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Legendary Tu-154 "- he was flying a lot ... and so began the legend of the aircraft industry! Last moments of the year left for this aircraft! And this video, I spent the Greater Carcass"
→ Size: 22 MB
→ Date: 15 years ago (14.03.2009 21:21)
→ Author: Взлётный365
→ Approved by moderator: omega
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 919 time(s)
Well, now I will cry .... Teufel, 15 years ago, #
TU -154 forever arzo, 15 years ago, #
I like it so much on this plane that I believe this is not a plane, and a work of art! Bravo, Tupolev! PaVeL997, 13 years ago, #
It is a pity so sorry .... So far, our airline industry is not podymitsya, we will escort our "Friends" on the rest. daewooo, 15 years ago, #
Not bad, liked it! Fridge, 15 years ago, #
Affected ... But the upset was not necessary, TU-154 have at least 5-7 years of flying, even signed a contract for the construction of several new aircraft. Tomy1, 15 years ago, #
How sad would not it, but to build them now it's silly, almost crazy. In the aviation industry that the automotive. Fridge, 15 years ago, #​/Untitled/Tupolev-Tu-154M/1495​450&;tbl=&photo_nr=6&sok=&sort=&prev_id=1495518&next_id=1495217 is this example for Iran, collect =) So the 54th is not even a fly off . Even Aeroflot has decided to keep them as a fact in Russia, many airports are Boeing and aerbasam not force baud. KIVLAR, 15 years ago, #
Airport not under force, and about services in general promolchu. Spare parts for Boeing and Airbus madly expensive, because they often put the details of craftsmanship. Tomy1, 15 years ago, #
Well improved even as his b-day! And that voracious and noisy engines of modern standards, the entire avionics already outdated, and the interior does not match the level of the same airbasov. Well, it is outdated! Fridge, 15 years ago, #
NAOs himself Cookware pereuchivanie, purchase of new aircraft, spare parts expensive (unless you left (we will hope)) time, the loss reysov.Dumayu not experienced pilots agree on new kraft pereuchivatsya not put a green cadets that they vzyat.Tak on that money is also samoe.A about upgrades vozmem least wingtips-reduces consumption of that fuel. KIVLAR, 15 years ago, #
Yeah, a couple of kilos. Disappear, 15 years ago, #
kilo ton saves =) But if seriously tsyfry poserezney. KIVLAR, 15 years ago, #
The brothers mad at modernizing ffatit. And R±R°R±R»R° to modernize ffatit (penny, on the oil market, for example.) Toka kindly and convince in the end, the program provides you with who? UR-OLK, 15 years ago, #
Pereuchivanie pilots - the normal course of events, not let us all his life to the 154-fly if not pereuchivat anyone. Vinglety? Do not tell. Compare slapjack modernization of the 737 th with a model 200 to NG. This does not extend wings and instead stuck priborchik electronic switch. While the first person the state-wah said that the purchase is not a foreign aviation, airlines gain in scores of leasing cars, and domestic aviation industry under the edge slope, together with avtompromom! Fridge, 15 years ago, #
When I wrote V«... and convince in the end, the program provides you with who?V», Just the first people to state-wah and a hint ... Out of Ukraine! Laughter, and only ... UR-OLK, 15 years ago, #
No, the new wing zakontsovkami flow is reduced somewhere in the 800 to 1000 kilograms per hour, but not in this case. Just no one has a desire to further osovremeneniem TU-154M. It is a pity ... Tomy1, 15 years ago, #
Already in tears .. Ил-76, 13 years ago, #
I love our aircraft Eldar1993, 15 years ago, #
What's the song:) HaN, 15 years ago, #
Thanks for the topic raised, touched! pavel_pilot, 15 years ago, #
Like ... But the video - the horror! Though the opera would be a thing of the operator, his hands shaking after deeply! mido, 15 years ago, #
+1 Intel_Rus, 15 years ago, #
Sorry, very sorry ... Tupolev-154m, 15 years ago, #
= / pulkovo2, 15 years ago, #
Яшки летают, боинги постоянно модернизируют и никто не мычит что они древние(если взять допустим линейку 737 начиная от двухсотки), захотели бы и Туполя модернизировали бы. Tolikrec, 5 years ago, #
Блин, весь стол в слезах! ~Anonymous~, 7 years ago, #
Спасибо! AM154, 8 years ago, #
