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Tu-154 | Rating: 5!
Airline relinquishing of its aircraft fleet Tu154 ... This legendary aircraft and I decided to dedicate this video clip. Thank you, mother half a ruble.
→ Size: 33 MB
→ Date: 15 years ago (21.11.2009 00:55)
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→ Uploaded by: tri_ton (uploaded 2 files )
→ Approved by moderator: ReDut
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 3638 time(s)
Знаете,я не лётчик и к авиации имею косвенное отношение поскольку работаю в аэропорту водителем спецтранспорта по обслуживанию ВС.Много раз наблюдал посадки и взлёты данного ВС.И вот какое лично моё мнение сложилось;более грациозной посадки я не наблюдал не у одного самолёта.Знаете он похож на лебедя когда садиться.Да и вообще что 154,что 134 для меня лично являются красивыми самолётами.И летает их ещё достаточно. GOY, 12 years ago, #
Ту-160 на посадке - это да, это Лебедь с большой буквы.А Ту-154 не дотягивает до звания этой птицы, имхо. Mordor96, 12 years ago, #
Как по мне это лебедь в ГА. Назар, 12 years ago, #
Посадка Ту-154 это как выход модели на подиум. Необыкновенной красоты и грации самолёт! Из военных: миг-21 и 3МД держат пальму первенства, если кто понимает... Faktor, 12 years ago, #
Excellent song and video. We never simmery nedadim Tupolev stand on the ground .... The most beautiful airplane in the world! stinger1968, 15 years ago, #
Agree. Captain_Denis, 15 years ago, #
Unfortunately (or fortunately) simmery not decide how to fly Sun, and how to go to cut. Stanley [RA-STN], 15 years ago, #
How to sime we are free to decide what to drink, and what does not, heh heh Wlad90, 14 years ago, #
С этого самолета у меня началась любовь к авиации. Jet001, 12 years ago, #
exploit BU-shnye inomarki our airlines more profitable. Yes, and technically they are better than the old Tupolev. must not cry because Tupolev written off, but because we do not have aircraft to replace him. aiRoNe, 15 years ago, #
And I think that would improve it, change the avionics, flight configuration, the type LinkBacks TaPo4eG, 15 years ago, #
our aircraft is darkness, only to buy them now no one wants-expensive, cheaper than flying trash from abroad pritarabanit and find fault with everything at once cease, as the aircraft overseas, let it at least 50-ies! Denkmar, 15 years ago, #
in fact every now and then, at that time, both in Europe and the U.S. have modernized a bit outdated (at the time) to the level of use Glass Cockpit, our aviation industry has slid into such a shitting shit that still can not get out. possible that something would have happened with the Tu-154, but the time has gone, and now he has no one rested - written off and forgotten. hung only photos in a frame on the wall but memories left with you about what we are all the same aircraft in the Soviet Union did with a vengeance and all proj * Ali. aiRoNe, 15 years ago, #
Denkmar, what you imeshsh in mind? aiRoNe, 15 years ago, #
to replace the Tu-154 Tupolev Tu-334 was planned! which unfortunately still does not fly, even though everything is ready for mass production! Denkmar, 15 years ago, #
You really sure that everything is ready? Can anything bring real life, I have nothing against talking, simply explained, water is, to me personally, not interesting. >LeadeR<, 15 years ago, #
And I love this machine in the sky since childhood igorus, 15 years ago, #
Guys, thanks for RєRѕRјRµRЅS‚S‹ for evaluation ... there is still an idea as to time, I will rivet video ... so wait, I hope will be equally successful. tri_ton, 15 years ago, #
Tears welling tupol154b2, 15 years ago, #
I would like to shut up .... Thank you! von_Stierlitz, 13 years ago, #
Retrieve your lost lest you be still your fifty dollars to fly long and tedious. the fact that Aeroflot has written off is not an indication Jeno, 14 years ago, #
Machine as man. Sar-Avia, 14 years ago, #
I absolutely soglasen.Ya I can only imagine what the crew said goodbye to am feeling left out, which flew many chasov.Odna hope - can be sold to a third country and he still Poletayev? RVS, 14 years ago, #
machine, which is love and escorted the man. Sar-Avia, 14 years ago, #
I fell in love with this car, after the first glance. Sar-Avia, 14 years ago, #
sad. flew the Tu-154 from 1 year to 18 years, TC had lived in the North and only this machine had swept to the south! LesNick-911, 15 years ago, #
