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Second landing:) I compared with this and do appreciate the new. For musical accompaniment, I am not sure but also ask you to estimate its rate.
→ Size: 50 MB
→ Date: 14 years ago (28.02.2010 10:51)
→ Author: Миронов Владислав АКА VlaDOS
→ Uploaded by: VlaDOS (uploaded 3 files )
→ Approved by moderator: omega
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 10031 time(s)
super Zikki, 14 years ago, #
Otlichno.Model not simple and so well put this skill becass, 14 years ago, #
For IL-a good fit NikTroinik, 14 years ago, #
Front foot heavily zaderzhkal and sat on the flight, and with a decent. Planting so-itself, but not too rough. Clamps Shift and Click + or - and you will have a smooth approximation of estrangement. @ntuan, 14 years ago, #
Front foot has been detained in order to quickly slow down:) And I did it because it flew sensitive:) Thank you will try! VlaDOS, 14 years ago, #
We can say simply - "dynamic" braking, although it is not often used, but due to the large KFL fore and main bearings, mechanization provides a shorter landing run, but requires great skill of the pilot (there is a chance of losing just enough traction vector, not bow down stands, is so-called "throw", and ultimately quite badly damaged NCHF plane until fracture supports). Ravnmm, 14 years ago, #
FS2004..все такое игрушечное..а ведь с этого начинали... Илья_777, 6 years ago, #
супер! Как песня называется? Хорошая. А за посадку твердая 5! Andr1012, 12 years ago, #
Ну для второй посадки даже и не плохо ! молодца Mercury55, 12 years ago, #
Вам на археологическом факультете оценки тоже с задержкой в 2 года ставят? КурсМП, 12 years ago, #
За посадку твердая 5! Видео хотелось бы получше...... 23denis81273, 12 years ago, #
Мне конечно всё равно, но это раздел "Разбор полётов", а не "Симуляторы". StepiK, 12 years ago, #
We pull it. And the touch of late. Spirit, 13 years ago, #
No wonder devices worked pilot_an12, 13 years ago, #
It seemed to me? or he really was flying below the glide slope? Angelpro, 13 years ago, #
little ... permissible SNICKERS, 13 years ago, #
Nice! LLIturman, 13 years ago, #
as the song nazyvaetsa? OrangeSoda, 14 years ago, #
See previous comments. Pachtet, 14 years ago, #
Muzychka some tense, the catastrophe sets, and so like normal. Disappear, 14 years ago, #
Yes, and the trimer more work. Tiscali column here and there. Disappear, 14 years ago, #
beautifully priter) in terms to say) mr_Voronin, 14 years ago, #
! Ил-76, 14 years ago, #
Ah Done! Beauty. Ravnmm, 14 years ago, #
Good landing! NoviK844, 14 years ago, #
flight was, but the floor is not terrible) pilot-bess, 14 years ago, #
Planting super, but that for the song but some? and even then it does not see tyunatik ( pro100gamer, 14 years ago, #
Pet Shop Boys - Numb VlaDOS, 14 years ago, #
. Sky-Max, 14 years ago, #
Very nice! minipilot, 14 years ago, #
. sk1dman, 14 years ago, #
Perhaps the vertical speed is too large, and, in general, everything is normal. CTP_78, 14 years ago, #
-- KIVLAR, 14 years ago, #
5 forgot to put, but 5 -... KIVLAR, 14 years ago, #
Thank you! VlaDOS, 14 years ago, #
HaN, 14 years ago, #
Thank you! :) VlaDOS, 14 years ago, #
I liked it. xumka, 14 years ago, #
would be better if you put it in the section simulators. very nicely done and the kinds of fun, too picked up. Sar-Avia, 14 years ago, #
Thank you! :) VlaDOS, 14 years ago, #
but not for that. I looked with pleasure and even my mood rose. Sar-Avia, 14 years ago, #
by the way. where to get the IL-86 with VC? Sar-Avia, 14 years ago, #
apologize gentlemen. forgot to write than to ask to compare.​oletov-ocenite-moy-polet-103/p​​ml PS Download! The quality is much better than online viewing! :) VlaDOS, 14 years ago, #
Especially in touch! How to IL-86 fly (in Simms, of course), always make the box during landing. Small, barely noticeable, but terribly offensive ... sergey5993, 14 years ago, #
For the art of AFL336, 14 years ago, #
. Борт174, 14 years ago, #
And explain why 4? VlaDOS, 14 years ago, #