Два десятка фотографий, 1,5 минуты дико трясущегося видео и оборванная в конце музыка - и это ода Ту-154? Оценивать не стал. Понятно, что первый опыт, но Вы же читаете инструкции, когда беретесь за незнакомое дело... Почитайте в сети как сделать грамотный ролик. Успехов Вам. TITAR, 9 years ago, #
Прошло пять лет с момента выхода видеоролика, а ту-154 еще летают. Плохая из Вас Ванга получилась)) Tony Longy, 10 years ago, #
Душевно. Авиасиммер, 10 years ago, #
Спасибо. Вдохновенно! С чувством и желанием! И старание видно! А то что немного камера тряслась при наезде... Так всё равно же красивое видео! Не правда ли? Теперь сам полон решимости сделать слайд-шоу из своих личных фото-споттингов!!!! СПАСИБО!!!! safary11, 11 years ago, #
Очень душевно!!! Мне было 4 года, когда в 1991 году я впервые летел на самолете, и нёс меня легендарный ТУ-154! Любовь к авиации начилась именно с него! SergKalashnikov, 11 years ago, #
И всё-таки душевно. Zigzag_McQuack, 12 years ago, #
Шикарный самолет. Особенно когда попадает в турбулентность и начинает махать крыльями... Зрелище не для слабонервных, но запоминается!!! Nozdrin, 12 years ago, #
Сколькими крыльями машет Ту-154? КурсМП, 12 years ago, #
Вам ответит Александр Друзь). Smuggler, 12 years ago, #
Сколько еще клоунов считает, что у Ту-154 куча крыльев? Отмечайтесь минусами! КурсМП, 12 years ago, #
And in the video landing was in Krasnoyarsk:) SBI71, 13 years ago, #
Yeah just before the reconstruction of the band) Doktor, 13 years ago, #
Workaholic! Hurt. ark6697, 13 years ago, #
Offensively derzhavskii, 13 years ago, #
Shaking the frame in the movie all ports (especially with the approach). And since all great! Борт174, 15 years ago, #
Some landing just past the centreline and cruel flight 0_0 NoFL, 15 years ago, #
Pay .... KirillS, 15 years ago, #
accent on the "A ":))) KirillS, 15 years ago, #
Thank you. Very touching video. Simmer86, 15 years ago, #
Excellent. Though already seen, but the file can not assess. All is well. Enough to throw an empty criticism of the author, though a lot of photos and a few videos, all in harmony. Especially in the topic, insert the photo exhibit of museum and recently the late 85005 to the end, as well as appropriate participation in the slide show of Soviet photography. Moreover, each image appears in the most appropriate moment. Lesh, zhmu hand. This is a well-deserved 5! A.S.K., 15 years ago, #
The carcass is still flying and good snot spread, so now he goes through the era and perhaps two years to run again in the production of the new engine with the only drawback might no longer be a bright powerful whistle sound! DownSet, 15 years ago, #
Yes with all the sounds in it:) He has the goods in Minvodi Ural and taking off aircraft, the entire warehouse hibara trembled! Disappear, 15 years ago, #
Do not bury you in a year ... Many a lby already split on the = = Bobik, when it comes to maintenance, repairs, breakdowns, or simply a good Siberian frost ... Tumensky, 15 years ago, #
Words do not !(((( Pilon, 15 years ago, #
penetration, of course, but the slide show is too long:) a little video, that has been used - mostly off the video with a few exceptions (apparently) ... I would like to see something YOUR created by you personally ... moreover, for such an aircraft could and podnapryachsya and go posnimat;) my IMHO. RAID74, 15 years ago, #
And buy a camera for an event? Carcase posnimat? Not all opportunities with the wishes of the same. Disappear, 15 years ago, #
agreed that this was just a wish;) if rain pathos, not to somebody else's work, but at least his;) you agree, Disappear? RAID74, 15 years ago, #
Video nesmotrel to judge about the pathos does not mogu.I truth, the author could write "I have compiled records, that used to warn other people's works. Thank you for your understanding! :) Disappear, 15 years ago, #
Legendary Tu-154 "- he was flying a lot ... A-2 Antonov AN-12 or flying even more ... They do not legendy.I continue letat.Vot that most of the Amer glavnoe.A more DS-3 letayut.Vse your breaths, and Ochi pustoe.Potomu is that we live in Russia, where there is not what svyatogo.Gde not keep and do not appreciate nichego.Zaboshlyali official R±R°R±R»R°, so he and lobiruet zabugornye inomarki.V Russia for the money, even the mother of the native prodadut.Nashi aircraft simply suffer the fate of our avtoproma.Miru need dark, farm Rossiya.Neuzheli it is not clear? Are you here about what a decibel, and fuel economy ... =Gnom=, 15 years ago, #
