The EADS CASA C-295 is a twin-turboprop tactical military transport aircraft manufactured by Airbus Military in Spain. The C-295 is a further development of the successful CASA CN-235 with a stretched fuselage, 50% more payload capability and new PW127G turboprop engines. The C-295 is in service with the Armed Forces of more than 10 countries. More than 80 C-295s have been ordered. As a tactical transport aircraft, the C-295 offers high manoeuvrability and excellent qualities for low-altitude flying. In addition, it has been widely tested in all kinds of aerial deployments: launching SAR rafts, emergency equipment, and parachutists. Full package for FSX/SP2 including custom sounds, custom panel with HUD and VC
→ Size:
44 MB
→ Date:
12 years ago (17.03.2012 06:12)
→ Author:
Jean-Pierre Brisard and Bob May - Premier Aircraft Design
→ Approved by moderator:
→ License:
Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded:
4816 time(s)