #
5 and only 5! Loved it! All major events are shown! Thank you! cadet-74, 14 years ago, #
Class! "A certain symmetry of a remake, which is uniquely FIVE!! штурман78, 14 years ago, #
Super, thanks to the author! ATLON, 14 years ago, #
. sergpetr2, 14 years ago, #
Indeed. Simulator film. Very cool. praga, 14 years ago, #
Dear simery.Vsem Thanks for your feedback, I am glad that the estimated labor-doing a really long time so that everybody liked. LAKI2106, 14 years ago, #
cool! knocks down .... It stopyatsot! did talented people, this is a strong and energetic, this is a movie, do not roll, this is excellent and the quality, this is Oscar! psI how to love, to create this ... 5555! "Four penny! Zorgair, 14 years ago, #
Zorgair you are also very good-looking videos is their great pleasure. LAKI2106, 14 years ago, #
So a job then what is done! " It's just stunned! Marque, 14 years ago, #
his piggy bank in the best quality! Marque, 14 years ago, #
Ruslan likes fellow's time in hollywood for the Oscar. vovasik77, 14 years ago, #
Ruslan fellow, how are you always on top. He looked happy. Kain, 14 years ago, #
I am pleased to look at it. Liked it, thanks! Ant0n1o, 14 years ago, #
We can say that again promotrel.super movie! ark6697, 14 years ago, #
Grand! Den86, 14 years ago, #
! skwolf, 14 years ago, #
R.s I remember at the end of the movie was the phrase "What a wonderful world on the day of pay, but Klyuev?" skwolf, 14 years ago, #
who remembers the wild (happy) skirmish near the window savings bank - a topical phrase was! :))) Right now, somehow smoothed this happy effect, and the process is spread Marque, 14 years ago, #
Cool Sanja23, 14 years ago, #
stunningly D_Wing_Frodo, 14 years ago, #
NO WORDS! Some emotions! Video super! Music is super! I put a hundred balls for this, I promise! Valeroyd, 14 years ago, #
class! Dok2001, 14 years ago, #
Bravissimo! Shedevralissimo! And the download link in the piggy bank ;-) Maverick_515, 14 years ago, #
Wow! ! ! Masterfully done! Only O T L I N O W! ! ! Д.Г.П., 14 years ago, #
Wow! Beautiful, "dipped" on landing. But the end has turned out a little blurry. 10 points! ___Yura, 14 years ago, #
E! Masterpiece. A free way? Like the peasants at work to show. Zigzag_McQuack, 14 years ago, # alexost92, 14 years ago, #
video here-http: / /​uaW_w&;feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL LAKI2106, 14 years ago, #
Thank you! Zigzag_McQuack, 14 years ago, #
Masterpiece. No words. gartdm98, 14 years ago, #
Yes, no words! Nothing of the kind seen! Looked at one go! That is SKILL! There are 100! Pour pozhaluysa referring to downloading. NAVYNK, 14 years ago, #
I do ... y virpilov thoughts converge))) Valeroyd, 14 years ago, #​=SRnCt_uaW_w&;feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL LAKI2106, 14 years ago, #
Super fine. Much painstaking work in the technical and creative plan. Жексон, 14 years ago, #
Two times for 5, seper wladka, 14 years ago, #
Super! Simply a masterpiece! I liked very much and looked pleased, Thank you =) ryabov_912, 14 years ago, #
For the work and installation! Movie very much ... Tranceport, 14 years ago, #
Here's an invitation to hold an Oscar!)) video editing, special effects SUPER, thanks)) dimon-omon, 14 years ago, #
Delightful! Andreas-URMT, 14 years ago, #
That's great! Though rare, but appear on our website videos that are like "no comment". 5 + limansky, 14 years ago, #
Tell me, what is this film? limansky, 14 years ago, #
FILM82g-case squared 36-80 LAKI2106, 14 years ago, #
Understood. Thank you:) limansky, 14 years ago, #
great, all 10 points =)), there is one small but: the beginning seemed a bit lengthy 3485, 14 years ago, #
Stunned! In the treasury of masterpieces avsima! Mihail Stepanov, 14 years ago, #
Of course, the classic movie and since he was shot to issue vozmozhno.Luchshe not see myself working very film.No otlichnaya.Vam be directed ... . Thank you liked all the best and good luck. VladTretjak, 14 years ago, #