Marshallery different countries. I do not know accordion or not, but I GіG«G»GЎG­GіG«G® therefore decided to lay out.
→ Size: 11 MB
→ Date: 14 years ago (27.02.2010 02:58)
→ Author: неизвестен
→ Uploaded by: Fireworker (uploaded 11 files )
→ Approved by moderator: Lenya69
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 5368 time(s)
Blin smile from the heart ... guys love their work that's for sure) warms, 14 years ago, #
Pilots fly in the classroom mood :))))) OLTIM, 14 years ago, #
Well, when people find pleasure in work. nso64, 14 years ago, #
Developers AES on a note ))))) This would krasavu us Pulkovo)) KirillS, 14 years ago, #
Well done, turned the routine work on a holiday, the pilots are to fly with his impressions, and it's great! @ntuan, 14 years ago, #
Going to fly it with a good mood even better. Tu134, 14 years ago, #
)) 2.06 - клубный свисток))) SALTYPILOT, 11 years ago, #
Interesting. elektron66, 14 years ago, #
old but a very positive movie .... BigDen, 14 years ago, #
Nishtyak! Jackson especially me broke))) Grozach, 14 years ago, #
Subtle English humor))) haha) laughed heartily)) but why at the end sits down on one knee? Grixa_95, 14 years ago, #
Someone said that for stability) That would not be blown away. Эрих Хартман, 14 years ago, #
Positively Anton789, 14 years ago, #
Atlichna atlichna, for example. An army without a sense of humor in general has nothing to do, like boots with the experience you say) Disappear, 14 years ago, #
To lift the mood! " gloryan, 14 years ago, #
Parnyaga zhoooot! )))))))))) maximus7373, 14 years ago, #
in civilian life is not so fun (especially where the thread in a ball) destin, 14 years ago, #
Strong selection, sorry for our there. It would be interesting. blooder, 14 years ago, #
Great, sorry had not noticed before this video. Allex.perm, 14 years ago, #
Smile mc_, 14 years ago, #
funny laugh NoviK844, 14 years ago, #
Minimum 5! I looked this video will now under the table! denirk, 14 years ago, #
... Amfitaminovye guys ...,))) Alvol, 14 years ago, #
Sightseeing птаха_07, 14 years ago, #
Cool! SAKHGURU, 14 years ago, #
yyyy Vels, 14 years ago, #
Positive ))))) handsome! dinsoft, 14 years ago, #
Returns the total ball to its original place! ))) dinsoft, 14 years ago, #
About! Thank you!) Where troechka it got to? Fireworker, 14 years ago, #
By the way yes ... machinations of moderators? unfair! ))) RAID74, 14 years ago, #
OPS., it is not I ...))))) dinsoft, 14 years ago, #
Yes, their handiwork))) Under the rules of the exhibition all the assessments done correctly. Fireworker, 14 years ago, #
Here you have a new style of dance! Marshelotonik! =) ridetoglory, 14 years ago, #
Class. And then he sits down at the end back to the plane? Gek154, 14 years ago, #
His back was warm, or below:)) dr_anthony, 14 years ago, #
that the jet was not blown away. Safety Эрник, 14 years ago, #
Huck, but before you ask, all comments to the file to read poorly? :))) RAID74, 14 years ago, #
Now, if both accompanied passenger planes with tourists:) AFL336, 14 years ago, #
I once were dancing on the release ... but more from the cold) Эрник, 14 years ago, #
positive marshaller! they enjoy their work (service)! GRAFF, 14 years ago, #
Heh, if only we have it!) Although in fact and in Durko can send ... KIVLAR, 14 years ago, #
FTC, mb someone knows the name of the song that plays in the beginning? KIVLAR, 14 years ago, #
James Blunt - Goodbye My Lover Ant0n1o, 14 years ago, #
Thank you, and then girlfriend on the phone to hear, now terrorizing. KIVLAR, 14 years ago, #
Chudnenko! Kort, 14 years ago, #
Nashi to add:)) Zabavnenko RVS, 14 years ago, #
Pacan-super, I'll take myself to the note, the pilots lift the mood ... AVIAVOVA-sochi, 14 years ago, #
British zhget DW thanks for the video, kachaems pro100gamer, 14 years ago, #
very cool. Tu134, 14 years ago, #