Dear = Gnom =! Of course, the machine antonovskie deserve no less (if not more) respect and honor as compared to the Tu-154, and that there are lots of digital and hardcopy information! Again, the question of what Russia needs peace here, too, takes place outside the context of the idea of the movie. Transparently nameknu that in the local section of the forum is directly related to the impact of global policies on aviation of Russia and not tokmo.) UR-OLK, 15 years ago, #
But An-2 at all live forever, and no replacement in sight. Can it put the Lenin mausoleum, instead? I am for:) Disappear, 15 years ago, #
Excellent and beautiful plane! That says everything. kemjet, 15 years ago, #
Good video about the wonderful flight! It is natural that his era is over, the progress neumalim. It is a pity that almost no one cares about maintaining a decent at least a few copies of that, without exaggeration, the legend. ... But even in Zinshayme continue ... Ego, 15 years ago, #
In Sinsheim not, there are only whistle (TU-134) and the boom of the stratosphere (TU-144). Siriuss, 13 years ago, #
Tupolev Design Bureau has established a truly masterpiece, but it has already spent ... Until now, sorry, that has not got on board, standing on VDNKh = ( alexiz1986, 15 years ago, #
these recent shots - is that Bird with VDNKh pohereli ???!!!!!!! (video from the landing-tin, how he did not strip vykatilsya?) for the movie - 4 dinsoft, 15 years ago, #
On this subject feel like "break" a serious technical article ... It is a pity that the format of the site does not allow it. One can say as a professional designer with considerable experience in aviation: The carcass can and should live, as well as its overseas rovestniki. There are solutions to overcome the notorious "detsibelnogo" barrier and reduce fuel consumption. There is a set of new avionics. Just good policy decision that the state simply masshabah modernize this cool "pepelats" that would save a lot of money and not oskopit our fleet. Agava56, 15 years ago, #
Brilliant speech! Sincerely. UR-OLK, 15 years ago, #
but what about the "ease of operation, with ease of management"? this question, without any irony. Interesting opinion. I think you will not argue that the TU-154 in the management of obsolete ... What should I do? RAID74, 15 years ago, #
Though not a fan myself, and PT, but the carcase .=))))) like I want to say that everything was once the end will come. (((Do not be depressed so)))) nik-dem, 15 years ago, #
Well done! Last frame, the brutal truth, life, time, or all together ... baric, 15 years ago, #
mentally. But it is not possible to convert 154ku by a more modern mode? to modern avionics, aircraft management systems, redraw the salon and in the end, not how efficient engines that would fit into the concept of the plane? rather, I do not want to upgrade my - best to buy a ready ... because Boeing and aeirbas involved in upgrading! fyuzelyazh from a Tu-154 the most beautiful! not something that these cucumbers - all from lartsa ... It is sad .... when they sing the money - music of silence .... mega1, 15 years ago, #
have time to even fly on it ... I now want even more to fly on 154ke than foreign cars ... a little more and stay some foreign cars mega1, 15 years ago, #
Well, for that matter, the engines under the wings of swing, and why so many pumps to put that in the tail of the fuel pump when it is in the wings? Intel_Rus, 15 years ago, #
in general for all! favorite airplane of Russia! pash-gun, 15 years ago, #
Do not forget, not only in Russia, is loved throughout the aircraft when the great and the great Soviet country, unfortunately Russia scored in our aviation industry! DownSet, 15 years ago, #
Mentally ...((((( >LeadeR<, 15 years ago, #
Yeah ........ :-( Lenze, 15 years ago, #
Sorry for him = (((is not it lucky with the state ( swatfloorball, 15 years ago, #
If lucky, it would have been replaced by more modern models, with a long time. Disappear, 15 years ago, #
Could hardly keep the tears .. Music in the topic (by the way what is this?). Of course 5 PunCom, 15 years ago, #
Evanescence - "My Immortal"​=idd_92ajjwY fad78rus, 15 years ago, #
Wept Faust, 15 years ago, #
despite the simplicity, a very even mentally. aiRoNe, 15 years ago, #