agree with you, this machine carries me to the south for 13 years from Sibiri.Ya just love this airplane! kasser17, 15 years ago, #
The machine, which is love and escort them as a person! Sar-Avia, 14 years ago, #
A deep bow to you each 154-th, you gave the sky all the Soviet pilots, you're transported millions of people on your board of babies, on your board have played a wedding. AN Tupolev would be very glad that his plane had lived so long in the sky. It is a pity that nothing good is no longer created, it is equally popular and reliable. The main thing now, it's our fucking habit not to cut all the planes, with so many newly independent boards can be a lot of pilots to learn, God forbid, that the 154 was flying a desk. I want so much more to see this beautiful car in the sky. Тахиор2, 15 years ago, #
It is a pity that cut. Least to preserve left as Pindos ... LainerRRW, 15 years ago, #
Where and why? Explain .... >LeadeR<, 15 years ago, #
Let the schools to teach its young pilots, is it so difficult to add a Tupolev devices? Suppose that trains young people in our country's shortage of pilots, let learn. In fact, nostalgia, like an old friend accompany, I do not hard-hearted, very upset that the replacement of the national No, if it were not so, it would be a shame. Тахиор2, 15 years ago, #
I agree with you, but as you can see, all these bukovki no further than the place on the server can not find .... But this theme may have lasted until the Russian people and Russian word ... Yes, sorry for the plane, well sho w porobysh)), so the men of your support aviation industry ... >LeadeR<, 15 years ago, #
You any idea how much it might cost? ... Previously, a 30-hour program on the Yak-40 school was spending about 2 million rubles from the small to the trainee, then the amount increased. And this with an average consumption of 1-1,1 m / h. Fifty kopecks spends 3-4 times more fuel. I do not dispute that the plane was great (it was - the keyword). The very great pleasure to fly it in the Sim. But everything changes, his era is long gone. I would himself was not averse to flying on it in college, but believe me, this plane was not for the students. Fly on a Yak-18, AN-2, Yak-40, I can confidently assert this. Therefore I can only advise to get used to the idea that the 154-th leaves. Unfortunately, in the form in which the aircraft is there, he has no prospects. Mistel, 15 years ago, #
bird, sorry .... KirillS, 15 years ago, #
Красавец, умница! Верный и надежный крылатый друг! Служил в Авиации ВМФ 32 года, к ГВФ отношения не имел, но буквально всем авиаторам этот самолет очень нравился.
Большое спасибо автору видео! Будем надеяться, что хотя бы несколько самолетов сохранят "на крыле" и Ту-154 останется не только в памяти ветеранов. К сожалению, как-то легко у нас уничтожают "устаревшую" технику. Янки сохранили боевые самолеты времен второй мировой войны, французы сохранили "на крыле" подаренные летчикам "Нормандии" истребители... А у нас, наверное, и МИГ-15 в рабочем состоянии ни одного не осталось? ( надеюсь - это не так ). Обидно!
simka2010, 5 years ago, #
Красивый ролик. Спасибо! AM154, 8 years ago, #
а почему бы его не модернизировать авиапрому ??? Америка боинги модернизирует-100-900,можно и наш туполев также, было ьы вообще класс, например Ту-154-3Т Bufallo81, 10 years ago, #
Это колосаальные затраты. И не окупиться туполь, при всей моей любви к нему. Железо тяжелое, материалы старые, боинг или аэробус при той же загрузке , гораздо экономически эффективней обходится. Да и поздно уже всё это. Туполей единицы сейчас в российском небе летает. Илья_Омск, 10 years ago, #
Поздно, не поздно, но сколько в суперджет вдули, так можно было весь парк модернизировать! isc, 10 years ago, #
Есть модернизация М2. не дали AceMan, 8 years ago, #
Просто спасибо большое! Pah, 11 years ago, #
красивейший самолет. красивая глава советской истории. navigator19, 12 years ago, #
Отличный ролик. Полтинники ещё летают, и UTair и Якутия пользуются до сих пор! CHUSIK, 12 years ago, #
полетал на нем, правда пассажиром, плохого нечего сказать... даже на стоянке смотрится... изящный, стремительный! не то что эти айрбасы и боинги похожие на сардельки... 130467, 12 years ago, #
Как мне сказал один человек когда я сделал клип про Дальавиа, скажите спасибо Диме и Вове, парк в ж...пе, нового ни чего, эксплуатируем старье со свалки (Американской), считаю что Туполя со счетов не надо было сбрасывать. модернизировать и летать., грустно что у нас в стране все так. Mexmax, 12 years ago, #
