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In adults - their quirks: see for yourself)))
→ Filename:
→ Date: 13 years ago (05.10.2011 14:53)
→ Uploaded by: NetHunter (uploaded 175 files )
→ Approved by moderator: NetHunter
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
Each of such))) Kuper, 13 years ago, #
Needless to say, but a lot of emotions =). Only here ... I remember as a child (and still is, to confess) was fond of aircraft modeling. More precisely airplanes by "Star". And I always terribly sad it was - sitting, kleish it ... all these Circuits, neat, pintsetikom, then brush them thin paint. And to finish it on the shelf and will place you go ... sigh have only to look at. They, intereysno like chuystv not arise? Although there may still fail and rail ... =) DirtyBirdy, 13 years ago, #
Amazing)) artur737-300, 13 years ago, #
MFS-11 StarichOk, 13 years ago, #
Class! Proceedings then what it was worth it!, Pleasant to look at this "miracle". GOHhar, 13 years ago, #
Here is a toy !:))) Kuriloff, 13 years ago, #
This would be an airport, yes home =) Mordor96, 13 years ago, #
and home help? Renat_mi2, 13 years ago, #
Furniture bear, walls knocked down =) Mordor96, 13 years ago, #
Oh, I would house ... UKHD, 13 years ago, #
Красиво, и точно! Разработано всё до деталей. Bartolomeu79, 7 years ago, #
Superski anri291178, 13 years ago, #
SUPER !!!!!!!!! Zamuta, 13 years ago, #
Wow! I wonder how I would react if he saw this year at 10:) Chack, 13 years ago, #
I would have probably killed himself (with a pistol pistons) NetHunter, 13 years ago, #
I did so a hundred times!))) Zorgair, 13 years ago, #
:))))))))) Kuriloff, 13 years ago, #
Super! Great stuff, pity is expensive ... UHWW, 13 years ago, #
Stunned ..... Firmax, 13 years ago, #
Awesome!! штурмовик, 13 years ago, #
Beautiful:) madara-exgta, 13 years ago, #
Beautiful course, but for this you can loot the Moscow region to build up aerodromchikami for ALS, and use more Vladimir_76, 13 years ago, #
I understand if this idea was suggested to the officials in funding such a "toy" in the vast Mil! And so ... the Germans as they have all the good you can suffer and garbage))) NetHunter, 13 years ago, #
And they need, these officials airfields for your ultralight?? They need those airports, where cities and their banks ... and lies in the banks stole loot ... setbacks, but real estate, home to wife, children and mistresses ... And you're talking about airports ... You may inadvertently say now .. for the country and the domestic aviation. Yeah, of course! grey727, 13 years ago, #
I agree almost all the senior officials thieves, rogues and moral freaks! That would build them into line and shoot through the one thing you look - the rest will work better))) NetHunter, 13 years ago, #
Want to see law-abiding officials? Go to the cemetery Vladimir_76, 13 years ago, #
about 6 milionchikov greens spent!-http: / /​Fnvnw&;feature=relmfu Zorgair, 13 years ago, #
Where else has already seen the video of this city. Only from other angles. By the way the Russian side there are there. More precisely one - Tu-154 Aeroflot if not mistaken ... In the video, he slipped a couple of times ... prorok19, 13 years ago, #
So there was bayanchik somewhere!-Http: / /​Fnvnw&;feature=relmfu Zorgair, 13 years ago, #
The link the airport shown under construction, as laid out in this movie - he is, but in a fully completed form NetHunter, 13 years ago, #
They also make Ruslanchik:​R=1&;v=dM7oXKmYiGU Ру19300, 13 years ago, #
To 4.15-4.17 see Tu-154 AFL 8) Vaniks, 13 years ago, #
Beat with an answer for a moment)))) prorok19, 13 years ago, #
Fucking, already staring! I was in my youth (not so great) gorodok.Aktsent was on the railroad. wegass, 13 years ago, #​=JTup8G82vt8&;feature=related hold)) Zamuta, 13 years ago, #
Krasatischschaaa Promedia, 13 years ago, #
As always with respect to modeling, ahead of Germany vsey.Interesno, Russian collars there prinimayut.Horosho we would have something like this to stir up, or even be re-store layout in ENEA, and the Museum of Transport was excellent. roman-aero, 13 years ago, #
Excellent. I understood how airplanes fly, but how they rule on it, and so pq Special magnet pulls? Grixa_95, 13 years ago, #
Ah well! Unusual. colorful and dynamic! Thank you for your trouble! Curl64, 13 years ago, #
Stunned! Aa! DEN11, 13 years ago, #
And like the video download? Андрэ, 13 years ago, #​​rt;youtube;;&v=Qz4NcTnQedo&feature=player_embedded Gennn, 13 years ago, #
there are 4 ways described Gennn, 13 years ago, #
Yes, it is not enough money for it is gone! TTJIAHTATOP, 13 years ago, #
And time too! TTJIAHTATOP, 13 years ago, #
I remember the 80th Exhibition of Economic Achievements. Pavilion "Transport "..... Every day at 12:00 there is a miniature city came to life ..... Alvol, 13 years ago, #
Yeah, also remember such a thing. Me, kid, parents of this mini-city by the ears barely dragged. :) Ру19300, 13 years ago, #
. Crow, 13 years ago, #
Class! That would Domodedovo this!) BORIS_PILOT, 13 years ago, #
! strannik200762, 13 years ago, #
just super!! lexx1985, 13 years ago, #
it's five! )) dinsoft, 13 years ago, #
The authors of this project! A working really invested a lot. HardFighter, 13 years ago, #
The dream of my childhood:) Norbo, 13 years ago, #
Beautiful! How much labor invested! Kazachek, 13 years ago, #
chic Dreamliner320, 13 years ago, #
I suspect that for the money that the authors have put into this project, you can buy will Tsesna and fly yavu.A not sit and watch the planes fly into the small toy-an) Wirage, 13 years ago, #
I think that at least Cessna - he already has daaavno .. Jeno, 13 years ago, #