must be the same as in the service of fun) thanks, smiled) Санька-заЛЕТЧИК, 14 years ago, #
The Englishman, who, with "hands" boy, now the whole day will be remembered =) Stakan, 14 years ago, #
Smiled at))) Sasovopilot, 14 years ago, #
G“G«G»GЎG­GіG«G®! Verum, 14 years ago, #
already seen but had very lkassno thanks! Artjom23, 14 years ago, #
Посмотрел еще раз с удовольствием! По слову marshaller там же, на ютюбе vj'yj найти еще одно аналогичное длинное видео но уже с американцем в главной роли, где он на спор, с голым торсом маршаллит на показательных выступлениях )) да и не только его можно найти по поиску ;) RAID74, 14 years ago, #​=-Tzd-Qa3CFI full version if you like)) what I described above is in this movie) RAID74, 14 years ago, #
Heh .. what if I just let a passenger .. probably will not understand) Колесник, 14 years ago, #
:)))) SLAVJAN, 14 years ago, #
only chur shoot and lay out !!!!!!!!! ))))))))))))))))) RAID74, 14 years ago, #
That's why I think that we are all in the cap and boots systems go:) We all strongly classification regime such as smiles and small. Lenya69, 14 years ago, #
Shoot it with pleasure ... very interesting ... but time is no, yes and again does not understand) Колесник, 14 years ago, #
Yes, this is our mentality - we are always afraid that we will not understand, unfortunately) Well, maybe one day you still decide that such a thing to shoot - will be happy) and it is - especially for you, cheer up: http://www. / watch? v = YYVksZxnwi8 RAID74, 14 years ago, #
And what is special, exit at the starting line. At avianose and not so koryachyatsya, but taking off (landing) provide. MAPC, 14 years ago, #
class! but what they become on the knee? SLAVJAN, 14 years ago, #
perhaps that is not blown away by the wave))), although to be honest, I do not know. also pondered over this question) Fireworker, 14 years ago, #
but what think you? seen the same - the plane turned, ducked marshaller)) Fireworker - you guessed) RAID74, 14 years ago, #
Cool) raised the mood) super NikTroinik, 14 years ago, #
after such release the mood for the entire flight super!) Fireworker, 14 years ago, #
Had me a Marshaller released, I would be pleased. The mood lifts before the flight, accompanies dance "He's probably the most beloved Marshaller for pilots of the air group. Lenya69, 14 years ago, #
The Englishman is the same, but RїSЂRyoRєRѕR»RyoSЃS‚ but excellent. But our pity there is no "present severe" Lenya69, 14 years ago, #
yes! he is pleased! especially under Jackson))) Fireworker, 14 years ago, #
Oh sorry, I saw on yutyube six months or a year ago) but the video is funny) RAID74, 14 years ago, #
0:56 in Denmark the other flag. Leonidos, 14 years ago, #
Of course the other. But Dutch is the Netherlands. FireFly, 14 years ago, #
Felix and the Netherlands - is the Netherlands. Leonidosu and the like have something like this to explain. Leonidos, while Belgium is also another flag. You will be amazed, but also in France, he is different. Gladkov, 14 years ago, #
in Denmark, another flag, but I could not change it in this video. Your foursome is not clear? I spoke with the Government of Denmark, but they said that under this video and specially for us will not change the coloring of its flag. Even now, don `t know what to do ... Fireworker, 14 years ago, #
Fireworker, I understand that you kidding, but somehow in the wrong direction ... Then again just for you: Dutch = Dutch. Danish = Danish. In the film, at 56 seconds of specified Dutch - Dutch. What else could be the market? Gladkov, 14 years ago, #
quality is not very ... Борт174, 14 years ago, #
Should not have otsenochku spoil. I photographed I'm not) Fireworker, 14 years ago, #
no, he just had to express themselves, to stand out among all the fives:) nothing happens .. forgive him this little weakness:))) RAID74, 14 years ago, #