Да этот Дима и Вова еще и вазовские "копейки" и московские"москвичи"перестали выпускать, мы вынуждены теперь ездить на подержанных "мерседесах" и бмв". Наши автомобили нужно было только модернизировать - поставить штатно желтые брызговики, систему ГЛОНАСС и еще тридцать лет можно выпускать самые красивые машинвы - "Жигули"! IDDQD, 12 years ago, #
Вот только не надо Полтийник с копейками и москвичами сравнивать, почему пиндосам можно свои самолёты модернизировать, а нам нет? AceMan, 8 years ago, #
Sad. Long it does not fly. A little heart aches for him. Do not think that I tushkodrot, but it's still a part of those who flew on it. I think that the atmosphere in the cabin, "fifty-kopeck piece" can not be compared with any any foreign aircraft. Thanks for the video. Leonidos, 13 years ago, #
Since childhood, I have allocated to themselves, most beautiful, if you like, graceful appearance is the TU-154 ... Unfortunately, life is so arranged all ages, dies ... AndreyKGonchar, 13 years ago, #
Somehow, one Tu-134 pictures flashed by.:) @ntuan, 13 years ago, #
Sincerely, thank you! But the shots when it broke ... I almost broke the monitor ... toxin_pilot, 14 years ago, #
Soul hurts, but my heart is crying ... Flying at Tupolev s8do11let nevylazil, my father was then the commander of LO90 OOAO in the state of 15 carcasses were. "AURORA" more "54 th" zvali.Uzhe mastered more than one type, and Aurora had "all been reduced. fspailot, 14 years ago, #
mental videos) I poltose never flew, and I want to .. mr_Voronin, 14 years ago, #
I have a similar situation ... PaVeL997, 13 years ago, #
Beautifully Che said ... leaving a whole era! Most beautiful aircraft with the most beautiful sounds. Когалым, 14 years ago, #
Agree! but with Shem he vryatli will leave soon, no less beautiful aircraft assembled Fri command, huge thanks to them!, alex19620, 14 years ago, #
At the sime it is not old and not eating a lot of fuel. As for PT, then there will always be people for whom the more complex model, the higher the interest Sim. A complex and interesting PT-Tu154 so far nothing. Gennn, 14 years ago, #
It turns out the one who knows this model may be considered in the present truth Simmer) Ravnmm, 14 years ago, #
What do you mean? and on a 300 from simcheka you fly? and on stratokruyzere? and at 744 pmdg, or at least his own 737ng, and 737kl forks? and at 134 CU? Why you all in excess of 154 yavlyaetsya miracle that has made such a brilliant team Fri. that all her prayers? pro100gamer, 14 years ago, #
But who is praying ... this is again a matter of taste, not who does not make the TU-154 does not like to learn to fly on what you want, but the title Seamer is the one who likes Sim to run it and you Seamer!. alex19620, 14 years ago, #
pro100gamer why you bred? I have not said a word about the fact that all he was considered a miracle in excess) on the SCA 134 is constantly flying at 737 Wilco, too fly, to fly a 320, too, but I did not like 300, at 744 have not yet tried it, but wanted to. ) I and many other models like it. Just Fri actually make the head better than anything else. Ravnmm, 14 years ago, #
so I ask that it be done better, I'm just can not understand this:) pro100gamer, 14 years ago, #
Yes, everything is better done, we simply defend the aircraft, but not zastovlyaem love him! Когалым, 14 years ago, #
Good plane! And feel the present model airplane. The first time I experienced this when put eMku) Though now I'm flying on a watermelon. From Tupolev 3 years not slazil)) Antoha154b1, 14 years ago, #
again from whom you are defending Fri?))) from the plug or pmdg?))) is not well again all, I'm just curious really on Fri made everything all the systems, or even something such mansions? personally I have to fly it, nothing super duper real, surpassing other models for the sim did not see, here and wonder if I should not take this as an attack on Friday) pro100gamer, 14 years ago, #
To see a real need duper as miimum have a real sort of representation. Team Fri gave not only a model, but also of the real. You have this moment completely passed in their practice. And sitting in the PMDG, you just sit in the PMDG. FireFly, 14 years ago, #
Vs. Felix, right? You mistakenly think that if I say so on Fri which means that I and the Aeroplane Flight Manual in the eye had ever seen, nonsense! this is the Aeroplane Flight Manual, printed, laid on my desk for three folders lay something over a year until I flew in 154, and if you think that the flight was to Fri for me a certain sequence pereschelkivany switches and anything else you are sadly misguided, I do not I say what I know about the model more than you or anybody else, no, but saying that I stupidly as arkadnik on it flew too do not advise it, and after this year, I sat down to the 737 and 747, I'm sorry but this is heaven and earth, by the way what it means sitting in pmdg you sit in the pmdg, if so then sitting on Fri you sit in the VP and nothing more. "pancake that's for people who just asked what's so special about you and alarmed ... pro100gamer, 14 years ago, #
You a simple question - what fineness from 747 from PMDG? FireFly, 14 years ago, #
17 If memory does not change, you're happy or you are going to continue the examination? How, then, when you decide to force me to repeat the visual approach, the benefit I went on vacation) pro100gamer, 14 years ago, #
I think it's time to end debate on this subject is so versatile, you can give the various arguments and arguments to infinity. If the person likes pmdg, then let fly if the person likes DC, let fly at him, just Carcass implemented at a fairly high level and quality developed, and how the team said Felix Fri gave an excellent presentation of the real model as the way the patent says the team DC, which was approved by the Training Centre Tupolev. Ravnmm, 14 years ago, #
You can shut up? What do you like .. Vladimir_76, 14 years ago, #
Babskii srach. Andrey_Ustimenko, 13 years ago, #
Aj cry Hotz .... And what a song? "Who sings? Nesa007, 14 years ago, #
Vadim Zakharov-He stands apart ... Skyfly, 14 years ago, #
Thank you:) Nesa007, 14 years ago, #
Guys really tears! Vladimir_76, 14 years ago, #
Just for the soul took ... SkySniper, 14 years ago, #
Thanks to the author for the video .... pierced ХаВеР, 14 years ago, #
The sad truth! Song for the soul has Vladimir_76, 14 years ago, #
... Wlad90, 14 years ago, #
Sincerely, thank you. Wlad90, 14 years ago, #
Pity the plane: (By the way could be to convert all the Tu-154M Tu-154M-100. UHWW, 14 years ago, #
And the meaning? SCC does not withdraw them because they are bad, and Moscow so decided. URaGaNO, 14 years ago, #
And because of the fact that they do not satisfy the system of equations distance-fuels. UHWWAviator, 14 years ago, #
Aj for the soul takes! Let's hope for the best ..... :) mercedesss, 14 years ago, #
Only 5 ... Басорумба, 14 years ago, #
Bravo maestro! DrYvrik, 14 years ago, #
= ( Andreas-URMT, 14 years ago, #
Thank you Excellent movie! Excellent song. All I look again and again) Teufel, 14 years ago, #
. dinsoft, 14 years ago, #
And in our world faster than half a ruble is still not a single car does not fly! Well, not counting the NW ... Alvol, 14 years ago, #
Shoot as much to tears ... pro100gamer, 14 years ago, #
Ah .... sadly. vanyOk, 14 years ago, #
MDA ... the soul to do .. Thank you very much for this video was a pleasure to look at the favorite airplane .. warms, 14 years ago, #
Poletayev yet, though many large AC it is not. serg09, 14 years ago, #
In general, the Tu-154 - a cool car, especially the sound of engines! serg09, 14 years ago, #
In my opinion, is the most beautiful airliner of all. rust197703, 14 years ago, #
I flew on it only passazhirom.Blagodarya Fri knew it poluchshe.K Unfortunately, someday all goes with the advent novogo.Uhodit in history, as poltinnik.On that their task was accomplished with a vengeance ... But then ... What we have, more precisely, what can poyavlyatsya.Vot that grustno.Poltinnik has become vechnym.V video, photos, numerous articles and statyah.A about appearance - in my opinion, our planes were more animate something li.Chto 62, that 154, that other models samoletov.I called them laskovo.A watermelons and Bobik - they, as an embedded element must prizhivatsya.A in terms of piloting - have no right sudit.Ya earth. RVS, 14 years ago, #
Forgot to put rating! Only 5 RVS, 14 years ago, #
Touching! Done! zinia, 14 years ago, #
liked the song DUST, 14 years ago, #
plane home for the first time it flew in 3 months, when summer learned that fly in the carcass, rather than the car, the joy as a baby b00blik_bratsk, 15 years ago, #
Thank you moderators, for having eliminated the swirling shit:) LainerRRW, 15 years ago, #
People, you let us sort things out behind the doors, there lichku. Well already. For many agree, but let's go in private and derites. omega, 15 years ago, #
No more warnings, winning a lot left omega, 15 years ago, #